麦肯锡咨询公司 帮助领先公司和政府更加成功 to help leading corporations and governments be more successful 耐克公司 体验竞争、胜利和击垮对手的快乐感受 to experience the emotion of competition, winning, and crushing competitors 沃玛特 WalsMan 给平民百姓购买富人所购买的间样东西的机会 to give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things aS rich people 1717 麦肯锡咨询公司 帮助领先公司和政府更加成功 to help leading corporations and governments be more successful 耐克公司 体验竞争、胜利和击垮对手的快乐感受 to experience the emotion of competition, winning, and crushing competitors 沃玛特 Wal-Mart 给平民百姓购买富人所购买的同样东西的机会 to give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people
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