Step 6 Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart 2. Retell the story of Chang'e Blackboard Design Period 2 Section A (3a-3c) celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival shoot down, plan to do sth refuse to do sth so. that out start the tradition of ◆教学反思 略。 Period 3 Grammar Focus-4c ◆教学目标 【知识与能力目标】 1.学习掌握新词汇: wonder,te, spend, the Water Festival, Lantern Festival,one. the other more and more beautiful, Mothers Day, Fathers Day 2.理解掌握课文重点句子: a. what fun the Water Festival is i b. how delicious the food is c. I wonder if they will have the race again next year d i wonder whether June is a good time to visit hong Kong e. There are many ways to show our love f. We don t have to spend a lot of money g. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead 3.能够使用宾语从句和感叹句进行练习。 【过程与方法目标】10 Step 6 Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Retell the story of Chang’e. Blackboard Design: Period 2 Section A (3a-3c) celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…, call out, lay out, start the tradition of 略。 Period 3 Grammar Focus - 4c 【知识与能力目标】 1. 学习掌握新词汇:wonder, tie, spend, the Water Festival, Lantern Festival, one…the other…, more and more beautiful, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day 2.理解掌握课文重点句子: a. What fun the Water Festival is ! b. How delicious the food is! c. I wonder if they will have the race again next year. d. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. e. There are many ways to show our love. f. We don’t have to spend a lot of money. g. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. 3. 能够使用宾语从句和感叹句进行练习。 【过程与方法目标】 ◆ 教学反思 ◆ 教学目标
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