rows older D)almost entirely psychological 63. In the teaching of self discipline the Japanese emphasize A)duty to one's family and relations B)early toilet training combined with restrictive movement C)heavy external control including both verbal and physical punishment D)a permissive atmosphere almost until puberty 64. The Japanese idea of virtue A) sublimating the“ rough” soul to permit ascendency of the“ gentle”so B)fulfilling ones obligation to others c)de od and avoiding evil D)being friendly and courteous to all people 65. To the japanese, the aim of existence is A)the pursuit of happiness B)reward in the afterlife C)a happy ending to one's activities D)fulfilling ones duty Passage 4 Some of the most basic comcepts of psycholol gy were defined by sigmund Freud and two of his followers, Alfred Adler and Carl gustav jung. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist(神经病学家), was the founder of psychoanalysis and, some would say, of modrn psychololgy itself. The main hypothesis of Freuds theory is that human behavior is determined primarily by unconscious motives. These unconscious motives can be discovered through the use of free association, that is, through talking out problems with the patient Freuds theory of personality involved three broad areas of investigation into huma behavior: structural, dynamic, and developmental. Structurally, freud divided the human personality into id, ego, and superego. The id is the completely unconscious part of self. It is the repository(ai iR)of one's instinctual needs and drives. Freud posited that it consisted of everything psychological that was inherite The ego is the rational aspect of the personality. It governs the impulsive needs created by the id and decides which needs can and will be satisfied according to the conditions of the environment The superego is the conscience, the ethical (eF#aJ)or moral aspect of personality. It is formed by the traditional values and ideals of the society or culture in which a person is born. The uperego strives for the ideal. The "conscience" part provides guilt feelings when moral values are violated. The ego ideal"part provides feelings of pride when the self acts in consonance with tradtional values of the group. Freuds dynamic concepts involved instict, libido, and anxiety. Generally, we termbehavioras instinctive if it occurs without any apparent opportunity of its having been learned Freudsgrows older D)almost entirely psychological 63. In the teaching of self discipline the Japanese emphasize _____ . A)duty to one′s family and relations B)early toilet training combined with restrictive movement C)heavy external control including both verbal and physical punishment D)a permissive atmosphere almost until puberty 64. The Japanese idea of virtue is _____ . A)sublimating the “rough”soul to permit ascendency of the “gentle”soul B)fulfilling one′s obligation to others C)doing good and avoiding evil D)being friendly and courteous to all people 65. To the Japanese,the aim of existence is _____ . A)the pursuit of happiness B)reward in the afterlife C)a happy ending to one′s activities D)fulfilling one′s duty Passage 4 Some of the most basic comcepts of psychololgy were defined by Sigmund Freud and two of his followers,Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung. Sigmund Freud,an Austriian neurologist(神经病学家),was the founder of psychoanalysis and,some would say,of modrn psychololgy itself.The main hypothesis of Freud′s theory is that human behavior is determined primarily by unconscious motives. These unconscious motives can be discovered through the use of free association,that is,through talking out problems with the patient. Freud′s theory of personality involved three broad areas of investigation into human behavior:structural,dynamic,and developmental.Structurally,Freud divided the human personality into id,ego,and superego.The id is the completely unconscicous part of self.It is the repository(资源)of one′s instinctual needs and drives.Freud posited that it consisted of everything psychological that was inherited. The ego is the rational aspect of the personality.It governs the impulsive needs created by the id and decides which needs can and will be satisfied according to the conditions of the environment. The superego is the conscience,the ethical(伦理的) or moral aspect of personality.It is formed by the traditional values and ideals of the society or culture in which a person is born.The superego strives for the ideal. The “conscience” part provides guilt feelings when moral values are violated.The “ego ideal” part provides feelings of pride when the self acts in consonance with tradtional values of the group. Freud′s dynamic concepts involved instict,libido,and anxiety.Generally,we term behavior as instinctive if it occurs without any apparent opportunity of its having been learned.Freud′s
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