8/17/2016 The Golden Age of Microbiology 1857-1914 Ignaz Semmelweis (1840)- Microbiology was established as a science showed that child birth Major advances made due to Pasteur and Koch fever could be reduced by Pasteur hand disinfection of 1857 discovered fermentation and food spoilage medical care givers yeast convert sugar into alcohol in the absence of air Based on findings of Pasteur and Semmelweis: 1861 disproved spontaneous generation Joseph Lister (1860s)established 1864 pasteurization discovered as a solution to aseptic surgery(phenol)and prevent wine spoilage proved that surgical infections Association of microbes with spoilage initiated work on are due to microorganisms Robert Koch-1876 Birth of Vaccination-1796 70 yrs before the Germ Theory Germ theory of diseases-proved that bacteria cause disease Discovered that Bacillus anthracis T peo causes anthrax cattle 2-injected into a healthy animal noculated a he althy-yrod 3-isolated the same bacteria from this dead animal smallpox-vaccination Koch's postulates-a sequence of Protection from disease provided by the vaccination is called fefeaeateeP rectly 1880-Pasteur discovered why Jenner's experiment worked (avirulent microbial strains induce immunity to the virulent strain vaccine) 8/17/2016 9 The Golden Age of Microbiology 1857-1914 Microbiology was established as a science Major advances made due to Pasteur and Koch Pasteur 1857 discovered fermentation and food spoilage yeast convert sugar into alcohol in the absence of air bacteria convert alcohol into vinegar in the presence of air 1861 disproved spontaneous generation 1864 pasteurization discovered as a solution to prevent wine spoilage Association of microbes with spoilage initiated work on microbes associated with disease or the germ theory of disease Ignaz Semmelweis (1840) – showed that child birth fever could be reduced by hand disinfection of medical care givers Based on findings of Pasteur and Semmelweis: Joseph Lister (1860s) established aseptic surgery (phenol) and proved that surgical infections are due to microorganisms Robert Koch- 1876 Germ theory of diseases – proved that bacteria cause disease Discovered that Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax 1 - isolated the strain in pure culture from blood of dead cattle 2 - injected into a healthy animal 3 - isolated the same bacteria from this dead animal Koch’s postulates – a sequence of experimental steps that directly relate a bacterium with a disease sick animal healthy animal pure culture same strain recovered Birth of Vaccination – 1796 70 yrs before the Germ Theory Edward Jenner discovered a way to protect people from smallpox Smallpox epidemics killed thousands and 90% of American Indians when Europeans arrived in America A milkmaid informed Jenner that she could not get smallpox as she had already had the milder cowpox Jenner inoculated a healthy 8-yr old volunteer with cowpox material by scratching the arm with an infected needle and the volunteer became mildly sick but never contracted cowpox or smallpox – vaccination Protection from disease provided by the vaccination is called immunity 1880 – Pasteur discovered why Jenner’s experiment worked (avirulent microbial strains induce immunity to the virulent strain - vaccine)
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