Teaching Notes for Translation Practices 翻译实践教案 (四年级下学期用) 第一单元说明书常用词语、句型及译法 科技英语的特点及翻译实践中的处理 任何作品均有其特定的文体:原文的文体不同,翻译方法也随之而异。例如: :The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig.2.The full- of the meter alone may be 15 volts.With the volts may be required to move the pointer to ful-scale.135 volts across the multiplier and 15 volts across the meter. 译文:如图2所示,采用一种称为倍增电阻的串联电阻器即可扩大伏特表的量程。量表单独使用时的满刻度读数可以为15伏。 倘有倍增电阻,指针偏转到满刻度的读数可达150伏;其中倍增电阻两端之间的读数为135伏,表头 内的读数为15伏。 从上述的一段科技文章,不难看出其文体与修辞手段与其他文体迥然不同。科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文 简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。 科技文章文体的特点是:清断、准确、精炼、严密。那么科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻 译时需要探讨的问愿。 词义的选择和引申 词义的选择 英汉两种语言都有一词多义的现象,但总的来说,在现代汉语中,同一个词的司义在不同的上下文中的差别比较小,一词多义的 现象不如英语郑么普遍。 在翻译实践中,译者应当根据不同的学科领域或专业确定词义。 一个名词有多种意义时,往往是分别适用于不同的学科和专业,这是各行各业都尽量利用常用词汇去表达各自的专业概念造成 的.例如computer原义是“计算者”,计算机问世之后就成为计算机“.Eye一般作“眼睛“解,但在不同专业里却有不同的意义,如 inspection eye(检查孔),hoisting eye(吊环observers'eye(观测镜)、television eye(工业电税摄像机)以及气象学上的“风眼ˉ、植物学 上的“花心等等。因此,对多义词要注意辩认词的一般意义和专业意义,以及它们在各种不同学科里的不同译法。例如phas的词义 为物相“,数学中为“位相“,天文学中为周相”,而在动物学中pase的词义是型”,在土学中是“分段”,在军事上的词义则为“战 斗阶段 在翻译实践中,译者还应当从词的联立关系和上下文确定词义 所谓“词的联立关系是指词在行文中的搭配、组合关系。我们知道,英语词对上下文的依赖性比较大,甚至是"No context,n0 x对。一般说来,一个孤立的英语词,其词义是游移不定的,具有该词可能具有的一切词义。但当词处于特定的联立关系中时,它的 词义受到毗邻词的制约就稳定化、明朗化了,因此根据词的联立关系确定词义是词义辨析中非常重要而又最切实可行的手段。例如形 容词ot处于孤立时,词义可能是“热的”,也可能是“热情的”、急躁的”、“遂烈的”、“最新的”、“辣的”、“紧随的”、“节奏强 的°、"强放射性的等等。但当hot放在特定的联立关系中,词义就变得单一明确了,如ho bath热水溶:hot patrio热烈的爱国者:hot temper急躁的脾气:hot dispute激烈争论:hot news.最新消息:hot mustard辣芥末:hot pursuit紧紧追踪:hot music节奏强的音 乐:hot material强放射性物质。 但是,在许多情况下,只靠耻邻联立词来判断一个词的词义是不够的,还必结合上下文推敲词义.科技文章具有较强的科学 性,逻辑性,词与词之间,段与段之间总是互相依存,相互制约的。不能孤立、片面、静止地去理解一个词的词义,拿一个词不达意
Teaching Notes for Translation Practices 翻译实践教案 (四年级下学期用) 第一单元 说明书常用词语、句型及译法 科技英语的特点及翻译实践中的处理 任何作品均有其特定的文体;原文的文体不同,翻译方法也随之而异。例如: 原文:The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig. 2. The fullscale reading of the meter alone may be 15 volts. With the multiplier 250 volts may be required to move the pointer to full-scale, 135 volts across the multiplier and 15 volts across the meter. 译文:如图2所示,采用一种称为倍增电阻的串联电阻器即可扩大伏特表的量程。量表单独使用时的满刻度读数可以为15伏。 倘有倍增电阻,指针偏转到满刻度的读数可达150伏;其中倍增电阻两端之间的读数为135伏,表头 内的读数为15伏。 从上述的一段科技文章,不难看出其文体与修辞手段与其他文体迥然不同。科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文 简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。 科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精炼、严密。那么科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻 译时需要探讨的问题。 词义的选择和引申 词义的选择 英汉两种语言都有一词多义的现象,但总的来说,在现代汉语中,同一个词的词义在不同的上下文中的差别比较小,一词多义的 现象不如英语那么普遍。 在翻译实践中,译者应当根据不同的学科领域或专业确定词义。 一个名词有多种意义时,往往是分别适用于不同的学科和专业,这是各行各业都尽量利用常用词汇去表达各自的专业概念造成 的。例如computer原义是"计算者",计算机问世之后就成为"计算机"。Eye一般作"眼睛"解,但在不同专业里却有不同的意义,如 inspection eye(检查孔),hoisting eye(吊环)observers’ eye(观测镜)、television eye(工业电视摄像机)以及气象学上的"风眼"、植物学 上的"花心"等等。因此,对多义词要注意辩认词的一般意义和专业意义,以及它们在各种不同学科里的不同译法。例如phase的词义 为"物相",数学中为"位相",天文学中为"周相",而在动物学中phase 的词义是"型",在土壤学中是"分段",在军事上的词义则为"战 斗阶段"。 在翻译实践中,译者还应当从词的联立关系和上下文确定词义。 所谓"词的联立关系"是指词在行文中的搭配、组合关系。我们知道,英语词对上下文的依赖性比较大,甚至是"No context, no text"。一般说来,一个孤立的英语词,其词义是游移不定的,具有该词可能具有的一切词义。但当词处于特定的联立关系中时,它的 词义受到毗邻词的制约就稳定化、明朗化了,因此根据词的联立关系确定词义是词义辨析中非常重要而又最切实可行的手段。例如形 容词hot处于孤立时,词义可能是"热的",也可能是"热情的"、"急躁的"、"激烈的"、"最新的"、"辣的"、"紧随的"、"节奏强 的"、"强放射性的"等等。但当hot 放在特定的联立关系中,词义就变得单一明确了。如hot bath热水浴;hot patriot热烈的爱国者;hot temper 急躁的脾气;hot dispute 激烈争论;hot news最新消息;hot mustard辣芥末;hot pursuit 紧紧追踪;hot music 节奏强的音 乐;hot material 强放射性物质。 但是,在许多情况下,只靠毗邻联立词来判断一个词的词义是不够的,还必须结合上下文推敲词义。科技文章具有较强的科学 性,逻辑性,词与词之间,段与段之间总是互相依存,相互制约的。不能孤立、片面、静止地去理解一个词的词义,拿一个词不达意
义到处套用。 词的引申 所谓词的引申,指的是在一个词所其有的基本词义的基础上,进一步加以引申,选择比较恰当的汉语词来表达,使原文的思想表 现得更加准确,译文更加通顺流畅。必须强调指出,引申词义不能超出基本词义所允许的范用,如heavy的基本词义是“重”,heavy crop可引申为”大丰收,heavy current可引申为强电流”,heavy traffic可引申为"交通拥挤",但不能把heavy industry引申为*大规模 的工业 词义的引申主要有词义转译、词义具体化和词义抽象化等三种手段。 英译汉时,有些词在英汉辞典上找不到适当的词义,如照辞典所给的字面意义生搬硬套,便会使译文生硬晦涩,意思含糊,甚至 造成误解。在翻译实践中,译者就应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引申转译。例如: The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material. 译文:激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实际接触所加工的材料。(不译美丽) 词义具体化 词义的具体化是把原文中意义较笼统、抽象的词,根据汉语的表达习惯,引申为意义较明确、具体的 词。 :The major problem in fabrication is the control of contamination and foreign materials. 泽文:制造中的一个主要总是是如何控制沾染和杂质。(for心ig materials由"外界物质"具体化为杂质) 词的抽象化 现代英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性、一个事物或一个概念。英译汉时,一般 要将其词义作抽象化的引申,或把词义较形象的词引申为较一般的词。 There are three steps which must be taken before wegraduate from the integrated circuit technology. 译文:我们要宝完全堂扳集成电路,还必须经过三个阶段。(不译”毕业于') 翻译实践练习 1.operational instructions service instructions working manual operating instructions user's instructions instruction manual operating manual 2.general 3.features 4.construction 5.design .group designation 7.main assemble and controls 8.electric system 9.description
义到处套用。 词的引申 所谓词的引申,指的是在一个词所具有的基本词义的基础上,进一步加以引申,选择比较恰当的汉语词来表达,使原文的思想表 现得更加准确,译文更加通顺流畅。必须强调指出,引申词义不能超出基本词义所允许的范围,如heavy的基本词义是"重",heavy crop可引申为"大丰收",heavy current可引申为"强电流",heavy traffic可引申为"交通拥挤",但不能把heavy industry引申为"大规模 的工业"。 词义的引申主要有词义转译、词义具体化和词义抽象化等三种手段。 英译汉时,有些词在英汉辞典上找不到适当的词义,如照辞典所给的字面意义生搬硬套,便会使译文生硬晦涩,意思含糊,甚至 造成误解。在翻译实践中,译者就应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引申转译。例如: 原文:The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material. 译文:激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实际接触所加工的材料。(不译"美丽") 词义具体化 词义的具体化是把原文中意义较笼统、抽象的词,根据汉语的表达习惯,引申为意义较明确、具体的 词。 原文:The major problem in fabrication is the control of contamination and foreign materials. 译文:制造中的一个主要总是是如何控制沾染和杂质。(foreign materials由"外界物质"具体化为"杂质") 词的抽象化 现代英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性、一个事物或一个概念。英译汉时,一般 要将其词义作抽象化的引申,或把词义较形象的词引申为较一般的词。 原文:There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. 译文:我们要完全掌握集成电路,还必须经过三个阶段。(不译"毕业于") 翻译实践练习 1. operational instructions service instructions working manual operating instructions user’s instructions instruction manual operating manual 2. general 3. features 4. construction 5. design 6. group designation 7. main assemble and controls 8. electric system 9. description
10.installation 11.adiustment 12.fine adiustment 13.test run 14.operation 15.major operating component and their function 16.rated capacity 17.operating flow char 18.maintenance 19.and wearing parts 20.wear adjustment 22.high voltage cautions 23.dimensions 24.length 25.depth 26.weight 27.measurement 28.transportation 29.coolant system 30.lubrication 31.inspection 32.location 33.coarse adjustment 34.first commission 35.instructions for erection 36.service condition 37.direction for use 38.system diagram 40.rated load 41.power requirements 42.operating votage 43.factory services 44.data book 45.working drawings of ease-wom parts 46.precautions/cautions
10. installation 11. adjustment 12. fine adjustment 13. test run 14. operation 15. major operating component and their functions 16. rated capacity 17. operating flow chart 18. maintenance 19. list of stuffings and wearing parts 20. wear adjustment 21. cleaning 22. high voltage cautions 23. dimensions 24. length 25. depth 26. weight 27. measurement 28. transportation 29. coolant system 30. lubrication 31. inspection 32. location 33. coarse adjustment 34. first commission 35. instructions for erection 36. service condition 37. direction for use 38. system diagram 40. rated load 41. power requirements 42. operating voltage 43. factory services 44. data book 45. working drawings of ease-worn parts 46. precautions/cautions
47.specifications 48.width 49.height 50 Net 51.Gr0s5 52.measuring range 53.nominal speed 54.nominal horsepower 55.cutting capacity 57.accessory case 58.operating humidity 59.load speed 60.safety facto 61.work cycle 63.standard accessories 64.operating temperature 65.code of accessories] 66.Evian natural spring water from the French Alps Keeps your body at its peak. Evian-The Source Eviansping water Evian at the ooof Mon-Banc.inthe French Alps.Waterfror rainfall and meltingsnowfilters into the mountain.It then travels very slovly to a great depth,through sands of glacial origin enclosed between two layers of impermeable clays.It is in the course of this joumey.lasting at least fifteen years.that the water is naturally purified,acquires its exceptional composition.and becomes Evian water. Restores the "body balance" Water is needed for physiological balance.The French call it"La force de L'equilibre".Evian Natural Spring Water can help maintain this baance.The naturally watercan be readily nd punity your system.heps your body run perfectly and more efficiently. Asymbol of Purity Evian water is bottled as of the mountain.It hasno added chemicas.is virtually salt free.It is naturally pure.Combined with good nutrition and a regular exercise program,Evian spring water helps your
47. specifications 48. width 49. height 50. Net 51. Gross 52. measuring range 53. nominal speed 54. nominal horsepower 55. cutting capacity 56. accessories/accessories supplied 57. accessory case 58. operating humidity 59. load speed 60. safety factor 61. work cycle 62. oiling period 63. standard accessories 64. operating temperature 65. code of accessories] 66. Evian natural spring water from the French Alps Keeps your body at its peak. Evian-The Source Evian spring water is sourced from the picturesque little town of Evian at the foot of Mont-Blanc, in the French Alps. Water from rainfall and melting snow filters into the mountain. It then travels very slowly to a great depth, through sands of glacial origin enclosed between two layers of impermeable clays. It is in the course of this journey, lasting at least fifteen years, that the water is naturally purified, acquires its exceptional composition, and becomes Evian water. Restores the "body balance" Water is needed for physiological balance. The French call it "La force de L’equilibre". Evian Natural Spring Water can help maintain this balance. The naturally pure spring water can be readily absorbed to help cleanse and purify your system. In turn Evian helps your body run perfectly and more efficiently. A symbol of Purity Evian water is bottled as it comes out of the mountain. It has no added chemicals, no sugar, no calories, is non-carbonated and is virtually salt free. It is naturally pure. Combined with good nutrition and a regular exercise program, Evian spring water helps your
body run better inside and out.It keeps your body at its peak.And above all it is beautifully refreshing to drink Evian Natural spring water 参考译文: 依云 来自法国阿尔率斯山的天然矿泉 使您的身体达到健康的颠峰 依云矿泉水一一发源 依云矿泉水发源于法国阿尔卑斯山勃朗峰鞠下一个叫做依云的秀丽山村。雨水和融化的雪水渗入山间,缓缓地向深处流清,滤过 冰川岩层,而岩层的两边是滴水不透的黏土层。正是在这持续至少15年的行程中,水得到了天然的净化,产生了独特的矿物成份,成 为依云矿泉水, 依云使您恢复身体平衡 保持体能平衡需要水。法国人把水称作”体能平衡的源泉”。依云天然矿泉水可以帮助您维持体能 平衡。这种天然纯净的矿泉水易为身体吸收,可帮助您清洁、净化肌体,从而使您身体健康、充满活 力。 纯洁的象征 依云矿泉水直接从山润装瓶,不添加任何化学成分,不含糖分,不含卡路里,不含碳酸。而且不含盐分。依云矿泉水天然纯洁。 饮用依云矿泉水,加上良好的营养和定期的运动,使您身心健康,使您的身体达到健康的颠峰。面且最重要的是,依云矿泉水口3纯 美、清爽。 依云天然矿泉水 6 V788kc is a reliable video tape recorder."Auto power on"switches on the power immediately.Auto play function automatically starts with playing your tape assoonas you insert a karaoke videotape orany other pre-recorded tape with the safety tab removed.Auto play function automatically rewinds a tape when it comes to the end.Other playback functions include picture search,sill and slow motion playback.Edit mode enables you to give a professional touch to your own vides.and the convenient remote control unit lets you operate all the V-788kc functions simply and easily.In addition to Hi-Fi sound,the dynamicsound system boosts lower base tones,making the sound quality deeper and richer.Because it.you can choose the sound that pleases you the most. 参考译文: V788kC是一款性能可靠的录像机,自动电源开启系统能够快速开启电题,插入卡拉0K录像带或其它己去除防抹保护片的录像 带后,自动放像功能便开始放像。自动放像功能还能在放像结束时,自动倒带。其它播放功能包括:画面搜索,静止或慢动作放 俭。编铅方式为您制作录像希提供了专业手段,方便的谣控器更可使您简单自如地操作V788kC的所有功能,除HF引(高保直) 立体声外,动态低音系统能拓展出更低的音域,创造出洋厚,丰润的音质。因为具有两种设置方式,因而您可选择您最喜欢的声 68.Osteoform Capsules INGREDIENTS (1000 mgs
body run better inside and out. It keeps your body at its peak. And above all it is beautifully refreshing to drink. Evian Natural spring water 参考译文: 依云 来自法国阿尔卑斯山的天然矿泉 使您的身体达到健康的颠峰 依云矿泉水——发源 依云矿泉水发源于法国阿尔卑斯山勃朗峰脚下一个叫做依云的秀丽山村。雨水和融化的雪水渗入山间,缓缓地向深处流淌,滤过 冰川岩层,而岩层的两边是滴水不透的黏土层。正是在这持续至少15年的行程中,水得到了天然的净化,产生了独特的矿物成份,成 为依云矿泉水。 依云使您恢复身体平衡 保持体能平衡需要水。法国人把水称作"体能平衡的源泉"。依云天然矿泉水可以帮助您维持体能 平衡。这种天然纯净的矿泉水易为身体吸收,可帮助您清洁、净化肌体,从而使您身体健康、充满活 力。 纯洁的象征 依云矿泉水直接从山涧装瓶,不添加任何化学成分,不含糖分,不含卡路里,不含碳酸,而且不含盐分。依云矿泉水天然纯洁。 饮用依云矿泉水,加上良好的营养和定期的运动,使您身心健康,使您的身体达到健康的颠峰。而且最重要的是,依云矿泉水口感纯 美、清爽。 依云天然矿泉水 67. V788kc is a reliable video tape recorder. "Auto power on" switches on the power immediately. Auto play function automatically starts with playing your tape as soon as you insert a karaoke videotape or any other pre-recorded tape with the safety tab removed. Auto play function automatically rewinds a tape when it comes to the end. Other playback functions include picture search, still and slow motion playback. Edit mode enables you to give a professional touch to your own videos, and the convenient remote control unit lets you operate all the V-788kc functions simply and easily. In addition to Hi-Fi sound, the dynamic sound system boosts lower base tones, making the sound quality deeper and richer. Because it has two settings, you can choose the sound that pleases you the most. 参考译文: V-788kc 是一款性能可靠的录像机,自动电源开启系统能够快速开启电源,插入卡拉OK录像带或其它已去除防抹保护片的录像 带后,自动放像功能便开始放像。自动放像功能还能在放像结束时,自动倒带。其它播放功能包括:画面搜索,静止或慢动作放 像。编辑方式为您制作录像带提供了专业手段,方便的遥控器更可使您简单自如地操作V788kc的所有功能。除Hi-Fi(高保真) 立体声外,动态低音系统能拓展出更低的音域,创造出浑厚,丰润的音质。因为具有两种设置方式,因而您可选择您最喜欢的声 音。 68.Osteoform Capsules INGREDIENTS(1000 mgs)
Calcium Amino Acid Chelate 523.6mg CalciumAscorbate 145.0mg Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate 110.0mg Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate 167.0mg Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 40.0mg Copper Amino Acid Chelate 1.7mg ManganeseAmino Acid Chelate 8.2mg Vanadium Amino Acid Chelate 0.1mg Sillicon Amino Acid Chelate 3.3mg BoronAminoAcid Chelate 0.8mg Vitamin D3 20.01U DESCRIPTION Light brown powder in gelatin capsules INDICATIONS isa supplement of.trace material Vitamin D3and Vitamin C.for the preventionand treatmen of diseases caused by deficiency of above mentioned minerals and vitamins.It is recommended in treating and preventing nursing mothers and children may also use this product as a resource of calcium and Vitamin D3. SUGGESTED DOSAGE Osteoform is administered orally with a full gass of water (6-80Z).The is1capsule dailyr consult a physician for adults:children over six years old may use adult dosage or consult a physician:children under age of six may take 1/2 capsule daily.Patients may opn the capsue.sprinkle and waterr jic for young childrenor patients with difficully in swallowing the capsule CAUTION This product is contraindicated to patients with kidney dysfunction or hypercalcemia.Please consult your physician for questions. HOW SUPPLIED 1000 mg/Capsule,30 Capsules/bottle STORAGE Please store in a cool and dry place.Keep out of reach of children. EXPIRATION Three years 参考译文: 药品名称乐力胶囊 成分,每粒含: 氨基酸整合钙523.6mg 氨基酸螯合铜1.7mg
Calcium Amino Acid Chelate 523.6 mg Calcium Ascorbate 145.0 mg Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate 110.0 mg Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate 167.0 mg Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 40.0 mg Copper Amino Acid Chelate 1.7 mg Manganese Amino Acid Chelate 8.2 mg Vanadium Amino Acid Chelate 0.1 mg Silicon Amino Acid Chelate 3.3 mg Boron Amino Acid Chelate 0.8 mg Vitamin D3 200.0 IU DESCRIPTION Light brown powder in gelatin capsules INDICATIONS Osteoform is a supplement of calcium, trace material, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C. It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by deficiency of above mentioned minerals and vitamins. It is recommended in treating and preventing Osteoporosis and Rickets. It is effective in reducing neurological pain and spasm caused by lack of calcium. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children may also use this product as a resource of calcium and Vitamin D3. SUGGESTED DOSAGE Osteoform is administered orally with a full glass of water (6-80Z). The usual dosage is 1 capsule daily or consult a physician for adults; children over six years old may use adult dosage or consult a physician; children under age of six may take 1/2 capsule daily. Patients may open the capsule, sprinkle and dissolve contents in water or juice for young children or patients with difficulty in swallowing the capsule. CAUTION This product is contraindicated to patients with kidney dysfunction or hypercalcemia. Please consult your physician for questions. HOW SUPPLIED 1000 mg/Capsule, 30 Capsules/bottle STORAGE Please store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children. EXPIRATION Three years 参考译文: 药品名称 乐力胶囊 成分,每粒含: 氨基酸螯合钙 523.6 mg 氨基酸螯合铜 1.7 mg
抗坏血酸钙145.0mg 氨基酸整合锰82m阳 磷酸氢钙110.0mg 氨基酸整合钒0.1mg 氨基酸整合镁167.0mg 氨基酸整合硅3.3mg 氨基酸整合锌40.0mg 氨基酸鳌合硼0.9mg 维生素D3200.01U 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内装淡黄色粉末或细微颗粒。 适应症 本品是钙,微量元素和维生素D3的补充源,适用于预防由于钙和微量元素缺乏所3引起的各种疾病,尤其适用于防治骨质疏松症 儿童佝偻病,缺钙所引使起的神经痛,肌肉抽搐等,也可作为孕期,哺乳期妇女和儿童的和唯生素D3的补充。 用法及用量 口服,温开水送下。成人,每日一粒,或道医剩:6岁以下儿童,每日12粒:6岁以上儿童,按成人剂量,或遵医嘱。幼儿及吞服 不便者,可打开胶囊用适量果汁冲服 注意事项 肾功能不全者,血钙浓度过高者忌用,或遵医剩。 包装规格 1000mg/粒,30粒/瓶 贮存 密闭,置阴凉干燥处保存,避免儿童擅自取用。 使用期限 三年 69.DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable&Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconutoil via high-tech method.It can rapidly dissolve the to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit.especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component,fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9%effective rate.Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste.The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO.EUand US-EPA and comies with FAO specifications.With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables.Leave the fruit or vegetables in the rinsing water for5 minutes.Before eaing.rinse them with clan water Caution Do not drink this product:keep away from children.If swallowed by accident.drink lots of water 参考译文:
抗坏血酸钙 145.0 mg 氨基酸螯合锰 8.2 mg 磷酸氢钙 110.0 mg 氨基酸螯合钒 0.1 mg 氨基酸螯合镁 167.0 mg 氨基酸螯合硅 3.3 mg 氨基酸螯合锌 40.0 mg 氨基酸螯合硼 0.9 mg 维生素D3 200.0IU 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内装淡黄色粉末或细微颗粒。 适应症 本品是钙,微量元素和维生素D3 的补充源,适用于预防由于钙和微量元素缺乏所引起的各种疾病,尤其适用于防治骨质疏松症, 儿童佝偻病,缺钙所引起的神经痛,肌肉抽搐等,也可作为孕期,哺乳期妇女和儿童的钙和维生素D3的补充。 用法及用量 口服,温开水送下。成人,每日一粒,或遵医嘱;6岁以下儿童,每日1/2粒;6岁以上儿童,按成人剂量,或遵医嘱。幼儿及吞服 不便者,可打开胶囊用适量果汁冲服。 注意事项 肾功能不全者,血钙浓度过高者忌用,或遵医嘱。 包装规格 1000mg/粒, 30粒/瓶 贮存 密闭,置阴凉干燥处保存,避免儿童擅自取用。 使用期限 三年 69.DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable & Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconut oil via high-tech method. It can rapidly dissolve the soluble oil component in pesticides so as to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit. It contains especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component, fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9% effective rate. Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste. The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO, EU and US-EPA and complies with FAO specifications. With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables. Leave the fruit or vegetables in the rinsing water for 5 minutes. Before eating, rinse them with clean water. Caution Do not drink this product; keep away from children. If swallowed by accident, drink lots of water. 参考译文:
德立邦立鲜 蔬果残留清除剂 产品特点 富含用高科技手段从椰果中提取的椰油两性醋酸(NACOCOYL)特效成分,能快速溶解农药中的乳油成分,使农药和蔬果迅速 剥高。富含MAZALIL特效杀南消青成分,快速杀灭致病菌。杀荫率99.9%,持久保持果新鲜芙味。本品所含活性成分经世界卫 生组织、欧盟和关国环保署批准,符合联合国粮农组织标准,含有可食用标准成分。本品为低泡型。 使用方法 清洗蔬菜瓜果时,每公升水加入本品数滴,浸泡5分钟后,用清水冲洗即可食用 注意事项 本品为非饮用品,请避免儿童触及。不慎误食时,需多饮水。 70.AURINO LANOLIN FROM AUSTRALIA AURINO LANOLIN DAY AND NIGHT CREAM contains Purest Australian Merino Sheep Lanoin.which intensifies rapid and deep penetration of its Purified Collagen and Vitamin E oil ingredients.This unique blend will help replenish and protect your natural skin oils against pollution,ozon-sun,Soaps and chemicals.cooers and heaters that endanger them Night and Day.your facial and neck skin texture will firm soften and retain their natural elasticity to help prevent lines and wrinkles. irn:Use anerunder makeup.day and night.applying withgne upward strokes. 参考译文: 澳洲“澳丽娜錦羊脂日夜润肤霜 澳洲“澳丽椰“绵羊脂日夜润肤霜富含纯净澳洲麦利诺绵羊羊毛脂,净化胶原质蛋白和维他命E等多种油性成分,具有独特的渗透 作用,能在皮肤表面形成一层保护膜,有效地隔离空气污染、紫外线、肥皂、化妆品、空调、暖气等对皮肤造成的伤害。 早晚使用,可防止面部,颈部肌肤松弛,保持肌肤的润滑及自然弹性,预防皱纹产生。 用法:可单独使用或用作化妆粉底。早晚使用,在面部和颈部轻轻向上按摩即可。 第二单元工程英语翻译 工程英谱崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要 信总尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。要求学生重点了解这类应用文体特点,做到能理解正确,翻译通顺。 翻译实成练习 1.Dead loads are defined as fixed.nonmovable loads of a permanent nature which can be divided into two categories:(1) self-weight of the structure and (2)superimposeddead oads.The self-weight of thestructure includes all beams.girders.colums slabs.walls,bracing.and any other structural elements.Concrete framing systems are typically heavier than steel framing systems which can sometimes be an advantage from a wind overtuming standpoint but can also be a disadvantage in terms of seismic and foundation considerations. 2.通力(K0NE)公司诞生于1910年。这一年,芬兰的一家小机器厂从其传统业务- 一电机修理转为电梯制造。1918年,这家 年轻的公司设计并制造了最早的四部芬兰国产电梯。 今天,通力是全球电梯和自动扶梯产业最大的供应商之一,由芬兰的母公司(KONE Corporation)及分布于40多个国家的子公 司组成,拥有员工23.000名名
德立邦 立鲜 蔬果残留清除剂 产品特点 富含用高科技手段从椰果中提取的椰油两性醋酸(NACOCOYL)特效成分,能快速溶解农药中的乳油成分,使农药和蔬果迅速 剥离。富含IMAZALIL特效杀菌消毒成分,快速杀灭致病菌。杀菌率99.9%,持久保持蔬果新鲜美味。本品所含活性成分经世界卫 生组织、欧盟和美国环保署批准,符合联合国粮农组织标准, 含有可食用标准成分。本品为低泡型。 使用方法 清洗蔬菜瓜果时,每公升水加入本品数滴,浸泡5分钟后,用清水冲洗即可食用。 注意事项 本品为非饮用品, 请避免儿童触及。不慎误食时,需多饮水。 70.AURINO LANOLIN FROM AUSTRALIA AURINO LANOLIN DAY AND NIGHT CREAM contains Purest Australian Merino Sheep Lanolin, which intensifies rapid and deep penetration of its Purified Collagen and Vitamin E oil ingredients. This unique blend will help replenish and protect your natural skin oils against pollution, ozone-sun, soaps and chemicals, coolers and heaters that endanger them. Night and Day, your facial and neck skin texture will firm, soften and retain their natural elasticity to help prevent lines and wrinkles. Directions: Use alone or under makeup, day and night, applying with gentle upward strokes. 参考译文: 澳洲"澳丽娜"绵羊脂日夜润肤霜 澳洲"澳丽娜"绵羊脂日夜润肤霜富含纯净澳洲麦利诺绵羊羊毛脂,净化胶原质蛋白和维他命E等多种油性成分,具有独特的渗透 作用,能在皮肤表面形成一层保护膜,有效地隔离空气污染、紫外线、肥皂、化妆品、空调、暖气等对皮肤造成的伤害。 早晚使用,可防止面部,颈部肌肤松弛,保持肌肤的润滑及自然弹性,预防皱纹产生。 用法:可单独使用或用作化妆粉底。早晚使用,在面部和颈部轻轻向上按摩即可。 第二单元 工程英语翻译 工程英语崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要 信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。要求学生重点了解这类应用文体特点,做到能理解正确,翻译通顺。 翻译实践练习 1. Dead loads are defined as fixed, nonmovable loads of a permanent nature which can be divided into two categories: (1) self-weight of the structure and (2) superimposed dead loads. The self-weight of the structure includes all beams, girders, columns, slabs, walls, bracing, and any other structural elements. Concrete framing systems are typically heavier than steel framing systems, which can sometimes be an advantage from a wind overturning standpoint but can also be a disadvantage in terms of seismic and foundation considerations. 2. 通力(KONE)公司诞生于1910年。这一年,芬兰的一家小机器厂从其传统业务——电机修理转为电梯制造。1918年,这家 年轻的公司设计并制造了最早的四部芬兰国产电梯。 今天,通力是全球电梯和自动扶梯产业最大的供应商之一,由芬兰的母公司(KONE Corporation)及分布于40多个国家的子公 司组成,拥有员工23,000多名
通力的产品由其在欧洲、亚洲和北关洲的各子公司生产制造,并为全球的客户提供电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的销售、安装及 护保养服务,同时,通力也是开发环保节能产品的先锋,长久以来因其创新性和技术的先进性获得了全世界的尊 第三单元合同、协议常用术语、表达方式及译法 合同英语的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。要求学生重点了解合约英语的语言结构特色并学会在确译过程中做妥善处理,做 到能理解正确,翻译通顺。 (一)对等译法 在翻译过程中,我们一般都可以在译文语言中找到同原文词语在意义上的对等表达。这就是“对等译法“。对等译法在翻译中是最 常见、最重要的弱译方法。 例1 If a sentence of imprisonment is imposed.there are limits on the temm of imprisonment-not more than six months or less than three years 如对之作出徒刑判决,其刑期也有限制一一即不超过六个月或少于三年 英语中的^not more than"和汉语中的不超过",1 ess than“和少于“可谓是模糊对模糊地对等翻译 例2 In addition.the contract must satisty the following requirements:(1)The goods in question are.at the time of the conclusion of the contract,in the course of carriage,or will be carried from the territory of one State to the territory of another:or(2)The acts the offer and acceptance have been completed in the teritoriesof different States. 此外,合同须符合下列条件:(1)在订立合同时,有关货物正在或即将从一州装运至另一州:或(2)在不同州管辖区内,要约 和承诺行为业已完成. 该句中使用了并列和平行结构,这在法律英语中使用频密甚高,使要表达的意思衔接密切,故在译成汉语时,也应体现法律文本 的相似特点。 (二)、增词译法 所谓“增词法”,就是指根据原文的精神实质,为使译文更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容,而增 加适当且必要的单词、词组、分句或完整句,而不是机械地保持原文与译文之间在词量上的对等。例 如: 多 Aproposal for concluding a contract addressed tooneor more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. 向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明要约人在得到接受时承受约束的意旨即构成要约 原文中并没有“十分“,译者依据其精神实质,增译了表达模糊概念的数量词”十分“ 例4 Each of the parties do hereby waive any proof that suh breach will cause irreparable injury to such party or that there isno adequate remedy at law. 各方谨此表示不要求另一方进行举证,以证明一方违约将给另一方造成不可弥补的损害或根据普通法得不到足够的赔偿。 所滑wav©,是放弃对他人的权利或要求,这里是说一方不要求另一方“进行举证,而且按逻辑推理,一方违约会给另一方造成损 失,因此需要在译文中分别加上“另一方“和“一方”。 (三)、省词译法
通力的产品由其在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的各子公司生产制造,并为全球的客户提供电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的销售、安装及 维护保养服务。同时,通力也是开发环保节能产品的先锋,长久以来因其创新性和技术的先进性获得了全世界的尊重。 第三单元 合同、协议常用术语、表达方式及译法 合同英语的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。要求学生重点了解合约英语的语言结构特色并学会在翻译过程中做妥善处理,做 到能理解正确,翻译通顺。 (一)对等译法 在翻译过程中,我们一般都可以在译文语言中找到同原文词语在意义上的对等表达。这就是"对等译法"。对等译法在翻译中是最 常见、最重要的翻译方法。 例1 If a sentence of imprisonment is imposed, there are limits on the term of imprisonment-not more than six months or less than three years. 如对之作出徒刑判决,其刑期也有限制——即不超过六个月或少于三年。 英语中的"not more than"和汉语中的"不超过","less than"和"少于"可谓是模糊对模糊地对等翻译。 例2 In addition, the contract must satisfy the following requirements: (1) The goods in question are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract, in the course of carriage, or will be carried from the territory of one State to the territory of another; or (2) The acts constituting the offer and acceptance have been completed in the territories of different States. 此外,合同须符合下列条件:(1)在订立合同时,有关货物正在或即将从一州装运至另一州;或(2)在不同州管辖区内,要约 和承诺行为业已完成。 该句中使用了并列和平行结构,这在法律英语中使用频率甚高,使要表达的意思衔接密切,故在译成汉语时,也应体现法律文本 的相似特点。 (二)、增词译法 所谓"增词法",就是指根据原文的精神实质,为使译文更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容,而增 加适当且必要的单词、词组、分句或完整句,而不是机械地保持原文与译文之间在词量上的对等。例 如: 例3 A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. 向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明要约人在得到接受时承受约束的意旨即构成要约。 原文中并没有"十分",译者依据其精神实质,增译了表达模糊概念的数量词"十分"。 例4 Each of the parties do hereby waive any proof that such breach will cause irreparable injury to such party or that there is no adequate remedy at law. 各方谨此表示不要求另一方进行举证,以证明一方违约将给另一方造成不可弥补的损害或根据普通法得不到足够的赔偿。 所谓waive,是放弃对他人的权利或要求,这里是说一方"不要求另一方"进行举证,而且按逻辑推理,一方违约会给另一方造成损 失,因此需要在译文中分别加上"另一方"和"一方"。 (三)、省词译法
所谓“省词译法“,就是在不损害语义的前提下,把原文中需要而译文中不一定需要的单词、词组等在翻译过程中加以省路。这种 省词泽法一般是出于译文语法和习惯表达法的需要】 例5 Mr.Justice Douglas rejected the death penalty because it was administered in sucha way as to iscriminate against unpopular minorities 大法官道格拉斯先生反对死刑是因为行刑的方式方法歧祝不受欢迎的少数人。 动在英语中是个模糊词语,意思是这样的“,该译文就没有机械地直详出来」 govemed by the laws of the United States of America (the U.S.A.).but in the event that there is no published and publicly available law in the .particular matter relating to this onract.reference shall be intemational commercial practices. 本合同的订立、效力、解释、执行及合同争议的解决,均受美利坚合众国(美国)法律管辖。美国颁布的法律对本合同相关的某 一事项未作规定的,参照国际商业惯例。 法律一经颁布,当然就是公布于众,不需要再在译文中添加“可为公众获得的”(publicly available)。 (四)、合词译法 所谢“合词译法“,就是将英语的几个词用汉语的一个词翻译出来。法律英语中常见的表达同一含义的并列结构就可采用此译法 如下例中的free and clear of: Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims.charges.easement encumbrances,lease.covenants,security interest.liens,option,pledge.rights of others,or restrictions. 甲方进一步陈述和保证,该土地不存在任何权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租钧、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质 押、他人权利或限制。 还有一种情况就是法律英语中的同义词或近义词在意义上虽有其细微差别,但在汉语中找不到相 对应的词语。如下例: Taxation shall comprise all forms of taxes,including but not limited to income tax.capital gains tax,stamp duty.tarifs,customs duties.import and export duties.impositions.duties and levies.and all fines.penalties,charges.fees.costs and rates imposed.levied and collected by the taxation authority and other competent authorities. 税收包括各种形式的税项,包括但不限于税务局和其他主管部门征收的所得税、资本利得税、印花税、关税、进出口税、各种 征税、及一切罚金、收费和税款。 在这个句子里,tariffs和customs duties的汉译都是关税:impositions,.duties和evis都表示“征税"或"税款,fines和penalties 同为"罚金"或"罚款";charges、fees和costs指各种"收费":imposed、levied和collected三个动词都有“征收"的意思。这时,就没有 必要也不可能把它们每一个词都翻译出来。合词译法较为适合。 (五)、转态译法 英语中被动语态用得多,法律英语尤其如此:而汉语多用主动语态。在法律翻译实中,应根据需要,将难以或不宜用汉语被 语态表达的英语被动结构,译成汉语的主动句。这种译法称为“转态译法, 例9
所谓"省词译法",就是在不损害语义的前提下,把原文中需要而译文中不一定需要的单词、词组等在翻译过程中加以省略。这种 省词译法一般是出于译文语法和习惯表达法的需要。 例5 Mr. Justice Douglas rejected the death penalty because it was administered in such a way as to discriminate against unpopular minorities. 大法官道格拉斯先生反对死刑是因为行刑的方式方法歧视不受欢迎的少数人。 such在英语中是个模糊词语,意思是"这样的",该译文就没有机械地直译出来。 例6 The formation of this Contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of disputes in connection herewith shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America (the U.S.A.), but in the event that there is no published and publicly available law in the U.S.A. governing a particular matter relating to this Contract, reference shall be made to general international commercial practices. 本合同的订立、效力、解释、执行及合同争议的解决,均受美利坚合众国(美国)法律管辖。美国颁布的法律对本合同相关的某 一事项未作规定的,参照国际商业惯例。 法律一经颁布,当然就是公布于众,不需要再在译文中添加"可为公众获得的"(publicly available)。 ( 四)、合词译法 所谓"合词译法",就是将英语的几个词用汉语的一个词翻译出来。法律英语中常见的表达同一含义的并列结构就可采用此译法, 如下例中的"free and clear of": 例7 Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims, charges, easement, encumbrances, lease, covenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge, rights of others, or restrictions. 甲方进一步陈述和保证,该土地不存在任何权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质 押、他人权利或限制。 还有一种情况就是法律英语中的同义词或近义词在意义上虽有其细微差别,但在汉语中找不到相 对应的词语。如下例: 例8 Taxation shall comprise all forms of taxes, including but not limited to income tax, capital gains tax, stamp duty, tariffs, customs duties, import and export duties, impositions,duties and levies, and all fines, penalties, charges, fees, costs and rates imposed, levied and collected by the taxation authority and other competent authorities. 税收包括各种形式的税项,包括但不限于税务局和其他主管部门征收的所得税、资本利得税、印花税、关税、进出口税、各种 征税、及一切罚金、收费和税款。 在这个句子里,tariffs和 customs duties的汉译都是"关税";impositions, duties和levis都表示"征税"或"税款";fines和penalties 同为"罚金"或"罚款";charges、fees和costs指各种"收费";imposed、levied和collected三个动词都有"征收"的意思。这时,就没有 必要也不可能把它们每一个词都翻译出来。合词译法较为适合。 (五)、转态译法 英语中被动语态用得多,法律英语尤其如此;而汉语多用主动语态。在法律翻译实践中,应根据需要,将难以或不宜用汉语被动 语态表达的英语被动结构,译成汉语的主动句。这种译法称为"转态译法"。 例9