may be presented as if they were facts, so be careful! ) rhetorical questions evaluating language (good/bad, right/wrong, horrifying/wonderful, etc ) and/or judgmental language(must, should, had better, etc.) 3. Texts written mainly to entertain can, of course, be very varied but they often use rather informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogs, puns (XX in) and/or figures of speech Lets have a look at an analysis of Passage a and then identify the writers aim First, the title of the article is"A Rose Is a Rose". At the first glance, you might guess the article is going to be something about love or about some romantic stories as you remember the famous saying, My love is like a redred rose". Besides, a rose has always been a symbol of love, passion, or affection However, when you come to the first paragraph and have gone through it, you know your guess is rejected as it talks about Valentine's Day, the growing, sales and distributions of roses. You may also notice that the language in the paragraph is simple in diction and structure Second, when you have read the whole article, you notice that the numbers in it are statistics(mainly prices)and dates. Besides, the quotes are from a director, a ro customer and a rose grower. All these indicate they are facts instead of opinions Third, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and simple language, we can say the writer aims to be informational New word downward(s)adj.向下的;下降的;降低的:adv:向下地 a downward trend in prices价格下降的趋势 (fig) on the downward path走下坡路 The garden sloped gently downwards the river.花园呈缓坡向河边倾斜。 2. exclude vt不包括,把排除在外 exclude sb/sth(from)sth Lunch costs $5 per person, exclud ing drinks午餐费每人5美圆,不包括饮料 exclusion [] to the exclusion of sb/sth排除(其他一切) -He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好 exclusive adj.1)独有的;2)高级的,高档的;3)排他的 n.C] exclusive独家报道 a Daily mirror exclusive每日镜报独家报道 beneath prep.1)在…下面2)不值得 The boat sank beneath the waves小船淹没在浪涛中。 e considers such jobs beneath him他认为做这样的工作有失身份。 adv:在下面,在底下 --Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath 她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹 bore v.1)钴孔,挖洞,凿井2)使.感到厌烦 This drill can bore through rock这台钻机能钻透岩石。 -I am bored: lets go to the cinema n.1)井眼2) small-bore guns小口径枪may be presented as if they were facts, so be careful!); rhetorical questions; evaluating language (good/bad, right/wrong, horrifying/wonderful, etc.) and/or judgmental language (must, should, had better, etc.). 3. Texts written mainly to entertain can, of course, be very varied — but they often use rather informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogs, puns (双关语) and/or figures of speech. Let’s have a look at an analysis of Passage A and then identify the writer’s aim. First, the title of the article is “A Rose Is a Rose”. At the first glance, you might guess the article is going to be something about love or about some romantic stories as you remember the famous saying, “My love is like a red red rose”. Besides, a rose has always been a symbol of love, passion, or affection. However, when you come to the first paragraph and have gone through it, you know your guess is rejected as it talks about Valentine’s Day, the growing, sales and distributions of roses. You may also notice that the language in the paragraph is simple in diction and structure. Second, when you have read the whole article, you notice that the numbers in it are statistics (mainly prices) and dates. Besides, the quotes are from a director, a rose customer and a rose grower. All these indicate they are facts instead of opinions. Third, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and simple language, we can say the writer aims to be informational. New words 1. downward(s) adj. 向下的;下降的;降低的:adv: 向下地 --a downward trend in prices 价格下降的趋势 (fig) on the downward path 走下坡路 --The garden sloped gently downwards the river.花园呈缓坡向河边倾斜。 2. exclude vt.不包括,把…排除在外 exclude sb/sth (from) sth --Lunch costs $5 per person, excluding drinks 午餐费每人 5 美圆,不包括饮料 exclusion [U] to the exclusion of sb/sth 排除(其他一切) --He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests. 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。 exclusive adj. 1) 独有的;2) 高级的,高档的;3) 排他的 n. [C] exclusive 独家报道 --a Daily Mirror exclusive 每日镜报独家报道 3. beneath prep. 1) 在…下面 2) 不值得 --The boat sank beneath the waves.小船淹没在浪涛中。 --He considers such jobs beneath him.他认为做这样的工作有失身份。 adv: 在下面,在底下 --Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath. 她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹。 4. bore v. 1)钻孔,挖洞,凿井 2)使…感到厌烦 --This drill can bore through rock.这台钻机能钻透岩石。 --I am bored: let’s go to the cinema. n. 1) 井眼 2) small-bore guns 小口径枪
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