such as the planting of trees and grass to combat desertification and 草等生态环境保护工程建设、絲皆 soil erosion 11.水产品养殖、深水网箱养殖、工 11.Aqua farming,open sea-cage aquaculture,industrial aquaculture. 丿化水产养殖、生态型海洋增养殖 and ecological mariculture 1I.Mining Industry 、采业 1.Exploration and exploitation of coal-bed gas and utilization of mine 1.煤层气期探、开发和矿井瓦斯利 gas (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 用(限于合资、合作) 2.Risk exploration and exploitation of oil and natural gas (limited to 2.石油、天然气的风险拗探、开发 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) (限于合资、合作) 3.Exploitation of low permeability oil or gas reservoirs(fields)(limited 3.低渗透油气藏(川)的开发(限 to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 于合资、合作) 4.Development and application of enhanced oil recovery and relevant 4.提高原油采收率及湘关新技术的 new technologies (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint 开发应用(限于合资、合作) ventures) 5.物探、钻井、测井、录井、井下 5.Development and application of new technologies for oil exploration 作业等石油勘探开发新技术的开发与应 and exploitation in areas such as geophysical prospecting,drilling.well 用(限于合资、合作) logging,mud logging,and down-hole operation(limited to Chinese- 6.油页岩、油砂、重汕、超重油等 foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 非常规石油资源勘探、开发(限于合 6.Exploration and exploitation of unconventional oil resources,such as 资、合作) oil shale,oil sand,heavy crude oil,and extra-heavy crude oil (limited to 7.铁矿、镭矿勘标、开采及选矿广 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 8.提高矿山尾矿利用率的新技术开 7.Exploration,exploitation and ore dressing of iron and manganese 发和应用及矿山生态恢复技术的综金应 minerals 各 8.Development and application of new technologies for enhancing 9.页岩气、海底天然气水合物等非 utilization rate of mine tailings and the comprehensive application of 常规天然气资源勘探、开发(限于合 ecological restoration technology in mining areas 资、合作) 9.Exploration and exploitation of unconventional natural gas resources,such as shale gas and marine gas hydrate(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) III.Manufacturing Industries 三、制造业 (I)Agricultural and Sideline Food Processing (一)农剧食品加工业 1.Development and production of bio-feedstuff,stalk feed and aquatic 1.生物饲料、秸秆饲料、水产饲料 feed 的开发、生产 2.Aquatic product processing,shellfish purification and processing, 2.水产品加工、贝类净化及加工、 and development of algal health food 海藻保健食品开发 3.Processing of vegetables,dried and fresh fruit,and livestock and 3.蔬菜、干鲜果品、腐窗产品加工 poultry products (二)食品制造业 (II)Food Manufacturing 1.婴儿、老年食品及保健食品的开 1.Development and production of baby food,food for the elderly,and 发、生产 health food 2.森林食品的开发、生产 2.Development and production of forest foods 3.天然食品添加剂、食品配料生产 3.Production of natural food additives and food ingredients (三)饮料制造业 (II)Beverage Manufacturing 1.果蔬饮料、蛋白饮料、茶饮料、 1.Development and production of fruit and vegetable drinks,protein 咖啡饮料、植物饮料的开发、生产 drinks,tea drinks,coffee drinks,and botanical drinks (四)烟草制品业 (IV)Tobacco Industry 1.二醋酸纤维素及丝柬相工(限于 1.Processing of cellulose diacetate and tow(limited to Chinese-foreign 合资、合作) equity or contractual joint ventures) (五)纺织业 (V)Textile Industry 1.采用非织造、机织、针织及其复 1.Production of multifunctional industrial textiles that are lightweight, 合工艺技术的轻质、高强、耐高/低温、 2
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