Chapter 3 Preparing for an Engineering Career and Engineering ethics(2学时) 一、教学内容及要求 教学内容: 3.1 Making the transition from high school to college 3.2 Daily studying and preparation 3.3 Your graduation plan 3.4 Engineering Ethics 3.5 code of ethics for engineers 教学要求: 理解如何从高中向大学平稳过渡、大学的学习和生活、毕业计划:掌握使用 大学的方法学习、合理安排每周学习。了解工程伦理学的重要性以及遵循这些准 则的原因:理解工程师的准则及必须遵守的原因。 二、教学重点、难点及解决办法(分别列出教学重点、难点,包括教学方式、教 学手段的选择及教学过程中应注意的问题;哪些内容要深化,那些内容要拓宽等等) 教学重点难点: You should use the ideas discussed in this chapter to make your transition from high school to college smoothly.You should also consider the time management ideas discussed in this chapter to arrive at a reasonable weekly schedule You should realize that you must start studying and preparing from the first day of class,attend classes regularly,get help right away,take good notes,select a good study place,and form study groups. You should know the importance of joining an engineering organization and choose an organization,join,and become an active participant. You should understand the importance of engineering ethics and why you should live by these codes of ethics. You should understand the engineer's creed and reasons why you should take the pledge. 解决办法: 通过采用课堂讲授以简明、通俗易懂的语言向学生描绘、介绍大学学习方法、 高中到大学过渡期和加入工程组织需要采用的方法及注意事项:通过课堂讲授以Chapter 3 Preparing for an Engineering Career and Engineering ethics (2 学时) 一、教学内容及要求 教学内容: 3.1 Making the transition from high school to college 3.2 Daily studying and preparation 3.3 Your graduation plan 3.4 Engineering Ethics 3.5 code of ethics for engineers 教学要求: 理解如何从高中向大学平稳过渡、大学的学习和生活、毕业计划;掌握使用 大学的方法学习、合理安排每周学习。了解工程伦理学的重要性以及遵循这些准 则的原因;理解工程师的准则及必须遵守的原因。 二、教学重点、难点及解决办法(分别列出教学重点、难点,包括教学方式、教 学手段的选择及教学过程中应注意的问题;哪些内容要深化,那些内容要拓宽等等) 教学重点难点: You should use the ideas discussed in this chapter to make your transition from high school to college smoothly. You should also consider the time management ideas discussed in this chapter to arrive at a reasonable weekly schedule. • You should realize that you must start studying and preparing from the first day of class, attend classes regularly, get help right away, take good notes, select a good study place, and form study groups. • You should know the importance of joining an engineering organization and choose an organization, join, and become an active participant. You should understand the importance of engineering ethics and why you should live by these codes of ethics. You should understand the engineer’s creed and reasons why you should take the pledge. 解决办法: 通过采用课堂讲授以简明、通俗易懂的语言向学生描绘、介绍大学学习方法、 高中到大学过渡期和加入工程组织需要采用的方法及注意事项;通过课堂讲授以
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