Make the students familiar with the way of story-telling Let the students understand the main idea of Text A: >Explicitly explain the use of PASTCONTINUOUS and PASTMODALS Explain two word-formation skills: Noun+'y'Adjectives; ⑥Verb+ment'Noun Let the students understand the phrasal verb"GET; >Make the students get acquainted with the form of"Link verb +Adjective"(Eg., sound.smell,look,taste//become,come,tum,remain,prove,get,go.). Consolidate the students'knowledge of(definite/indefinite/zero)article use >Help the pupils learn the use of words in the glossary part; Explain the differences between (a)arrive reach,(b)findfind out,(c)raise rise,(d)cross&across,and differencesamong (e)attend,join,&take part in. 2.Teaching Process 2.1 Pre-class Activities Omit 2.2 Main Sections of TextA Omit 2.3 New Words and Phrases Omit 2.4Exercises Omit 2.5After-class Activities/Assignments Omit Lesson Three Messageof the Land 1.Teaching Objectives Re-strengthening students'(intensive)reading strategies, Explain the style of interviews, >Make the students re-think the changes in social values,attitudes,and life styles with the development of industrialization; >Explain two word-formation skills:Noun/Verb+'ful'Adjective ⑥Un'+Adjective→Antonym >Consolidate students'knowledge on Subjunctive Mood; Make students understand the major usages of the words in the Glossary part; Introduce some cultural differences in translation to arouse the students ➢ Make the students familiar with the way of story-telling; ➢ Let the students understand the main idea of Text A; ➢ Explicitly explain the use of PAST CONTINUOUS and PAST MODALS ➢ Explain two word-formation skills: ○a Noun + ‘y’ Adjectives; ○b Verb + ‘ment’ Noun; ➢ Let the students understand the phrasal verb “GET”; ➢ Make the students get acquainted with the form of “Link verb + Adjective” (Eg., sound, smell, look, taste// become, come, turn, remain, prove, get, go.); ➢ Consolidate the students’knowledge of (definite/indefinite/zero) article use; ➢ Help the pupils learn the use of words in the glossary part; ➢ Explain the differences between (a) arrive & reach, (b) find & find out, (c) raise & rise, (d) cross & across, and differences among (e) attend, join, & take part in. 2. Teaching Process 2.1 Pre-class Activities Omit 2.2 Main Sections of Text A Omit 2.3 New Words and Phrases Omit 2.4 Exercises Omit 2.5 After-class Activities/Assignments Omit Lesson Three Message of the Land 1. Teaching Objectives ➢ Re-strengthening students’(intensive) reading strategies; ➢ Explain the style of interviews; ➢ Make the students re-think the changes in social values, attitudes, and life styles with the development of industrialization; ➢ Explain two word-formation skills: ○a Noun/Verb + ‘ful’ Adjective ○b ‘Un’ + Adjective Antonym ➢ Consolidate students’knowledge on Subjunctive Mood; ➢ Make students understand the major usages of the words in the Glossary part; ➢ Introduce some cultural differences in translation to arouse the students’
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