王继超等:一种改进的人工蜂群算法一粒子蜂群算法 ·881· [9]Shi X H,Li Y W,Li HJ,et al.An integrated algorithm based on [13]Ning A P,Zhang X Y.Convergence analysis of artificial bee col- artificial bee colony and particle swarm optimization/2010 6th ony algorithm.Control Decis,2013,28(10):1554 International Conference on Natural Computation.Yantai,2011: (宁爱平,张雪英.人工蜂群算法的收敛性分析.控制与决 2586 策,2013,28(10):1554) [10]Pereira A G C,Campos V S M.Multistage non homogeneous [14]Wang Y J.Research and Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algo- Markov chain modeling of the non homogeneous genetic algorithm rithm Dissertation ]Harbin:Harbin Engineering University, and convergence results.Commun Stat Theory Methods,2016. 2013 45(6):1794 (王艳娇.人工蜂群算法的研究与应用[学位论文].哈尔 [11]Sun S C.Liu H B.6-particle swarm algorithm:convergence and 滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2013) applications//Swarm Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Computation, [15]Qiu J F.An Improved Method of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 2013:137 and Its Contergence Theory [Dissertation].Hefei:Anhui Univer- [12]Stutzle T.Dorigo M.A short convergence proof for a class of ant sity,2014 colony optimization algorithms.IEEE Trans Ecol Comput,2002, (邱剑锋.人工蜂群算法的改进方法与收敛性理论的研究 6(4):358 [学位论文].合把:安徽大学,2014)王继超等: 一种改进的人工蜂群算法———粒子蜂群算法 [9] Shi X H, Li Y W, Li H J, et al. An integrated algorithm based on artificial bee colony and particle swarm optimization / / 2010 6th International Conference on Natural Computation. Yantai, 2011: 2586 [10] Pereira A G C, Campos V S M. Multistage non homogeneous Markov chain modeling of the non homogeneous genetic algorithm and convergence results. Commun Stat Theory Methods, 2016, 45(6): 1794 [11] Sun S C, Liu H B. 6鄄particle swarm algorithm: convergence and applications / / Swarm Intelligence and Bio鄄Inspired Computation, 2013: 137 [12] Stutzle T, Dorigo M. A short convergence proof for a class of ant colony optimization algorithms. IEEE Trans Evol Comput, 2002, 6(4): 358 [13] Ning A P, Zhang X Y. Convergence analysis of artificial bee col鄄 ony algorithm. Control Decis, 2013,28(10): 1554 (宁爱平,张雪英. 人工蜂群算法的收敛性分析. 控制与决 策, 2013, 28(10): 1554) [14] Wang Y J. Research and Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algo鄄 rithm [ Dissertation]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, 2013 (王艳娇. 人工蜂群算法的研究与应用[学位论文]. 哈尔 滨: 哈尔滨工程大学, 2013) [15] Qiu J F. An Improved Method of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Its Convergence Theory [Dissertation]. Hefei: Anhui Univer鄄 sity, 2014 (邱剑锋. 人工蜂群算法的改进方法与收敛性理论的研究 [学位论文]. 合肥: 安徽大学, 2014) ·881·
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