GRE机考词汇突破 寄托蓝宝书 浩然考试网www.hrexam.com (反) disaggregate◆ coalesce分散◆接合 aggregate◆ isolated units集合体◆隔离的单位 aggregate◆ disperse聚集◆分散 disaggregate◆ join together分解◆连接,结合 (记)greg(团体)联想:集合;参考: gregarious(社交的,群居的) list 2 aggressive arachnid aggressive ]adj.好斗的,侵略性的( Inclined to behave in a hostile fashion) (反) even-tempered性情平和的 【注: even adj.平的,公平的,偶数的参考 even-handed公平的】 (例) an aggressive young executive.一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员 aggrieve ]ⅵt.使委屈,使苦恼( to give pain or trouble to) (反) gratify使满足 (a) distress, constrain, grieve, hurt agony n.苦恼,极大的痛苦( intense pain of mind or body) (类) painful· agonIzing= important· paramount 痛苦的·极大痛苦的=重要的·最重要的(程度) agonized· distress= obsessed· concern 痛苦的·苦恼=困扰的·忧虑(形动同义) airtight ]adj.密闭的,不透气的( impermeable to air or nearly so) (类) foolproof·fal= airtight leak极其可靠的不会出故障=密封的不会泄漏 GE: foolproof adj so simple or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error or failure alacrity 敏捷,轻快;渴望,乐意( promptness in response: cheerful readiness) (类) alacrity· prompt= acumen. shrew敏捷·快速=敏锐·干练(同义) 最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线∷tp/www.gter.net/bibleGRE 机考词汇突破 ©浩然考试网 www.hrexam.com 最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线::::::: http://www.gter.net/bible 18 (反)disaggregate ◆ coalesce 分散 ◆ 接合 aggregate ◆ isolated units 集合体 ◆ 隔离的单位 aggregate ◆ disperse 聚集 ◆ 分散 disaggregate ◆ join together 分解 ◆ 连接,结合 (记)greg(团体) 联想:集合;参考:gregarious(社交的,群居的) list 2 aggressive ------- arachnid aggressive [ ] adj. 好斗的,侵略性的(Inclined to behave in a hostile fashion) (反)even-tempered 性情平和的 【注:even adj. 平的,公平的,偶数的 参考 even-handed 公平的】 (例)an aggressive young executive. 一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员 aggrieve [ ] vt. 使委屈,使苦恼(to give pain or trouble to) (反)gratify 使满足 (同)distress,constrain, grieve, hurt agony [ ] n. 苦恼,极大的痛苦(intense pain of mind or body) (类)painful·agonizing=important·paramount 痛苦的·极大痛苦的=重要的·最重要的(程度) agonized·distress=obsessed·concern 痛苦的·苦恼=困扰的·忧虑(形动同义) airtight [ ] adj. 密闭的,不透气的(impermeable to air or nearly so) (类)foolproof·fail=airtight·leak 极其可靠的不会出故障=密封的不会泄漏 【注:foolproof :adj. so simple or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error or failure】 alacrity [ ] n. 敏捷,轻快;渴望,乐意(promptness in response:cheerful readiness) (类)alacrity·prompt=acumen·shrewd 敏捷·快速=敏锐·干练(同义)
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