favorite stars, and then glance at the other news 拿到报纸,许多年轻人首先要找他们喜欢的明x星的名字,然后才会浏览其它 消息。 3. to be no exception(L.2):…也不例外 e.g. To err is human, and nobody can be an exception 人都会出错,没有人例外。 4. to emerge from the shrub(L.4):从灌木丛中钻出来 e.g. Finally, the truth emerged from behind the numerous confusing facts and materials 真相终于从大量纷乱的事实与材料之中显露出来 5 to be cautious of(L1):对……谨慎的(非常小心的:细心的) e.g As the examples of their children, parents need to be cautious of their behaviors and 作为自己孩子的榜样,父母言行需谨慎 6. to pull into(L.2):(车)停靠,驶向(一旁) e.g. The bus pulled into the opening at the side of the road to let the cars pass 公交车开到路边的空地上,让那些小汽车通过 7.asif(L23):似乎,仿佛 e.g. She opened her lips as if to say something but stopped 她张了张嘴,欲言又止。 8. to attach….to(L23):系在……上,连接到… e. g. Attach the handle to the box 把这个把手装到箱子上 9. to focus on(L.26)集中(于某事物) eg I don't know why I am so tired that I can not focus my attention on anything in class 我不知道今天怎么这么累,在课堂上注意力怎么也集中不起来 10. rather than(L27):而不,不愿, e.g. I think i'll have a cold drink rather than coffee 我想要一杯冷饮,而不是咖啡。 eg I want to see a funny program but not a serious one. I enjoy laughing rather than ying 我想看轻松的节目,而不是严肃的节目。我喜欢笑而不是哭。 11. to have mercy on sb.(L.33):可怜某人 e.g. The seized soldier appealed to his enemy to ha percy on him 被俘的士兵乞求敌人宽恕他 12. to turn to(L.41):转向(求助于) e.g. Turning to drink to free you of worries tends to make your mood worse 借酒浇愁愁更愁 13. to get to one'sfet(L.45):站起来 e.g. It is a custom in China to get to one's feet to greet visitors 站起来迎接客人是中国人的习俗 14. to look through(L.52)浏览,仔细查看 e.g. I'll look through my notes but I don' t think I have a record of his name 我会仔细看一下我的笔记,可我觉得我没有记下他的名字favorite stars, and then glance at the other news. 拿到报纸,许多年轻人首先要找他们喜欢的明 x 星的名字,然后才会浏览其它 消息。 3. to be no exception (L. 2): … 也不例外 e.g. To err is human, and nobody can be an exception. 人都会出错,没有人例外。 4. to emerge from the shrub (L. 4): 从灌木丛中钻出来 e.g. Finally, the truth emerged from behind the numerous confusing facts and materials. 真相终于从大量纷乱的事实与材料之中显露出来。 5. to be cautious of (L.1): 对……谨慎的(非常小心的;细心的) e.g. As the examples of their children, parents need to be cautious of their behaviors and speeches. 作为自己孩子的榜样,父母言行需谨慎。 6. to pull into (L. 2): (车)停靠,驶向(一旁) e.g. The bus pulled into the opening at the side of the road to let the cars pass. 公交车开到路边的空地上,让那些小汽车通过。 7.as if (L. 23):似乎,仿佛 e.g. She opened her lips as if to say something but stopped . 她张了张嘴,欲言又止。 8. to attach … to (L.23): 系在……上,连接到…… e.g. Attach the handle to the box. 把这个把手装到箱子上。 9. to focus on (L. 26): 集中(于某事物) e.g. I don’t know why I am so tired that I can not focus my attention on anything in class today. 我不知道今天怎么这么累,在课堂上注意力怎么也集中不起来。 10. rather than (L 27): 而不,不愿, e.g. I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要一杯冷饮,而不是咖啡。 e.g. I want to see a funny program but not a serious one. I enjoy laughing rather than crying. 我想看轻松的节目,而不是严肃的节目。我喜欢笑而不是哭。 11.to have mercy on sb. (L. 33): 可怜某人 e.g. The seized soldier appealed to his enemy to have mercy on him. 被俘的士兵乞求敌人宽恕他。 12.to turn to (L. 41): 转向(求助于)… e.g. Turning to drink to free you of worries tends to make your mood worse. 借酒浇愁愁更愁。 13. to get to one’s feet (L. 45): 站起来 e.g. It is a custom in China to get to one’s feet to greet visitors. 站起来迎接客人是中国人的习俗。 14. to look through (L. 52): 浏览,仔细查看 e.g. I’ll look through my notes but I don’t think I have a record of his name. 我会仔细看一下我的笔记,可我觉得我没有记下他的名字
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