53.Phlegmonous inflammation often occurs in A.skin B.muscle C.lung D.appendix 54.Acute inflammation:( A.the path gical changes are major of alteration and exudation B.the pathological change are major of proliferation C.inerease of neutrophilie granuloeyte. D.increase of lymphocyte,plasmocyte and monocyte 55.The purulent infammation may be seen in the following diseases ) A.lobar pneumonia B.lobular pneumoni C.appendicitis D.rheumatic pericarditi 56.Important complication of As are( A.Haemorrhage into plaques B.Plaque rupture or fissuring C.Thrombus formation D.Aneurysm formation 57.Microscope appearance of chronic gastritis are( A.Partial or complete loss of gastric glands B.Infiltration of lymphocyte and plasma cells throughtout the depth of lamina of the atrophic mucosa C.Intestinal metaplasia D.Squamous metaplasia 58.The main components of tuberculous granuloma include( A.Langhans giant cell B.eosinophile granulocyte C.epithelioid cell D.neutrophil 59.Which is the reason of congestion?( A.Local venous compression B.Local or systemic venous obstruction C.Cardiac failure D.Inerease of vasoactive substances 60.Which of the following is hemorrhagic infarct?( A.infarct of spleen B.infaret of lung C.infarct of cardiac D.infarct of intestines IV ESSAY QUESTION (20 points) List the distinctions between Cell death by necrosis with apoptosis.53. Phlegmonous inflammation often occurs in ( ) A. skin B. muscle C. lung D. appendix 54.Acute inflammation: ( ) A. the pathological changes are major of alteration and exudation B. the pathological change are major of proliferation C. increase of neutrophilic granulocyte. D. increase of lymphocyte, plasmocyte and monocyte. 55. The purulent inflammation may be seen in the following diseases.( ) A.lobar pneumonia B.lobular pneumonia C.appendicitis D.rheumatic pericarditis 56. Important complication of AS are( ) A.Haemorrhage into plaques B.Plaque rupture or fissuring C.Thrombus formation D.Aneurysm formation 57.Microscope appearance of chronic gastritis are( ) A. Partial or complete loss of gastric glands B. Infiltration of lymphocyte and plasma cells throughtout the depth of lamina of the atrophic mucosa C. Intestinal metaplasia D. Squamous metaplasia 58. The main components of tuberculous granuloma include( ) A.Langhans giant cell B.eosinophile granulocyte C.epithelioid cell D.neutrophil 59. Which is the reason of congestion?( ) A.Local venous compression B.Local or systemic venous obstruction C.Cardiac failure D.Increase of vasoactive substances 60. Which of the following is hemorrhagic infarct?( ) A.infarct of spleen B.infarct of lung C.infarct of cardiac D.infarct of intestines Ⅳ ESSAY QUESTION (20 points ) List the distinctions between Cell death by necrosis with apoptosis
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