According to Jones, "such a passage can be better remembered and therefore nterpreted if the interpreter sees the scene in their minds eye than if they take the words as lexical items-trees, roofs, houses, etc -which need their counterpart in the target language 3. Memory practice:关于中国水资源问题的报道 English Passages Focus: Message Retention and Re-expression Tactics: Use Context Clues Use Prior Knowledge Listen for meaning13 According to Jones, “such a passage can be better remembered and therefore interpreted if the interpreter sees the scene in their mind’s eye t han if they take the words as lexical items—trees, roofs, houses, etc.—which need their counterpart in the target language.” 3. Memory practice: 关于中国水资源问题的报道; English Passages Focus: Message Retention and Re-expression Tactics: Use Context Clues Use Prior Knowledge Listen for Meaning