590植物学报53(5)2018 the absence of the stress stimulus in Arabidopsis. Plant Kim KC, Lai ZB, Fan BF, Chen ZX(2008). Arabidopsis ce∥24,48924906 MRKY38 and WRKY62 transcription factors interact with Hashida SN, Uchiyama T, Martin C, Kishima Y, Sano Y, histone deacetylase 19 in basal defense. Plant Cell 20 Mikami T(2006). The temperature-dependent change in 235 methylation of the Antimhinum transposon Tam3 is con- Kinoshita T, Miura A, Choi Y, Yuki K, Cao XF, Jacobsen trolled by the activity of its transposase. Plant Cell 18, 104- SE, Fischer RL, Kakutani T(2004). One-way control of FWA imprinting in Arabidopsis endosperm by DNA met He GM, Zhu XP, Elling AA, Chen LB, Wang XF, Guo L, hylation Science 303, 521-523 Liang Mz, He H, Zhang HY, Chen FF, Qi YJ, chen RS, Kinoshita T, Seki M(2014). Epigenetic memory for stress Deng XW(2010). Global epigenetic and transcriptional response and adaptation in plant. Plant Cell Physiol 55, trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hy 1859-1863 brids. Plant Cell 22. 17-33 Li CL, Gu LF, Gao L, chen C, Wei CQ, Qiu Q, Chien Cw Hu ZR, Song N, Zheng M, Liu XY, Liu ZS, Xing Jw, Ma JH, Wang SK, Jiang LH, Ai LF, Chen CY, Yang SG, Nguyen Guo WW, Yao YY, Peng HR, Xin MM, Zhou DX, Ni ZF, Huang SZ, Cao XF, Wang ZY, Wu KQ, Chen XM, Cui YH sential for heat stress-responsive gene activation and (2016). Concerted genomic targeting of H3K27 demethy thermotolerance in Arabidopsis Plant J84, 1178-1191 ase REF6 and chromatin-remodeling ATPase BRM in Huang W, Xian ZQ, Hu GJ, Zheng GL (2016). SIAGO4A, a Arabidopsis. Nat Genet 48, 687-693 core factor of RNA-directed DNA methylation(RdDM) Li WX, Oono Y, Zhu JH, He XJ, Wu JM, lida K, Lu XY, Cui pathway, plays an important role under salt and drought XP, Jin HL, Zhu JK(2008). The Arabidopsis NFYA5 stress in tomato. Mo/ breed 36. 28 transcription factor is regulated transcriptionally and post James A, Wang YB, Raje H, Rosby R, DiMario P(2014) transcriptionally to promote drought resistance Plant Cel Nucleolar stress with and without p53. Nucleus 5, 402 20,2238-2251 Lindroth AM. Cao XF Jackson JP, Zilberman D, Mc- Johnson TB, Coghill RD(1925). Researches on pyrimid Callum CM, Henikoff S, Jacobsen SE(2001) Require nes C111. The discovery of 5-methyl-cytosine in tubercu- ment of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for maintenance of Cp- linic acid. the nucleic acid of the tubercle bacillus J Am XpG methylation Science 292, 2077-2080 Chem soc11,2838-2844 Liu CY, Lu FL, Cui X, Cao XF(2010). Histone methylation in Kankel MW, Ramsey DE, Stokes TL, Flowers SK, Haag higher plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol 61. 395-420 hards E Liu X, Luo M, Zhang W, zhao JH, Zhang Jx, Wu KQ, Tian (2003). Arabidopsis MET1 cytosine methyltransferase mu- LN, Duan J(2012). Histone acetyltransferases in rice tants Genetics 163. 1109-1122. (Oryza sativa L ) phylogenetic analysis, subcellular loca- Kantar M, Lucas SJ, Budak H(2011). miRNA expression lization and expression. BMC Plant Bio/ 12, 145 pattems of Triticum dicoccoides in response to shock dr- Liu ZQ, Gao J, Dong AW, shen WH(2009).A truncated ought stress Planta 233, 471-484 Arabidopsis NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN 1,At- Karan R, DeLeon T, Biradar H, Subudhi PK(2012). Salt NAP1: 3T, alters plant growth responses to abscisic acid stress induced variation in DNA methylation pattern and its and salt in the Atnap1, 3-2 mutant. Mol Plant 2, 688-699 influence on gene expression in contrasting rice genoty- Long JA, Ohno C, Smith ZR, Meyerowitz EM(2006). TOP. pes. PLos One 7, 040203. LESS regulates apical embryonic fate in Arabidopsis. Sci- Karlsson M, Weber W, Fussenegger M(2011). De novo ence312,1520-1523 design and construction of an inducible gene expres- Lorenzo O, Solano R(2005). Molecular players regulating sion system in mammalian cells. Meth Enzymol 497, 239- the jasmonate signaling network. Cur Opin Plant Biol 8 Kim JM, To TK, Ishida J, Matsui A, Kimura H, Seki M Lu xK, shu N, Wang JJ, Chen XG, Wang DL, Wang S, Fan (2012). Transition of chromatin status during the process WL, Guo XN, Guo LX, Ye w(2017). Genome-wide of recovery from drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana analysis of salinity-stress induced DNA methylation altera- Plant Cell Physio/ 53, 847-856 tions in cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L) using the Me-DIP ⊙植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany590 植物学报 53(5) 2018 the absence of the stress stimulus in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 4892–4906. Hashida SN, Uchiyama T, Martin C, Kishima Y, Sano Y, Mikami T (2006). The temperature-dependent change in methylation of the Antirrhinum transposon Tam3 is con￾trolled by the activity of its transposase. Plant Cell 18, 104– 118. He GM, Zhu XP, Elling AA, Chen LB, Wang XF, Guo L, Liang MZ, He H, Zhang HY, Chen FF, Qi YJ, Chen RS, Deng XW (2010). Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hy￾brids. Plant Cell 22, 17–33. Hu ZR, Song N, Zheng M, Liu XY, Liu ZS, Xing JW, Ma JH, Guo WW, Yao YY, Peng HR, Xin MM, Zhou DX, Ni ZF, Sun QX (2015). Histone acetyltransferase GCN5 is es￾sential for heat stress-responsive gene activation and thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J 84, 1178–1191. Huang W, Xian ZQ, Hu GJ, Zheng GL (2016). SlAGO4A, a core factor of RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, plays an important role under salt and drought stress in tomato. Mol Breed 36, 28. James A, Wang YB, Raje H, Rosby R, DiMario P (2014). Nucleolar stress with and without p53. Nucleus 5, 402– 426. Johnson TB, Coghill RD (1925). Researches on pyrimidi￾nes. C111. The discovery of 5-methyl-cytosine in tubercu￾linic acid, the nucleic acid of the tubercle bacillus. J Am Chem Soc 11, 2838–2844. Kankel MW, Ramsey DE, Stokes TL, Flowers SK, Haag JR, Jeddeloh JA, Riddle NC, Verbsky ML, Richards E (2003). Arabidopsis MET1 cytosine methyltransferase mu￾tants. Genetics 163, 1109–1122. Kantar M, Lucas SJ, Budak H (2011). miRNA expression patterns of Triticum dicoccoides in response to shock dr￾ought stress. Planta 233, 471–484. Karan R, DeLeon T, Biradar H, Subudhi PK (2012). Salt stress induced variation in DNA methylation pattern and its influence on gene expression in contrasting rice genoty￾pes. PLoS One 7, e40203. Karlsson M, Weber W, Fussenegger M (2011). De novo design and construction of an inducible gene expres￾sion system in mammalian cells. Meth Enzymol 497, 239– 253. Kim JM, To TK, Ishida J, Matsui A, Kimura H, Seki M (2012). Transition of chromatin status during the process of recovery from drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 53, 847–856. Kim KC, Lai ZB, Fan BF, Chen ZX (2008). Arabidopsis WRKY38 and WRKY62 transcription factors interact with histone deacetylase 19 in basal defense. Plant Cell 20, 2357–2371. Kinoshita T, Miura A, Choi Y, Yuki K, Cao XF, Jacobsen SE, Fischer RL, Kakutani T (2004). One-way control of FWA imprinting in Arabidopsis endosperm by DNA met￾hylation. Science 303, 521–523. Kinoshita T, Seki M (2014). Epigenetic memory for stress response and adaptation in plant. Plant Cell Physiol 55, 1859–1863. Li CL, Gu LF, Gao L, Chen C, Wei CQ, Qiu Q, Chien CW, Wang SK, Jiang LH, Ai LF, Chen CY, Yang SG, Nguyen V, Qi YH, Snyder MP, Burlingame A, Kohalmi SE, Huang SZ, Cao XF, Wang ZY, Wu KQ, Chen XM, Cui YH (2016). Concerted genomic targeting of H3K27 demethy￾lase REF6 and chromatin-remodeling ATPase BRM in Arabidopsis. Nat Genet 48, 687–693. Li WX, Oono Y, Zhu JH, He XJ, Wu JM, Iida K, Lu XY, Cui XP, Jin HL, Zhu JK (2008). The Arabidopsis NFYA5 transcription factor is regulated transcriptionally and post￾transcriptionally to promote drought resistance. Plant Cell 20, 2238–2251. Lindroth AM, Cao XF, Jackson JP, Zilberman D, Mc￾Callum CM, Henikoff S, Jacobsen SE (2001). Require￾ment of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for maintenance of Cp￾XpG methylation. Science 292, 2077–2080. Liu CY, Lu FL, Cui X, Cao XF (2010). Histone methylation in higher plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol 61, 395–420. Liu X, Luo M, Zhang W, Zhao JH, Zhang JX, Wu KQ, Tian LN, Duan J (2012). Histone acetyltransferases in rice (Oryza sativa L.): phylogenetic analysis, subcellular loca￾lization and expression. BMC Plant Biol 12, 145. Liu ZQ, Gao J, Dong AW, Shen WH (2009). A truncated Arabidopsis NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN 1, At￾NAP1;3T, alters plant growth responses to abscisic acid and salt in the Atnap1;3–2 mutant. Mol Plant 2, 688–699. Long JA, Ohno C, Smith ZR, Meyerowitz EM (2006). TOP￾LESS regulates apical embryonic fate in Arabidopsis. Sci￾ence 312, 1520–1523. Lorenzo O, Solano R (2005). Molecular players regulating the jasmonate signaling network. Curr Opin Plant Biol 8, 532–540. Lu XK, Shu N, Wang JJ, Chen XG, Wang DL, Wang S, Fan WL, Guo XN, Guo LX, Ye WW (2017). Genome-wide analysis of salinity-stress induced DNA methylation altera￾tions in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using the Me-DIP © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany
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