面向未来的中国科学院藏科学与类病智能研究厂 础研究的重点突破方向,强调脑科学成果面向重大需求 LTD and LTP.Nature.2014.511(7509h:348-352. 的转化应用,实现脑科学和类脑智能技术的协同发展。 通过“脑科学与类脑智能国家实验室”建设。打造脑科 the valence associated witha hippocampal memor 学与类脑智能的学科创新基地,高层次、复合型、创新 engram.Nature,2014,5137518y426-430. 性人才培养基地,和国际交流与合作基地,为推动脑科 12 Shanechi MM.Hu R C,Williams Z M.A cortical-spinal 学与智能技术产业进一步发展和提升我国智能产业国际 prosthesis for targeted limb movement in paralysed primate 竞争力提供强有力的科技支撑。 avatars Nature Communications,014,5:3237. 13 RaoRPN.StoccoA.Bryan M.et alA direct brain-to-brain 参考文献 interface in humans.PLoS ONE,01,1):el11332. 1 European Union.Human Brain Project.[2016-05-061.http:// 14 Merolla P A,Arthur J V.Alvarez-leaza R,et al.A million www.humanbrainproject.eu/. spiking-eurnerr 2The White House.BRAIN Initiative.[2016-05-2]http://ww network and interface.(6197)668-673 whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/04/02/fact-sheet-brain- 15 Prezioso M.Merrikh-Bavat F.Hoskins B D.et al.Training initiative and operation of an integrated neuromorphic network based or 3 MEXT.Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for metal-oxide memristors.Nature,015,7550(521)61-64. 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