The immense influence of IT on our society makes it clear that we are living in the Information Age 信息技术对社会的巨大影响表明我们正生活在信息时代。 3. to stand by one' s principles(L8)坚持原则 1)still believe or agree with sth said, decided or agreed earlier She still stands by every word she said 她仍然信守自己所说的每一句话 It brings one trust and respect from others to practice honesty and stand by his promises 为人诚实、信守诺言会贏得别人的信任与尊重 2)help sb. or be friends with them, even in difficult situations I wouldn 't break a law for a friend, but I would stand by her if need be 我不会为了朋友犯法,但如果需要的话,我会支持她的 3)Be present while sth bad is happening but not do anything to stop it How can you stand by and see him robbing the old man? 看着他抢劫那个老人,你怎能袖手旁观 4) be ready for action The troops are standing by 部队正严阵以待。。 4 to have high moral standards(L.9)有高尚的道德标准 It is easy to talk about having high moral atandards but in practice, What would one really do in such a situation? 高尚的道德标准说起来容易,但实际上人们在这种情况下究竟会怎样做呢 The college life should be centered around raising students'academic and moral standard 大学生活应以提高学生的学术和道德水平为中心 5. In private( with nobody else present, secretly)私下里;秘密地;在私生活里;在家里 in Britain who were prepared to say in private(L. 15) 在英国有人私下里说 a home is a place for relaxing in private 家是私下放松的地方 He is a gentleman of refinement in public but a man of easy virtue in private. 在公开场合他是个彬彬有礼的绅士,但在私下里却是个放荡不羁的人 反意词 in public类似的短语 In practice etc(para3) 6.为方便讨论起见/为了政治目的 for discussion/political purposes(L. 30 /32) 个社会再自由开放也决不容许一些人为了险恶目的而胡作非为。 A society, no matter how free and open it is, never allows some people to commit all kinds of outrages for evil purposes 7.正在调查中 under investigation(L. 34) 正在对911袭击前后的情报工作进行全面的司法调查。 A full-scale judicial investigation is under way into the intelligence work around the 1l Septer attack 8.因可能触犯商业法规The immense influence of IT on our society makes it clear that we are living in the Information Age. 信息技术对社会的巨大影响表明我们正生活在信息时代。 3. to stand by one’s principles (L. 8) 坚持原则 stand by 1) still believe or agree with sth said ,decided or agreed earlier She still stands by every word she said 她仍然信守自己所说的每一句话 It brings one trust and respect from others to practice honesty and stand by his promises. 为人诚实、信守诺言会赢得别人的信任与尊重 2)help sb. or be friends with them, even in difficult situations I wouldn’t break a law for a friend, but I would stand by her if need be 我不会为了朋友犯法,但如果需要的话,我会支持她的 3)Be present while sth bad is happening but not do anything to stop it How can you stand by and see him robbing the old man? 看着他抢劫那个老人,你怎能袖手旁观? 4)be ready for action The troops are standing by. 部队正严阵以待。。 4. to have high moral standards (L. 9) 有高尚的道德标准 It is easy to talk about having high moral atandards but ,in practice,What would one really do in such a situation? 高尚的道德标准说起来容易,但实际上人们在这种情况下究竟会怎样做呢 The college life should be centered around raising students’ academic and moral standards. 大学生活应以提高学生的学术和道德水平为中心。 5. in private(with nobody else present,secretly) 私下里;秘密地;在私生活里; 在家里 …in Britain who were prepared to say in private(L. 15) 在英国有人私下里说。。。 A home is a place for relaxing in private. 家是私下放松的地方 He is a gentleman of refinement in public but a man of easy virtue in private. 在公开场合他是个彬彬有礼的绅士,但在私下里却是个放荡不羁的人。 反意词 in public 类似的短语 in practice etc.(para3) 6. 为方便讨论起见 / 为了政治目的 for discussion / political purposes (L. 30 / 32) 一个社会再自由开放也决不容许一些人为了险恶目的而胡作非为。 A society, no matter how free and open it is, never allows some people to commit all kinds of outrages for evil purposes. 7. 正在调查中 under investigation (L. 34) 正在对 911 袭击前后的情报工作进行全面的司法调查。 A full-scale judicial investigation is under way into the intelligence work around the 11 September attack. 8. 因可能触犯商业法规
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