[Key:wars] written,because it was in use in English schools until the early years b.Thucydides(about460一404B.C.)(u'sddz/修昔底德)(pp20-22) of the 20th century. 1.Thucydides told about the war between and and CKey:geometry(几何)] between Athens and Syracuse(/'sarrokjuz/锡拉库萨),a Greek state c.Archimedes(287-212B.C.)(/ak'mi:diz/阿基米德)(p.31) on the island of Sicily(西西里岛). 1.To illustrate the principle of the,Archimedes is said to have [Key:Athens /Sparta] told the king:"Give me a place to stand,and I will move the world." 7.Philosophy and Science (pp.22-32) [Key:lever] Scientists Philosophers a.Pythagoras(about500B.C.一?)(/par'Begpras/毕达哥拉斯)(p.22) a.Socrates(about470-399B.C.)(/sokratiz/苏格拉底)(p.23) 1.Pythagoras was the founder of 1.We know Socrates chiefly through what Plato recorded of him in his [Key:scientific mathematics] famous 2.To Pythagoras and his school we owe the abstract conceptions [Key:Dialogues(《对话录》)] underlying mathematics-point,line,magnitude,surface,body-and 2.The method of argument Socrates used in exposing fallacies has come the first theory of to be known as the method. [Key:proportion] [Key:dialectical] b.Heracleitus(about540-480B.C.)(/here'klartas/赫拉克利特) 3.In 399 B.C.,at the age of seventy Socrates was put on trial on a (p.22) charge of "injuring the city"by not acknowledging its and 1.Heracleitus believed corrupting the This trial was recorded by Plato in the to be the primary element of universe, out of which everything else has arisen. dialogue“ [Key:fire] [Key:gods/young/The Apology of Socrates(《苏格拉底的自我辩护 2.Heracleitus held the theory of the mingling of opposites and believed 词》)1 it was the between the opposites that produced b.Plato(about428-348B.C.)(plerta/柏拉图)(pp.26-27) writing but also [Key:strife harmony] 1.Plato's Dialogues are important not only as c.Democritus(about460-370B.C.)(仙'mokritas/德谟克利特) as literature. (p.22) [Key:philosophical /imaginative] 1.Democritus speculated about the 2.Of the Dialogues Plato wrote,27 have survived,including structure of matter.He was one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory. ,and [Key:atomic] [Key:the Apology(《辩解篇)/Symposium(《会饮篇)/the Republic d.Euclid(3 rd Century B.C.)(jw:kld/欧几里得)(p.31) (《理想国篇)门 defence of himself at the trial. l.Euclid is even now wel-known for his Elements(《几何原本》),a 3.Plato's Apology was about [Key:Socrates'] textbook of,perhaps the most successful textbook ever 4.Plato's Symposium dealt with and
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