t康兮等:表观遗传调控植物响应非生物胁迫的研究进展589 Boy ko A, Blevins T, Yao Y, Golubov A, Bilichak A, IInyt Liu B(2012). Salt and alkaline stress induced transgene- skyy Y, Hollunder J, Meins Jr F, Kovalchuk I(2010) rational alteration in DNa methylation of rice(Oryza sa- Transgenerational adaptation of Arabidopsis to stress re- tiva). Aust J Crop Sci 6, 877. quires DNA methylation and the function of dicer-like pro- Ferreira LJ, Azevedo v, Maroco J, oliveira MM, Santos teins Plos one 5. e9514 AP(2015). Salt tolerant and sensitive rice varieties display Boy ko A, Kovalchuk I(2008). Epigenetic control of plant differential methylome flexibility under salt stress. PLOS stress response. Environ Mol Mutagen 49 one10,e0124060 Chanvivattana Y, Bishopp A, Schubert D, stock C, Moon Folta A, Severing El, Krauskopf J, Van De Geest H, YH, Sung ZR, Goodrich J(2004). Interaction of poly Verver J, Nap JP, Mlynarova L(2014). Over-expression comb-group proteins controlling flowering in Arabidopsis of Arabidopsis AtCHR23 chromatin remodeling ATPase Development 131, 5263-5276 results in increased variability of growth and gene expres Chen FF, He GM, He H, chen w, zhu XP, Liang Mz, chen sion BMC Plant Bio/ 14.76. LB, Deng XW(2010). Expression analysis of miRNAs and Fujita M, Fujita Y, Noutoshi Y, Takahashi F, Narusaka Y, highly-expressed small RNAs in two rice subspecies a Yamaguchi SK, shinozaki K(2006). Crosstalk between their reciprocal hybrids. J Integr Plant Biol 52, 971-980 abiotic and biotic stress responses: a current view from the Chen LT, Wu KQ(2010). Role of histone deacetylases HDA6 points of convergence in the stress signaling networks and HDA19 in ABA and abiotic stress response. Plant Sig Curr Opin Plant Bio/9, 436-442 na/ Behav5,1318-1320 Geiman TM, Robertson KD(2002). Chromatin remodeling Chen Zz, Zhang HR, Jablonowski D, Zhou XF, Ren Xz, histone modifications, and DNA methylation-how does it Hong XH, Schaffrath R, Zhu JK, Gong ZZ (2006). Muta all fit together? J cell Biochem 87, 117-125 tions in ABO1/ELO2, a subunit of holo-Elongator, increase Gong Zz, Morales-Ruiz T, Ariza RR, Roldan-Arjona T, abscisic acid sensitivity and drought tolerance in Arabi- David L, Zhu JK (2002). ROS1, a repressor of transcrip- dopsis thaliana. Mol Cell Biol 26, 6902-6912 tional gene silencing in Arabidopsis, encodes a dna gly- Choi CS, Sano H(2007). Abiotic-stress induces demethyla- osylase/lyase. Cell 11, 803-814 tion and transcriptional activation of a gene encoding a Gonzalez RM, Ricardi MM, lusem ND(2011). Atypical epi- glycerophosphodiesterase-like protein in tobacco plants Mol Genet Genomics 277 589-600 at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repeti Crisp PA, Ganguly D, Eichten SR, Borevita Jo, Pogson tive tomato gene. BMc Plant Bio/ 11, 94 BJ(2016). Reconsidering plant memory: intersections Gonzalez RM, Ricardi MM, lusem ND(2013). Epigenetic between stress recovery, RNA turnover, and epigenetics larks in an adaptive water stress-responsive gene in to- Sci Adi2,e1501340 mato roots under normal and drought conditions. Epige- Dhar MK, Vishal P, Sharma R, Kaul S(2014). Epigenetic netics8,864872. dynamics: role of epimarks and underlying machinery in Guan QM, Lu XY, Zeng HT, Zhang YY, Zhu JH (2013). Heat plants exposed to abiotic stress. Int J Genomics 2014 stress induction of miR398 triggers a regulatory loop that is 187146 critical for thermotolerance in Arabidopsis Plant J74, 840- Ding Y, Avramova Z, Fromm M(2011). The Arabidopsis 851 trithorax-like factor ATX1 functions in dehydration stress Guo MX, Wang RC, Wang J, Hua K, Wang YM, Liu XQ, responses via ABA-dependent and ABA-independent Yao SG(2014). ALT1, a Snf2 family chromatin remodeling pathways. Plant J 66, 735-744 ATPase, negatively regulates alkaline tolerance thr Eichten SR, Schmitz RJ, Springer NM(2014). Epigenetics enhanced defense against oxidative stress in rice beyond chromatin modifications and complex genetic re one9,e112515 gulation. Plant Physiol 165, 933-947 Hajyzadeh M, Turktas M, Khawar KM, Unver T(2015) Fang H, Liu X, Thorn G, Duan J, Tian LN(2014). Expres- miR408 overexpression causes increased drought toler sion analysis of histone acetyltransferases in rice under ance in chickpea Gene 555, 186-193 drought stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 443, 400- Han SK, Sang Y, Rodrigues A, Wu MF, Rodriguez PL, Wagner D(2012). The SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling Feng QZ, Yang CW, Lin XY, Wang JM, Ou XF, Zhang CY, ATPase BRAHMA represses abscisic acid responses in 植物学报杜康兮等: 表观遗传调控植物响应非生物胁迫的研究进展 589 Boyko A, Blevins T, Yao Y, Golubov A, Bilichak A, Ilnyt￾skyy Y, Hollunder J, Meins Jr F, Kovalchuk I (2010). Transgenerational adaptation of Arabidopsis to stress re￾quires DNA methylation and the function of dicer-like pro￾teins. PLoS One 5, e9514. Boyko A, Kovalchuk I (2008). Epigenetic control of plant stress response. Environ Mol Mutagen 49, 61–72. Chanvivattana Y, Bishopp A, Schubert D, Stock C, Moon YH, Sung ZR, Goodrich J (2004). Interaction of poly￾comb-group proteins controlling flowering in Arabidopsis. Development 131, 5263–5276. Chen FF, He GM, He H, Chen W, Zhu XP, Liang MZ, Chen LB, Deng XW (2010). Expression analysis of miRNAs and highly-expressed small RNAs in two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. J Integr Plant Biol 52, 971–980. Chen LT, Wu KQ (2010). Role of histone deacetylases HDA6 and HDA19 in ABA and abiotic stress response. Plant Sig￾nal Behav 5, 1318–1320. Chen ZZ, Zhang HR, Jablonowski D, Zhou XF, Ren XZ, Hong XH, Schaffrath R, Zhu JK, Gong ZZ (2006). Muta￾tions in ABO1/ELO2, a subunit of holo-Elongator, increase abscisic acid sensitivity and drought tolerance in Arabi￾dopsis thaliana. Mol Cell Biol 26, 6902–6912. Choi CS, Sano H (2007). Abiotic-stress induces demethyla￾tion and transcriptional activation of a gene encoding a glycerophosphodiesterase-like protein in tobacco plants. Mol Genet Genomics 277, 589–600. Crisp PA, Ganguly D, Eichten SR, Borevita JO, Pogson BJ (2016). Reconsidering plant memory: intersections between stress recovery, RNA turnover, and epigenetics. Sci Adv 2, e1501340 Dhar MK, Vishal P, Sharma R, Kaul S (2014). Epigenetic dynamics: role of epimarks and underlying machinery in plants exposed to abiotic stress. Int J Genomics 2014, 187146. Ding Y, Avramova Z, Fromm M (2011). The Arabidopsis trithorax-like factor ATX1 functions in dehydration stress responses via ABA-dependent and ABA-independent pathways. Plant J 66, 735–744. Eichten SR, Schmitz RJ, Springer NM (2014). Epigenetics: beyond chromatin modifications and complex genetic re￾gulation. Plant Physiol 165, 933–947. Fang H, Liu X, Thorn G, Duan J, Tian LN (2014). Expres￾sion analysis of histone acetyltransferases in rice under drought stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 443, 400– 405. Feng QZ, Yang CW, Lin XY, Wang JM, Ou XF, Zhang CY, Liu B (2012). Salt and alkaline stress induced transgene￾rational alteration in DNA methylation of rice (Oryza sa￾tiva). Aust J Crop Sci 6, 877. Ferreira LJ, Azevedo V, Maroco J, Oliveira MM, Santos AP (2015). Salt tolerant and sensitive rice varieties display differential methylome flexibility under salt stress. PLoS One 10, e0124060. Folta A, Severing EI, Krauskopf J, Van De Geest H, Verver J, Nap JP, Mlynarova L (2014). Over-expression of Arabidopsis AtCHR23 chromatin remodeling ATPase results in increased variability of growth and gene expres￾sion. BMC Plant Biol 14, 76. Fujita M, Fujita Y, Noutoshi Y, Takahashi F, Narusaka Y, Yamaguchi SK, Shinozaki K (2006). Crosstalk between abiotic and biotic stress responses: a current view from the points of convergence in the stress signaling networks. Curr Opin Plant Biol 9, 436–442. Geiman TM, Robertson KD (2002). Chromatin remodeling, histone modifications, and DNA methylation—how does it all fit together? J Cell Biochem 87, 117–125. Gong ZZ, Morales-Ruiz T, Ariza RR, Roldán-Arjona T, David L, Zhu JK (2002). ROS1, a repressor of transcrip￾tional gene silencing in Arabidopsis, encodes a DNA gly￾cosylase/lyase. Cell 11, 803–814. González RM, Ricardi MM, Iusem ND (2011). Atypical epi￾genetic mark in an atypical location: cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repeti￾tive tomato gene. BMC Plant Biol 11, 94. González RM, Ricardi MM, Iusem ND (2013). Epigenetic marks in an adaptive water stress-responsive gene in to￾mato roots under normal and drought conditions. Epige￾netics 8, 864–872. Guan QM, Lu XY, Zeng HT, Zhang YY, Zhu JH (2013). Heat stress induction of miR398 triggers a regulatory loop that is critical for thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J 74, 840– 851. Guo MX, Wang RC, Wang J, Hua K, Wang YM, Liu XQ, Yao SG (2014). ALT1, a Snf2 family chromatin remodeling ATPase, negatively regulates alkaline tolerance through enhanced defense against oxidative stress in rice. PLoS One 9, e112515. Hajyzadeh M, Turktas M, Khawar KM, Unver T (2015). miR408 overexpression causes increased drought toler￾ance in chickpea. Gene 555, 186–193. Han SK, Sang Y, Rodrigues A, Wu MF, Rodriguez PL, Wagner D (2012). The SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPase BRAHMA represses abscisic acid responses in © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany
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