一、课程简介(小四黑体) 健康评估作为护理专业基础课和临床课的桥梁课程,在学生已修完解剖学、生理学、 病理学等课程的基础上,学生通过本课程学习个体发育不同阶段的健康评估的内容和方 法,包括健康史的采集、沟通技巧、身体评估技能、按照从头到脚顺序进行身体各系统 的检查、相关的辅助检查和护理诊断思维方法,以期识别健康问题,提出护理诊断,为 制定护理措施提供依据。通过学习达到以下目标:明确健康评估的目的:采集健康史, 并按照从头到脚的顺序对各系统实施身体评估:描述身体评估中辅助检查学习的特点和 目的。认识人体正常和生理改变,能识别异常症状和体征,并解释临床意义:能准确、 简练的记录评估结果:能对评估结果进行综合分析,得出初步结果。 课程学分:5.5 学时分配:理论72学时,实验48学时 授课时间:春季学期 授课对象:护理本科2年级学生 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析、实践、音频视频媒体 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provide the students with methods of comprehensive health assessment for individuals across the lifespan.Incldes history taking,interview,physical examination techniques, relevant screening tests,and procedures for each body system.OBJECTIVES fellowed:1.Identify the purposes of health and physical assessment.2.Describe and implement systematic techniques used during health and physical assessment.3.Describe the purposes and characteristics of select equipment and screening tests used in health and physical assessment.4.Recognize normal findings,normal variations,and selected abnormalities identified throughout a health and physical assessment.5.Document health and physical assessment findings in a concise,descriptive manner.6.Integrate the data obtained in a health and physical assessment as a basis for Credit:5.5 LEARNING HOURS ALLOCATION:lecture 72 hours,on-campus lab 48 hours OFFERED: Spring Semester PREREQUISITES: Sophomore level TEACHING METHODS:Lecture,discussion,case presentations,practice,audio-visuals,2 一、课程简介(小四黑体) 健康评估作为护理专业基础课和临床课的桥梁课程,在学生已修完解剖学、生理学、 病理学等课程的基础上,学生通过本课程学习个体发育不同阶段的健康评估的内容和方 法,包括健康史的采集、沟通技巧、身体评估技能、按照从头到脚顺序进行身体各系统 的检查、相关的辅助检查和护理诊断思维方法,以期识别健康问题,提出护理诊断,为 制定护理措施提供依据。通过学习达到以下目标:明确健康评估的目的;采集健康史, 并按照从头到脚的顺序对各系统实施身体评估;描述身体评估中辅助检查学习的特点和 目的。认识人体正常和生理改变,能识别异常症状和体征,并解释临床意义;能准确、 简练的记录评估结果;能对评估结果进行综合分析,得出初步结果。 课程学分:5.5 学时分配:理论 72 学时,实验 48 学时 授课时间:春季学期 授课对象:护理本科 2 年级学生 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析、实践、音频-视频媒体 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provide the students with methods of comprehensive health assessment for individuals across the lifespan. Includes history taking, interview, physical examination techniques, relevant screening tests, and procedures for each body system. OBJECTIVES fellowed:1.Identify the purposes of health and physical assessment.2.Describe and implement systematic techniques used during health and physical assessment.3.Describe the purposes and characteristics of select equipment and screening tests used in health and physical assessment.4.Recognize normal findings, normal variations, and selected abnormalities identified throughout a health and physical assessment.5.Document health and physical assessment findings in a concise, descriptive manner.6.Integrate the data obtained in a health and physical assessment as a basis for client care. Credit:5.5 LEARNING HOURS ALLOCATION: lecture 72 hours , on-campus lab 48 hours OFFERED: Spring Semester PREREQUISITES: Sophomore level TEACHING METHODS: Lecture, discussion, case presentations, practice, audio-visuals
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