Modality Advantages Disadvantages ERCP Permits simultaneous biopsy or Invasive,may not be possible due to altered anatomy Treatment following surgery MRCP Noninvasive,no radiation exposure Prone to artifact,provides little functional information, difficult to diagnose calcification,difficult to perfomm in periampullary area US Noninvasive,easily available, Operator dependent,poor demonstration of peripheral no radiation exposure intrahepatic bile ducts,less consistent Multidetector CT cholangiography Information regarding biliary Radiation exposure,side effects of the biliary agent, kinetics and function available, limited in patients with poor hepatic function high spatial resolution, short scanning time 7.(a)Describe the MRI imaging features of Prostate Cancer. On TiWI,the prostate is of homogeneous medium signal intensity. On T2Wl,prostate carcinoma is most commonly shown with decreased signal intensity within the high-signal- intensity normal peripheral zone. (b)Describe imaging features of Epidural Haematoma. CT is the modality of choice located between the dura and the inner table of the skull tearing of the meningeal vessels,especial middle meningeal artery the shape is usually biconvex may cross the midline associated with a skull fractureModality Advantages Disadvantages ERCP Permits simultaneous biopsy or Invasive, may not be possible due to altered anatomy Treatment following surgery MRCP Noninvasive, no radiation exposure Prone to artifact, provides little functional information, difficult to diagnose calcification, difficult to perform in periampullary area US Noninvasive, easily available, Operator dependent, poor demonstration of peripheral no radiation exposure intrahepatic bile ducts, less consistent Multidetector CT cholangiography Information regarding biliary Radiation exposure, side effects of the biliary agent, kinetics and function available, limited in patients with poor hepatic function high spatial resolution, short scanning time 7. (a)Describe the MRI imaging features of Prostate Cancer. On T1WI, the prostate is of homogeneous medium signal intensity. On T2WI, prostate carcinoma is most commonly shown with decreased signal intensity within the high-signal￾intensity normal peripheral zone. (b) Describe imaging features of Epidural Haematoma. CT is the modality of choice located between the dura and the inner table of the skull tearing of the meningeal vessels ,especial middle meningeal artery the shape is usually biconvex may cross the midline associated with a skull fracture
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