抗坏血酸钙145.0mg 氨基酸整合锰82m阳 磷酸氢钙110.0mg 氨基酸整合钒0.1mg 氨基酸整合镁167.0mg 氨基酸整合硅3.3mg 氨基酸整合锌40.0mg 氨基酸鳌合硼0.9mg 维生素D3200.01U 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内装淡黄色粉末或细微颗粒。 适应症 本品是钙,微量元素和维生素D3的补充源,适用于预防由于钙和微量元素缺乏所3引起的各种疾病,尤其适用于防治骨质疏松症 儿童佝偻病,缺钙所引使起的神经痛,肌肉抽搐等,也可作为孕期,哺乳期妇女和儿童的和唯生素D3的补充。 用法及用量 口服,温开水送下。成人,每日一粒,或道医剩:6岁以下儿童,每日12粒:6岁以上儿童,按成人剂量,或遵医嘱。幼儿及吞服 不便者,可打开胶囊用适量果汁冲服 注意事项 肾功能不全者,血钙浓度过高者忌用,或遵医剩。 包装规格 1000mg/粒,30粒/瓶 贮存 密闭,置阴凉干燥处保存,避免儿童擅自取用。 使用期限 三年 69.DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable&Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconutoil via high-tech method.It can rapidly dissolve the to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit.especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component,fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9%effective rate.Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste.The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO.EUand US-EPA and comies with FAO specifications.With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables.Leave the fruit or vegetables in the rinsing water for5 minutes.Before eaing.rinse them with clan water Caution Do not drink this product:keep away from children.If swallowed by accident.drink lots of water 参考译文:抗坏血酸钙 145.0 mg 氨基酸螯合锰 8.2 mg 磷酸氢钙 110.0 mg 氨基酸螯合钒 0.1 mg 氨基酸螯合镁 167.0 mg 氨基酸螯合硅 3.3 mg 氨基酸螯合锌 40.0 mg 氨基酸螯合硼 0.9 mg 维生素D3 200.0IU 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内装淡黄色粉末或细微颗粒。 适应症 本品是钙,微量元素和维生素D3 的补充源,适用于预防由于钙和微量元素缺乏所引起的各种疾病,尤其适用于防治骨质疏松症, 儿童佝偻病,缺钙所引起的神经痛,肌肉抽搐等,也可作为孕期,哺乳期妇女和儿童的钙和维生素D3的补充。 用法及用量 口服,温开水送下。成人,每日一粒,或遵医嘱;6岁以下儿童,每日1/2粒;6岁以上儿童,按成人剂量,或遵医嘱。幼儿及吞服 不便者,可打开胶囊用适量果汁冲服。 注意事项 肾功能不全者,血钙浓度过高者忌用,或遵医嘱。 包装规格 1000mg/粒, 30粒/瓶 贮存 密闭,置阴凉干燥处保存,避免儿童擅自取用。 使用期限 三年 69.DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable & Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconut oil via high-tech method. It can rapidly dissolve the soluble oil component in pesticides so as to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit. It contains especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component, fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9% effective rate. Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste. The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO, EU and US-EPA and complies with FAO specifications. With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables. Leave the fruit or vegetables in the rinsing water for 5 minutes. Before eating, rinse them with clean water. Caution Do not drink this product; keep away from children. If swallowed by accident, drink lots of water. 参考译文:
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