简明、通俗易懂的语言向学生描绘、解释工程伦理学的基本概念、重要性、遵循 这些准则的原因。重点阐明工程师的准则及必须遵守的原因,引导学生分析和认 识问题:通过采用课题讨论的方法把学生以全班或小组为单位,围绕的中心问题, 各抒己见,通过讨论活动,让学生进行自我定位,规划设计自己的大学计划:由 于全体学生都参加活动,可以培养合作精神,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生学 习的独立性。课后给每一小组布置不同的关于下一章节的思考题,让学生利用网 络资源自主学习和团队合作的方式寻找答案,提出解决问题的措施,然后提出讨 论评价并且将这些想法和内容做成pt的形式,在下一节课进行展示,培养学生 的学习习惯和自主学习能力,锻炼学生的口头表达能力和团队合作能力。 三、教学设计(如何讲授本章内容,尤其是重点、难点内容的设计、构思) 3.1 Making the transition from high school to college--You will be taught to look at your surroundings differently than other people do.You will learn how to ask questions to find out how things are made,how things work,how to improve things, how to design something from scratch,and how to take an idea from paper to reality and actually build something. 3.2 Budgeting your time-student oral presentation Each of us has the same 24 hours in a day,and there is only so much that a person can do on an average daily basis to accomplish certain things.Many of us need approximately 8 hours of sleep every night.In addition,we all need to have some time for work,friends and family, studying,relaxation and recreation,and just goofing around.Don't just pay your tuition and plan to sit in class and daydream.Your education is an expensive investment,one that requires your responsible management.Three students give oral presentation and discussion on weekly and daily schedule.Instructor and students question and discussion. 3.3 Daily studying and preparation--student oral presentation You start studying and preparing from the very first day of class!It is always a good idea to read the material that your professor is planning to cover in class ahead of time.This practice will improve both your understanding and retention of the lecture materials.Attend your classes regularly;Get help right away;take good notes;select a good study place; Form study groups;Prepare for examinations; 3.4 Getting involved with an engineering organization--There are many good reasons to join an engineering organization.Networking,participating in plant tours,listening to technical guest speakers,participating in design competitions,attending social events,taking advantage of learning opportunities through short courses,seminars, and conferences,and obtaining student loans and scholarships are a few of the common benefits of belonging to an engineering organization. 3.5 Your graduation plan--It is also a good idea to sit down with your advisor and plan简明、通俗易懂的语言向学生描绘、解释工程伦理学的基本概念、重要性、遵循 这些准则的原因。重点阐明工程师的准则及必须遵守的原因,引导学生分析和认 识问题;通过采用课题讨论的方法把学生以全班或小组为单位,围绕的中心问题, 各抒己见,通过讨论活动,让学生进行自我定位,规划设计自己的大学计划;由 于全体学生都参加活动,可以培养合作精神,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生学 习的独立性。课后给每一小组布置不同的关于下一章节的思考题,让学生利用网 络资源自主学习和团队合作的方式寻找答案,提出解决问题的措施,然后提出讨 论评价并且将这些想法和内容做成 ppt 的形式,在下一节课进行展示,培养学生 的学习习惯和自主学习能力,锻炼学生的口头表达能力和团队合作能力。 三、教学设计(如何讲授本章内容,尤其是重点、难点内容的设计、构思) 3.1 Making the transition from high school to college-- You will be taught to look at your surroundings differently than other people do. You will learn how to ask questions to find out how things are made, how things work, how to improve things, how to design something from scratch, and how to take an idea from paper to reality and actually build something. 3.2 Budgeting your time—student oral presentation Each of us has the same 24 hours in a day, and there is only so much that a person can do on an average daily basis to accomplish certain things. Many of us need approximately 8 hours of sleep every night. In addition, we all need to have some time for work, friends and family, studying, relaxation and recreation, and just goofing around. Don’t just pay your tuition and plan to sit in class and daydream. Your education is an expensive investment, one that requires your responsible management. Three students give oral presentation and discussion on weekly and daily schedule. Instructor and students question and discussion. 3.3 Daily studying and preparation-- student oral presentation You start studying and preparing from the very first day of class! It is always a good idea to read the material that your professor is planning to cover in class ahead of time. This practice will improve both your understanding and retention of the lecture materials. Attend your classes regularly; Get help right away; take good notes; select a good study place; Form study groups; Prepare for examinations; 3.4 Getting involved with an engineering organization-- There are many good reasons to join an engineering organization. Networking, participating in plant tours, listening to technical guest speakers, participating in design competitions, attending social events, taking advantage of learning opportunities through short courses, seminars, and conferences, and obtaining student loans and scholarships are a few of the common benefits of belonging to an engineering organization. 3.5 Your graduation plan--It is also a good idea to sit down with your advisor and plan
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