商业模式的关键组成部分(1) Component of Question for all business models Questions specific to Internet business models 1. Customer Is the firm offering its customers What is it about the internet that value something distinctive or lower cost than allows your firm to offer its Its competitors customers something distinctive? Can it allow you to solve a new set of problems for customers? 2. Scope To which customers( demographic and What is the scope of customers geographic)is the firm offering this that the Internet allows your firm value? What is the range of to reach? Does the Internet alter products/services offered that embody the product or service mix that this value? embodies the firm's products? 3. Pricing How does the firm price the value? What is it about the internet that makes pricing different? 4.Revenue Where do the dollars come from? Who Are revenue sources different with source pays for what value and when? What the Internet? are the margins in each market and What is new? what drives them? What drives value in each source?商业模式的关键组成部分(1) Component of business model Question for all business models Questions specific to Internet business models 1. Customer value Is the firm offering its customers something distinctive or lower cost than its competitors? What is it about the Internet that allows your firm to offer its customers something distinctive? Can it allow you to solve a new set of problems for customers? 2. Scope To which customers (demographic and geographic) is the firm offering this value? What is the range of products/services offered that embody this value? What is the scope of customers that the Internet allows your firm to reach? Does the Internet alter the product or service mix that embodies the firm's products? 3. Pricing How does the firm price the value? What is it about the Internet that makes pricing different? 4. Revenue source Where do the dollars come from? Who pays for what value and when? What are the margins in each market and what drives them? What drives value in each source? Are revenue sources different with the Internet? What is new?
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