City University of Hong Kong,School of Law 2011-2012 Postgraduate Certificate in Laws(PCLL) Foundations in Mainland Related Legal Transactions [Statute Title Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Revision)[ 行有效] 【法规标题】外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)[Effective] Promulgation date: 12-24-2011 发布日期: 2011-12-24 Effective date: 01-30-2012 生效日期: 2012-01-30 Ministry of Commerce,State Development and Reform 商务部,时家发服和改革委员 Department: Commission (incl.Former State Development 发布部门: 会(含原国家发展计划委贞 Planning Commission,former 会、原国家计划委贞会) Subject: Foreign Economy and Trade 类别: 对外经贸 Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the 国家发展和改苹委员会、商分部令 Ministry of Commerce (第12号) (No.12) The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Amendment)as approved by the State Council is hereby issued and 《外商投资产业指导日录(2011年 shall come into force on January 30.2012;simultaneously,the 修订)》已经国务院批淮,现予以发 Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2007 ,白2012年1月3011起施行。2007华 Amendment)issued by the National Development and Reform 10打311闲家发展和改革委员会、商务 Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on October 31,2007 shall 部发布的《外商投资产业指学旦录 be repealed. (2007年修订)》同时废止, Zhang Ping,Director of the National Development and Reform 困家发展和改单委员会主任:张心 Commission 商务部部长:陈德铭 Chen Deming,Minister of Commerce 0……年:小月叫1 December 24,2011 Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Revision) 外商投资产业指守目录(2011年袋i订) Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment 鼓鳞外商投资产业山求 1.Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery 一、农、林、牧、渔业 1.Planting,development and production of woody plants that contain 1.木术食用油料、湖料和工业原料 edible oils or are used as seasonings or industrial raw materials 的种植及开发、生产 2.Development of planting technologies for green food vegetables or 2.绿色、有机蔬菜(含食用菌、西 organic vegetables (including edible fungi and melons),dried and fresh 瓜)、干鲜果品、茶叶栽培技术开发 fruit,and tea,and relevant production 及产品生产 3.Development of new planting technologies for crops,such as sugar 3.糖料、果树、牧草等农作物栽培 crops,fruit trees and pasture,and relevant production 新技术开发及产品生产 4.Production of flowers and construction and operation of nurseries 4.花卉生产与苗基地的建设、织 5.Planting of rubber trees,oil palm,sisal and coffee 营 6.Planting or breeding of Chinese medicinal materials(limited to 5.橡胶、汕棕、剑麻、啡种梳 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 6.中药材种植、养殖(限于合资、 7.Returning crop straw to farmland and the comprehensive utilization 合作) of crop straw;development and production of organic fertilizer 7.农作物秸秆还及综合利用、有 resources 机肥斜资源的开发生产 8.Planting of trees(bamboos)and cultivation of improved varieties; 8.林木(竹)营造及良种培育、多 cultivation of new varieties of polyploid trees 倍体树木新品种培育 9.Breeding of aquatic fingerlings (excluding China's rare and endemic 9.水产苗种繁育(不金我国特有的 species) 珍贵优良品种) 10.Construction and operation of environment protection projects, 10,防治荒漠化及水士流失的机树种 -1-
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