3结语 精神疾病污名化是阻碍精神疾病患者最终康复的重要阻碍,目前,国外已经 在公众污名和自我污名上进行了较多较为系统的研究,但是国内不管是在理论研 究,还是在实践上,都处在起步阶段。实现中国社会的精神疾病去污名化,需要 发展出一套属于我们的自己的系统和方案,需要政府、社会工作者、医护人员、 媒体、家庭的多元化合作。同时作为大学生、医学生,尽自己所能为去除精神疾 病污名贡献力量也是不可推卸的责任。相信在社会各界的共同努力下,社会精神 疾病污名化最终能被去除,我们能够实现健康中国的宏伟目标。 参考文献 [1] World Health Organization. Stigma and global health: an international perspective. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2001 [2]欧文戈夫曼污名:受损身份管理札记[M]商务印书馆,2009 3 Corrigan P, Matthews A. Stigma and disclosure: Implications for coming out of the closet[J]. Journal of Mental Health, 2003, 12(3): 235-248 [4 Rusch N, Angermeyer M C, Corrigan P W Mental illness stigma: Concepts, consequences, and initiatives to reduce stigma]. European Psychiatry, 2005 20(8)529539 [5]潘玲,刘桂萍.精神疾病公众污名的研究进展[中华护理教育,2013, 10(1)40-42 6 Erica Toledo Piza Peluso, Blay SL Public stigma and schizophrenia in Sao Paulo city Estigma publico e esquizofrenia na cidade de sao Paulo p]. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria, 2010, 33(ahead): 130-136 [7 Nordt C, Rossler W, Lauber A C. Attitudes of Mental Health Professional Toward People with Schizophrenia and Major Depression]. Schizophrenia Bulletin,2006,32(4):709-714 [8 Llerena A, Llerena A, Caceres M C, et al. Schizophrenia stigma among medical and nursing undergraduates. [J]. European Psychiatry, 2002, 17(5): 298-299 [9] Corrigan PW, Watson AC. The paradox of self-stigma and mental illness. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2002, 9(1):35-53 [10]Corrigan PW, Rao D. On the self-stigma of mental illness: stages, disclosure, and strategies for change. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2012, 57(8): 464-469 [11] Phillips MR, Pearson V, Li F, et al. Stigma and expressed emotion: a study of people with schizophrenia and their family members in China. British Journal of9 3 结语 精神疾病污名化是阻碍精神疾病患者最终康复的重要阻碍,目前,国外已经 在公众污名和自我污名上进行了较多较为系统的研究,但是国内不管是在理论研 究,还是在实践上,都处在起步阶段。实现中国社会的精神疾病去污名化,需要 发展出一套属于我们的自己的系统和方案,需要政府、社会工作者、医护人员、 媒体、家庭的多元化合作。同时作为大学生、医学生,尽自己所能为去除精神疾 病污名贡献力量也是不可推卸的责任。相信在社会各界的共同努力下,社会精神 疾病污名化最终能被去除,我们能够实现健康中国的宏伟目标。 参考文献 [1] World Health Organization. Stigma and global health: an international perspective. Geneva: World Health Organization,2001. [2] 欧文.戈夫曼. 污名:受损身份管理札记[M]. 商务印书馆, 2009. [3] Corrigan P, Matthews A. Stigma and disclosure: Implications for coming out of the closet[J]. Journal of Mental Health, 2003, 12(3):235-248. [4] Rüsch N, Angermeyer M C, Corrigan P W. Mental illness stigma: Concepts, consequences, and initiatives to reduce stigma[J]. European Psychiatry, 2005, 20(8):529-539. [5] 潘玲, 刘桂萍. 精神疾病公众污名的研究进展[J]. 中华护理教育, 2013, 10(1):40-42. [6] Érica Toledo Piza Peluso, Blay S L. Public stigma and schizophrenia in São Paulo city Estigma público e esquizofrenia na cidade de São Paulo[J]. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria, 2010, 33(ahead):130-136. [7] Nordt C, Rössler W, Lauber A C. Attitudes of Mental Health Professionals Toward People With Schizophrenia and Major Depression[J]. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2006, 32(4):709-714. [8] Llerena A, Llerena A, Cáceres M C, et al. Schizophrenia stigma among medical and nursing undergraduates.[J]. European Psychiatry, 2002, 17(5):298-299. [9] Corrigan PW, Watson AC. The paradox of self-stigma and mental illness. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice,2002,9(1):35-53. [10]Corrigan PW, Rao D. On the self-stigma of mental illness: stages, disclosure, and strategies for change. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,2012,57(8):464-469 [11]Phillips MR, Pearson V, Li F, et a1.Stigma and expressed emotion: a study of people with schizophrenia and their family members in China. British Journal of