性。例如: It looks as if it is going to rain.看起来天要下雨了 Multiple choice 1. Ifthe sea 500 feet. Ind ia would become an island A. is to rise B. were risen C. has risen D. were to rise D对。全句指不可能出现的情况,又从主句谓语动词 would become来判断, 应选D项 2. It is advisable that everyone have a ma A. must B C. can D. should D对。That从句为主语从句,后置于形容词 advisable,应选项D。注意:在 It is advisable/ desirable/ curious/important/necessary/ essential结构中的主语从句 用动词原形或+动词原形 If only he differently, he might still be the d irector of the faculty a behaved B have behaved C. had behaved D. behaves IC对。此句为混合虚拟句,从句与过去情况相反。] 4. Without metal, no railway, aeroplane, motor car, electric motor or interplanetary pace vehicle be made A can B. will D. could D对。现在虚拟句。 Without metal= f there were no metal 5. He had just arrived, but he talked as if he about our plan A had known B knew C knows D. has known [A对asif引导的状语从句长用虚拟形式指与事实相反或不大可能的事] Section B The Chunnel Reading Skill: Identifying the Writer's Purpose(D) Authors write for a reason. Three common purposes of writing are: 1. To inform -to provide readers with information about a topic; 2. To persuade- to conv ince readers to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certain course of action; 3. to entertain-to amuse readers in some way(although very often there's some food for thought as well!) Reading effectively means recognizing the author's purpose which may not always be as easy as it sounds, especially when you're read ing in a foreign language Writers sometimes disguise their aims: A text that appears to be factual information may really be full of emotional appeals meant to persuade you of the writer's point of view;or an apparently serious piece of persuasion may in fact be a humorous text intended mainly to amuse you. There are also times when the question of whether a writer is serious may depend largely on each reader's individual philosophy However, there are some clues that effective readers can watch for to help them identify what kind of writing they're dealing with 1. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, and/or quotes from experts or witnesses(LLE A). Depending on the subject, the language may include technical jargon (i]i), but the vocabulary and sentence structure are often quite simple 2. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments(which性。例如: It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。 Multiple choice: 1. If the sea ______ 500 feet, India would become an island. A. is to rise B. were risen C. has risen D. were to rise [D 对。全句指不可能出现的情况,又从主句谓语动词 would become 来判断, 应选 D 项] 2. It is advisable that everyone _______ have a map. A. must B. may C. can D. should [D 对。That 从句为主语从句,后置于形容词 advisable,应选项 D。注意:在 It is advisable/desirable/curious/important/necessary/essential 结构中的主语从句 用动词原形或+动词原形] 3. If only he _______ differently, he might still be the director of the faculty. A. behaved B have behaved C. had behaved D. behaves [C 对。此句为混合虚拟句,从句与过去情况相反。] 4. Without metal, no railway, aeroplane, motor car, electric motor or interplanetary space vehicle _______ be made. A. can B. will C. may D. could [D 对。现在虚拟句。Without metal=If there were no metal] 5. He had just arrived, but he talked as if he _______ about our plan. A. had known B. knew C. knows D. has known [A 对.as if 引导的状语从句长用虚拟形式,指与事实相反或不大可能的事.] Section B The Chunnel Reading Skill: Identifying the Writer’s Purpose (I) Authors write for a reason. Three common purposes of writing are: 1. To inform — to provide readers with information about a topic; 2. To persuade — to convince readers to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certain course of action;3. To entertain — to amuse readers in some way (although very often there’s some food for thought as well!) Reading effectively means recognizing the author's purpose — which may not always be as easy as it sounds, especially when you're reading in a foreign language. Writers sometimes disguise their aims: A text that appears to be factual information may really be full of emotional appeals meant to persuade you of the writer’s point of view; or an apparently serious piece of persuasion may in fact be a humorous text intended mainly to amuse you. There are also times when the question of whether a writer is serious may depend largely on each reader’s individual philosophy. However, there are some clues that effective readers can watch for to help them identify what kind of writing they're dealing with: 1. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, and/or quotes from experts or witnesses (见证人). Depending on the subject, the language may include technical jargon (行话), but the vocabulary and sentence structure are often quite simple. 2. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments (which
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