CAPITVLVM DECIMVM CAPX sanguis-inis [m]blood tuus-a-um your sangui- unus-a-um one a sanguinary conflict a sanguine report verbum-i [n]word sepeliemus they will bury victoria-ae [f]victory sepelio-ire 4:to ruin,destroy,bury viginti twenty sine [+abl.]without vir-i [m]man stimulus-i [m] sting visi erant(they)had been seen,完成时被动态 tacitus-a-um silent,quiet video,videre,vidi,visum timor-is [m]fear,timid voluisset had wanted.pluperf Sub.P160 tristis-is sad Vulgatum-i [n]the Vulgate trucidaverunt(they)murdered完成时; vulgatus est was spread abroad trucido-are I to slaughter vulgo -are,-vi,vulgatus I to spread Commentari 1 Miserabile Corpus miserabilis,.miserabile双尾形容词,corpus nom./acc.n故用miserabile.. 2 timor vulgatus est..Vulgare,.to spread vulgatum>vulgatus sum完成时被动态 3 multos dies:accsative of duration for many days dies-iei 5 m pl.acc=nom.in this phrase,we also see:viginti annos for twenty years;unam horam for one hour 4 Vulgatum-i[可the Vulgate拉丁文圣经(公元四世纪译出,为天主教所承认的唯一文本) 5Hoc autem dicofratres,quoniam caro et sanguis regnum Dei possidere non possunt... 出自1 Corinthians 1550:全句是:hoc autem dico fratres quoniam caro et sanguis regnum Dei possidere non possunt neque corruptio incorruptelam possidebit "However.I say this,brothers.since flesh and blood are not able to occupy the kingdom of God.neither does the corruption inherit incorruption.”兄弟们,我告诉你们:我 们的血肉之躯不能继承上帝的王国:必朽的不能继承那不朽的(-似乎与原文有出入?) corruptio-nis 3f corruption;bribery;incorruptela-ae 1 incorruptibility,imperishability, The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians,usually referred to simply as First Corinthians and often written 1 Corinthians(《哥林多前书》),is the seventh book of the New Testament.The book,originally written in Greek,. was a letter from Paul of Tarsus and Sosthenes to the Christians of Corinth,Greece. This epistle contains some of the best-known phrases in the New Testament,including (depending on the translation)"all things to all men"(9:22),"without love,I am nothing"(13:2),"through a glass,darkly"(13:12), and "when I was a child,I spoke as a child,I felt as a child,I thought as a child"(13:11). 6 trucidaverunt完成时perfect 7 num surely not ?(expecting the answer 'no') 8 visierant过去完成时被动态pluperfect passive 9 Ubi est mors victoria tua?ubi est mors stimulus tuus?1 Corinthians 15 55...Where.death,is your victory? Whee,death,.is your sting?死亡,你的胜利在哪里?死亡,你伤害的力量在哪里? 8 resonantem pl.acc.resono-are resona->resona-ns(participle)>resona-ntis adj.sing.gen.>resona-ntem adj.acc 9 Nunc corpus Theodori sepeliemus corpus 4 nom=acc.sepeliemus future.sepelio sepelire 4:to ruin,destroy, bury 10 laborabitis 1 you will work;perficietis 3 you will finish 11 per genas lacrimas fundens:tears pouring down his cheeks.fundens fundo-ere present participles see Unit 11CAPITVLVM DECIMVM CAP.X 5 sanguis-inis [m] blood sangui￾a sanguinary conflict / a sanguine report sepeliemus they will bury sepelio-ire 4: to ruin, destroy, bury sine [+abl.] without stimulus-i [m] sting tacitus-a-um silent, quiet timor-is [m] fear, timid tristis-is sad trucidaverunt (they) murdered 完成时; trucido –are 1 to slaughter tuus-a-um your unus-a-um one verbum-i [n] word victoria-ae [f] victory viginti twenty vir-i [m] man visi erant (they) had been seen,完成时被动态 video, videre, vidi, visum voluisset had wanted. pluperf. Sub. P160 Vulgatum-i [n] the Vulgate vulgatus est was spread abroad vulgo -are ,-vi, vulgatus 1 : to spread Commentari 1 Miserabile Corpus miserabilis, miserabile 双尾形容词,corpus nom./acc.n 故用 miserabile. 2 timor vulgatus est. Vulgare, to spread vulgatum> vulgatus sum 完成时被动态 3 multos dies : accsative of duration for many days dies-iei 5 m pl.acc=nom. in this phrase, we also see: viginti annos for twenty years; unam horam for one hour 4 Vulgatum-i [n] the Vulgate 拉丁文圣经〔公元四世纪译出,为天主教所承认的唯一文本〕 5 „Hoc autem dico,fratres, quoniam caro et sanguis regnum Dei possidere non possunt.....’ 出自 1 Corinthians 15 50: 全句是: hoc autem dico fratres quoniam caro et sanguis regnum Dei possidere non possunt neque corruptio incorruptelam possidebit “However, I say this, brothers, since flesh and blood are not able to occupy the kingdom of God. neither does the corruption inherit incorruption..” 兄弟们,我告诉你们:我 们的血肉之躯不能继承上帝的王国;必朽的不能继承那不朽的(--似乎与原文有出入?) corruptio-nis 3f corruption; bribery; incorruptela-ae 1 incorruptibility, imperishability; The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, usually referred to simply as First Corinthians and often written 1 Corinthians(《哥林多前书》), is the seventh book of the New Testament. The book, originally written in Greek, was a letter from Paul of Tarsus and Sosthenes to the Christians of Corinth,Greece. This epistle contains some of the best-known phrases in the New Testament, including (depending on the translation) "all things to all men" (9:22), "without love, I am nothing" (13:2), "through a glass, darkly" (13:12), and "when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child" (13:11). 6 trucidaverunt 完成时 perfect 7 num surely not ?(expecting the answer „no‟) 8 visi erant 过去完成时被动态 pluperfect passive 9 Ubi est mors victoria tua? ubi est mors stimulus tuus? 1 Corinthians 15 55 ...Where, death, is your victory? Where, death, is your sting? 死亡,你的胜利在哪里? 死亡,你伤害的力量在哪里? 8 resonantem pl.acc. resono-are resona->resona-ns (participle) >resona-ntis adj.sing.gen.> resona-ntem adj.acc 9 Nunc corpus Theodori sepeliemus corpus 4 nom=acc. sepeliemus future. sepelio sepelire 4: to ruin, destroy, bury 10 laborabitis 1 you will work; perficietis 3 you will finish 11 per genas lacrimas fundens: tears pouring down his cheeks. fundens fundo-ere present participles see Unit 11
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