理论教学 食品安全采 与小组报 随微提问间 购与库存管 综述及展示 掌握知识要点 理 并可延伸阅读 项目报告 Teaching Summary Questioning Procurement Study & presentation project and further reading student report inventory report 食品运输 配送管理 理论教学 Food 与课章讨 掌握知识要点 综述及展示 Handling 论 并可延伸阅读 随堂提问 delivery Teac & clas presentation Study Questioning further reading n discussior 食品物流信 理论数学 息管理系统 与课堂讨 掌据知识要占 Logistics 综述及展示 4 并可延伸阅读 随堂提问 Summary information Teaching Study Questioning presentation system class further reading discussion 理论教学 第三方物流 与课室讨 综述及展示 掌握知识要点 管理 论 并可延伸阅读 随堂提问 Third party 4 Summary Teaching Study Questioning oresentation logistics class further reading 理论教字 电子商务 与课章讨 掌握知识要点 综述及展示 E-commerce 论 并可延伸阅读 随堂提间 4 Teaching Summary and food Study& Questioning logistics &class presentation further reading discussion 理论教学 物流设施及 与小组报 随貲提间 掌握知识要点 食品冷链物 综述及展示 项目报告 并可证伸闯凌 流系统 Study presentation projec further reading logistics student report report 综合考评(20%)+期末者试(60%)+课程展示和作业(20的%) *考核方式(Grading) comprehensive t(final examination (+presen tation homewor assignments (20%) 食品安全采 购与库存管 理 Procurement and inventory 4 理论教学 与小组报 告 Teaching & student report 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问& 项目报告 Questioning & project report 食品运输与 配送管理 Food Handling, delivery &distributio n 4 理论教学 与课堂讨 论 Teaching & class discussion 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问 Questioning 食品物流信 息管理系统 Logistics information system 4 理论教学 与课堂讨 论 Teaching & class discussion 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问 Questioning 第三方物流 管理 Third party logistics 4 理论教学 与课堂讨 论 Teaching & class discussion 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问 Questioning 电子商务 E-commerce and food logistics 4 理论教学 与课堂讨 论 Teaching & class discussion 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问 Questioning 物流设施及 食品冷链物 流系统 Cold chain logistics 4 理论教学 与小组报 告 Teaching & student report 综述及展示 Summary & presentation 掌握知识要点 并可延伸阅读 Study & further reading 随堂提问& 项目报告 Questioning & project report *考核方式 (Grading) 综合考评(20%)+期末考试(60%)+课程展示和作业(20%) comprehensive assessment (20%) + final examination (60%) + presentation & homework assignments (20%)
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