GRE机考词汇突破 寄托蓝宝书 浩然考试网www.hrexam.com member (反) affiliation◆ dissociation结盟◆分裂 (记)fi(子女)参考:fia子女的 affinity ]n.天然倾向或喜好( implies a susceptibility or predisposition on something) (反) 厌恶 repugnance厌恶 antipathy厌恶 (例) He have an affinity for mathematics.他天生喜欢数学 affluent ]adj.丰富的,富裕的( having a generous! y sufficient material possessions (反) needy非常贫困的 Impecunious贫困的 (记)fu(流动)+ent联想:不断流入→富裕的 agenda I n. ix te (a list or outline of things to be considered or done (类) minute· agenda=log· itinerary会议记录·议程=航海日志·行程安排 syllabus· course= agenda· meeting= itinerary·trip= program· concert 教学大纲安排课程=议程安排会议=行程表安排旅程=节目程序安排音乐会 aggrandize vt.增加,夸大( to make appear great or greater: praise highly) (反) disparage贬低 relegate降级 efface抹掉 undermine破坏 (记) grand(大)参考: grandiloquent夸张的,夸大的 aggravate ]t.加重,恶化( to make worse, more senous, or more severe) (反) console◆ aggravate grief抚慰,安慰◆加重悲伤 (反) alleviate减轻 succor援助,减轻( to go to the aid of: RELIEVE) (记)grav(重)→加重 aggregate n.集合体v.集合,合计( to collect or gather into a mass or whole) 最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线∷tp/www.gter.net/bibleGRE 机考词汇突破 ©浩然考试网 www.hrexam.com 最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线::::::: http://www.gter.net/bible 17 member) (反)affiliation ◆ dissociation 结盟 ◆ 分裂 (记)fili(子女)参考:filial 子女的 affinity [ ] n. 天 然 倾 向 或 喜 好 ( implies a susceptibility or predisposition on something) (反)aversion 厌恶 repugnance 厌恶 antipathy 厌恶 (例)He have an affinity for mathematics. 他天生喜欢数学。 affluent [ ] adj. 丰 富 的 , 富 裕 的 ( having a generously sufficient material possessions) (反)needy 非常贫困的 impecunious 贫困的 (记)flu(流动)+ent 联想:不断流入→富裕的 agenda [ ] n. 议程(a list or outline of things to be considered or done) (类)minute·agenda=log·itinerary 会议记录·议程=航海日志·行程安排 syllabus·course=agenda·meeting=itinerary·trip=program·concert 教学大纲安排课程=议程安排会议=行程表安排旅程=节目程序安排音乐会 aggrandize [ ] vt. 增加,夸大(to make appear great or greater:praise highly) (反)disparage 贬低 relegate 降级 efface 抹掉 undermine 破坏 (记)grand (大) 参考:grandiloquent 夸张的,夸大的 aggravate [ ] vt. 加重,恶化(to make worse, more serious, or more severe) (反)console ◆ aggravate grief 抚慰,安慰 ◆ 加重悲伤 (反)alleviate 减轻 succor 援助,减轻(to go to the aid of :RELIEVE) (记)grav(重)→加重 aggregate [ ] n. 集合体 v. 集合,合计(to collect or gather into a mass or whole)
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