8/17/2016 Birth of Modern Chemotherapy Antibiotics Dreams of the "Magic Bullet" A fortunate accident onidentifying Photo that substances that kill the pathogenic microbe BINSON ontaminated CG2nta5bsi0rc2wmctofadeasetsn9 Antibiotics-chemical produced by bacteria and 1928-Alexander Fleming almost threw out the fungi to act against other microorganisms ntibiotics due to his Synthetic drugs-chemotherapeuticagents was contaminated with mold prepared in the lab from chemicals ●Penicillium notat九um(chrysogenum)-a mold Antibiotic was called penicillin 1940s clinically tested and mass produced Since then thousands of antibiotics have beer 1910-Erhlich discovered first synthetic drug isolated that was effective against the syphilis agent Increasing Number of Drug-Resistant Modern Developments in Microorganisms World Economic Forum Report 2013 Microbiology the greatest risk..to human health comes in the form of antibiotic- resistant bacteria." Learning Objectives Antibiotic is a chemical substance Define bacteriology,mycology. parasitology,immunology,and virology microbes Explain the importance of recombinant o grow ilmir rug)that would normally DNA technology In the US,antibiotic-resistance causes over 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths annually (CDC report). 108/17/2016 10 Birth of Modern Chemotherapy Dreams of the “Magic Bullet” Microbiologists soon focused on identifying substances that kill the pathogenic microbe Chemotherapy - treatment of a disease using chemical substances Antibiotics - chemical produced by bacteria and fungi to act against other microorganisms Synthetic drugs - chemotherapeutic agents prepared in the lab from chemicals Paul Erhlich speculated about drugs that could hunt down and kill pathogens without harming the host 1910 - Erhlich discovered first synthetic drug that was effective against the syphilis agent Salvarsan Antibiotics A fortunate accident 1928 - Alexander Fleming almost threw out the first discovery of antibiotics due to his bacterial culture was contaminated with mold Penicillium notatum (chrysogenum) - a mold Antibiotic was called penicillin 1940s clinically tested and mass produced Since then thousands of antibiotics have been isolated Photo that Fleming took of the contaminated plate Increasing Number of Drug-Resistant Microorganisms Antibiotic is a chemical substance produced by one microorganism that inhibits or kills another microbe. Antibiotic resistance is the ability of microbes to grow in the presence of a chemical (drug) that would normally kill them or limit their growth. World Economic Forum Report 2013 ”the greatest risk....to human health comes in the form of antibiotic￾resistant bacteria.” In the US, antibiotic-resistance causes over 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths annually (CDC report). Learning Objectives Define bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, immunology, and virology Explain the importance of recombinant DNA technology Modern Developments in Microbiology
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