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2003级通用口译I教案( Unit one、 Unit Seven) 任课教师:李芳琴、陶曦 授课班级:英语系2003级1、5班 授课时数:每周2学时 总周数 19周 时间:2005年9月—2006年1月 主要使用教材 《新世纪口译—理论技巧与实践》,(李芳琴等),四川人民出版社,2002年1 月 口译实践材料 推荐教材及资料:《高级资格证书口译教程》,梅德明,上海教育出版社 《实用英语口译教程》,冯建忠,译林出版社,2002年。 CCTV国际频道访谈、主题讨论节目 主要教学参考资料(理论、技巧部分) Carroll, David w. Psychology of language. Third Ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000. Gile, Daniel. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995 Jones, Roderick. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 199 Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1993 Sey mour, Richard K. and CC. Liu. 1994. Translation and Interpreting Bridging east and west Hawaii: College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and the east-West Center 刘和平,《口译技巧一思维科学与口译推理教学法》,北京:中国对外翻译公司, 2001年。 《口译理论-实践与教学》达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚娜·勒代雷著, 汪家荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社1990年口月第1版 《口译技艺》达尼卡·赛莱斯科维奇,斯蒂芬妮·戴利译(英语), 黄为忻、钱慧杰译,上海:上海翻译出版公司1992年4月第1版。 《释意学派口笔译理论》(法)马丽娅娜·勒代雷著。刘和平译,北京:中国翻 译出版公司,2001年

1 2003 级通用口译 I 教案(Unit One、Unit Seven) 任课教师: 李芳琴、陶曦 授课班级: 英语系 2003 级 1、5 班 授课时数: 每周 2 学时 总周数: 19 周 时 间: 2005 年 9 月—2006 年 1 月 主 要 使 用 教材: 《新世纪口译—理论技巧与实践》,(李芳琴 等),四川人民出版社,2002 年 1 月。 口译实践材料 推 荐 教 材 及资料:《高级资格证书口译教程》,梅德明,上海教育出版社。 《实用英语口译教程》,冯建忠,译林出版社,2002 年。 CCTV 国际频道访谈、主题讨论节目 主 要 教 学 参考资料(理论 、技巧部分): Carroll, David W.. Psychology of Language. Third Ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Rese arch Press, 2000.Gile, Daniel. Basic Concepts and Models for Interp rete r and Translator Training. Amsterdam: J ohn Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995. Jones, Roderick. Conference Interpreting Explained . Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1998. Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating . Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993. Seymour, Richard K. and C.C. Liu. 1994. Translation and Interpreting: Bridging east and West. Hawaii: College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and the East -West Center. 刘和平,《口译技巧—思维科学与口译推理教 学法》,北京:中国对外翻译公 司, 2001 年。 《口译理论-实践与教学》 达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚 娜·勒代雷著, 汪家荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社 1990 年口月第 1 版。 《口译技艺》 达尼卡·赛莱斯科维奇, 斯蒂芬妮·戴利译 (英语), 黄为忻、钱慧杰译,上海:上海翻译出版公司 1992 年 4 月第 1 版。 《释意学派口笔 译理论》( 法)马丽娅 娜·勒代雷 著。刘和平 译,北京: 中国翻 译出版公司,2001 年

2003级口译课教学计划 2005年9月—2006年1月 教学目的:通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧 的训练,使学生初步掌握口译程序和基本技巧,初步学会口译记忆方法、 口译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译基本策略,培养学生 关心时事的信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料査询的基本方法 培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和 双语表达能力,提髙学生跨文化交际的能力和英、汉两种语言互译的能 力,为进入下一阶段讨论式、分语类对学生进行口译训练打下扎实的基 础 授课方式:以教材《新世纪口译一理论、技巧与实践》为框架,以口译技巧和语 类为主题训练内容,并根据教学内容课内补充最新同语类练习材料或口 译实践材料。采用课内和课外结合、师生互动方式实施教学。教材课文 内容主要由学生在课外口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内 容作为课内即席口译材料 学生预习:学生就规定题材进行课前准备(包括上网查阅资料)。 课堂教学:课内以教师演示、根据教学主题组织模拟口译练习以及评讲的方式教 信息反馈:学生交周记报告、上本院校园网讨论学习心得或与任课教师直接交流。 主要教学内容 以教材为教学框架,根据教材内容补充同语类练习材料或口译实践材料。教材课 文内容由学生课外在口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课内 即席口译材料

2 2003 级口译课教学计划 2005 年 9 月—2006 年 1 月 教学目 的:通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧 的训练,使学生初步掌握口译程序和基本 技巧,初步学会口译记忆方 法、 口译笔记、口头概述 、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译 基本策略,培养学 生 关心时事的信息意识,积累知识 ,掌握文献检索 、资料查询的基本方 法; 培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力 和 双语表达能力,提高学生跨文化交际的能力和英、汉两种语言互译的 能 力,为进入下一阶段讨论式、分语类对学生进行口译训练打下扎实的 基 础。 授课方 式 :以教材《新世纪口译—理论、技巧与实践》为框架,以口译技巧和语 类为主题训练内容,并根据教学内容课内补充 最新同语类练习材料或口 译实践材料。采用课内和课外结合 、师生互动方式实施 教学。教材课文 内容主要由学生在课外口译小组内完成或独 立完成,课内讨论;补充内 容作为课内即席口译材料。 学生预习 :学生就规定题材进行课前准备(包括上网查阅资料)。 课堂教 学 :课内以教师演示、根据教学主题组织模拟口译练习以及评讲的方式教 学。 信息反 馈:学生交周记报告、上本院校园网讨论学习心得或与任课教师直接交流。 主 要 教 学 内容 以教材为教学框架,根据教材内容补充 同语类练习材料或口译实践材 料。教材课 文内容由学生课外在口译小组内完成或独立 完成,课内讨论;补 充内容作为课内 即席口译材料

Unit One1.介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2.口译简介:口译的基本特点及类型 口译基本程序、对译员的基本要求 3.口译记忆:提高积极听力 4.口译记忆练习: Measures to Stop Children from Smokin 5.课外阅读:口译短时记忆的特点( Lesson one, Part one) Unit Two1.口译记忆的基本特点 2.口译记忆(1):形象化记忆及其特点 3.记忆练习:关于中国水资源问题的报道 English Passages 4.课外记忆练习: Lesson one: Part II, Text 1&2;影子跟读 5.课外知识阅读:英语国家概况; Unit three1.口译记忆(2):提纲式记忆、信息逻辑组合记忆 2. Memory exercise:重庆的四次大发展 3.口译练习: On Part- time jobs 4.课外记忆练习: Lesson one: Part lI,Text3&4 5.课外准备:口译笔记的特点和常用格式( Lesson two, Part one) [或参考:《实用英语口译教程》(冯建忠)第一单元] 6. Oral Presentation: My View on University Students Taking Part-time Jobs Unit Four1.口译笔记(1) 2.口译笔记要点及格式 3.笔记练习:中国的教育 4.口译练习:关于青年问题 5.课外练习: Lesson two: Part ll,Text1&2 Memory Exercise: Lesson Two: Part III, Text 1 &2 Oral Presentation: The Purpose of education Unit five1.口译笔记(2) 2.笔记练习: How to reduce stress 3.口译练习: On child education 4.课外口译练习: Culture Shock; Learning a Foreign language 5.课外准备:熟悉中应数字对应关系以及数字口译的基本技巧 Oral Presentation: Youth issues Unit Sⅸx1.数字笔记及口译(1)

3 Unit One 1. 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2.口译简介:口译的基本特点及类型 口译基本程序、对译员的基本要求 3.口译记忆:提高积极听力 4.口译记忆练习:Measures to Stop Children from Smoking 5.课外阅读:口译短时记忆的特点(Lesson One, Part One) Unit Two 1.口译记忆的基本特点 2.口译记忆(1):形象化记忆及其特点 3.记忆练习:关于中国水资源问题的报道; English Passages 4.课外记忆练习:Lesson One: Part II, Text 1 & 2;影子跟读 5.课外知识阅读:英语国家概况; Unit Three 1. 口译记忆(2):提纲式记忆、信息逻辑组合记忆 2.Memory Exercise:重庆的四次大发展 3.口译练习:On Part-time Jobs 4.课外记忆练习:Lesson One: Part II, Text 3 & 4 5.课外准备:口译笔记的特点和常用格式(Lesson Two, Part One); [或参考:《实用英语口译教程》(冯建忠)第一单元] 6 . Oral Presentation : My View on University Students Taking Part-time Jobs Unit Four 1.口译笔记(1) 2.口译笔记要点及格式 3.笔记练习:中国的教育 4.口译练习:关于青年问题 5.课外练习:Lesson Two: Part II, Text 1 & 2 Memory Exercise: Lesson Two: Part III, Text 1 &2 Oral Presentation: The Purpose of Education Unit Five 1.口译笔记(2) 2.笔记练习:How to Reduce Stress 3.口译练习:On Child Education 4.课外口译练习:Culture Shock;Learning a Foreign language 5.课外准备:熟悉中应数字对应关系以及数字口译的基本技巧; Oral Presentation: Youth Issues Unit Six 1.数字笔记及口译(1)

2.数字口译练习:世界主要人口大国 3.课外练习 Oral Presentation: The Importance of Self-developme Unit seven1.口译数字(2) 2.数字口译综合练习:重庆高等教育简介 A Major Change in the American Famil 3.课外准备:公众演讲(以口译小组为单位练习) Oral Presentation: On educational reform Unit Eight1.公众演讲 2. Oral presentation:[演讲练习题目待定 3.课外小组活动:总结演讲 4.课外阅读:叙述类讲话的基本特点 Unit nine 1.复述 Paraphrasing 2.复述练习 3.口译练习: Women's lib movement[ interview 4.课外复述练习 Oral Presentation: Women in China Unit ten1.口译中的预测 2.练习:Dr. Sclafani' S Speech 3.课外练习: Lesson four, Part ii,Text4&5 4.课外阅读:口、笔译异同 课外准备: Dell Computer Corporation Unit Eleven 口、笔译的异同 2.口译练习: Dell Computer Corporation 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译; Unit twelve1.介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译 2.练习:Info ology (IBM) 3.课外练习 课外阅读:译前准备 Oral Presentation On Fast Food Unit Thirteen1.译前准备 如何处理长句

4 2.数字口译练习:世界主要人口大国; 3.课外练习 Oral Presentation: The Importance of Self-development Unit Seven 1.口译数字(2) 2.数字口译综合练习:重庆高等教育简介 A Major Change in the American Family 3.课外准备:公众演讲(以口译小组为单位练习) Oral Presentation: On Educational Reform Unit Eight 1.公众演讲 2.Oral Presentation: [演讲练习题目待定] 3.课外小组活动:总结演讲 4.课外阅读:叙述类讲话的基本特点 Unit Nine 1.复述 Paraphrasing 2.复述练习: 3.口译练习:Women’s Lib Movement [interview] 4. 课外复述练习 Oral Presentation: Women in China Unit Ten 1.口译中的预测 2.练习:Dr. Sclafani’s Speech 3.课外练习:Lesson Four, Part II, Text 4 & 5 4.课外阅读:口、笔译异同 课外准备:Dell Computer Corporation Unit Eleven 1.口、笔译的异同 2.口译练习:Dell Computer Corporation 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译; Unit Twelve 1.介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译 2.练习:Information Technology (IBM) 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:译前准备 Oral Presentation: On Fast Food Unit Thirteen 1.译前准备 2.如何处理长句

3.口译练习:重庆简介 4.课外准备:如何口译文化特色词 Oral Presenta On the problem of as ging Unit fourteen1.如何处理文化词汇 2.口译练习:文化差异 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:口译交际的基本特点 Unit Fifteen1.口译交际的基本特点 2.口译练习:让世界了解重庆[电视录像] 课外练习: Lesson seven:Text3&4 4.课外阅读:理解与主题思想的识别( Lesson eight: Part I) Unit sixteen1.理解与主题思想的识别 2.口译练习: Telecommuting in the US 3.课外练习:L Eight: Text 1& 3 4.复习本学期理论与技巧内容

5 3.口译练习:重庆简介 4.课外准备:如何口译文化特色词 Oral Presentation: On the problem of aging Unit Fourteen 1.如何处理文化词汇 2.口译练习:文化差异 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:口译交际的基本特点 Unit Fifteen 1.口译交际的基本特点 2.口译练习:让世界了解重庆[电视录像] 3.课外练习:Lesson Seven: Text 3 & 4 4.课外阅读:理解与主题思想的识别(Lesson Eight: Part I) Unit Sixteen 1.理解与主题思想的识别 2.口译练习:Telecommuting in the US 3.课外练习:Lesson Eight: Text 1 & 3 4.复习本学期理论与技巧内容

Unit one Main contents to be covered 1. a brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course 2. A brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting 3. The basic procedures of interpreting 4. History and Perspective of Interpretation 5. Students library work a Read ing assignment: Lesson One. Part One: Basic characteristics of short-term memory in interpreting b. Shadowing exercise Teaching procedures 1. a brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course 1.1 About the teaching plan: This course is focused on consecutive interpretation See teaching plan about the description and the main contents to be covered 1.2 General Requirements for the course Every student is required to participate in both class and group activities assigned for this course, and if possible, students are encouraged to participate in interpreting practice on different settings a brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting 2.1 The main characteristics of interpreting Definition of Interpreting t is defined as"oral translation of a written text"(Shuttleworth Cowie Interpreting consists of presenting in the target language, the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker"(Mahmood zadeh 1992231) Interpreting is a serv ice activ ity with a communication function. (Gile)It is usually a face-to-face communicative act Interpreters receive information mostly by way of listening, but they car understand the meaning of the speaker with the help of extra-linguistic factors e Interpreters decode the information and re-express the meaning of the speaker on the spot o Interpreters often work on their own Interpreters often use simple words and sentence structures to express the meaning of the speaker

6 Unit One ⚫ Main contents to be covered 1. A brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course 2. A brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting 3. The basic procedures of interpreting 4. History and Perspective of Interpretation 5. Students library work a. Reading assignment: Lesson One, Part One: Basic characteristics of short -term memory in interpreting. b. Shadowing Exercise ⚫ Teaching procedures: 1. A brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course 1.1 About the teaching plan: This course is focused on consecutive interpretation. See teaching plan about the description and the main contents to be covered. 1.2 General Requirements for the course: Every student is required to participate in bo th class and group activities assigned for this course, and if possible, students are encouraged to participate in interpreting practice on different settings. 2. A brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting 2.1 The main characteristics of interpreting ⚫ Definition of Interpreting: It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83). “Interpreting consists of presenting in the target language, the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker” (Mahmoodzadeh, 1992:231). ⚫ Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act. ⚫ Interpreters receive information mostly by way of listening, but they can understand the meaning of the speaker with the help of extra -linguistic factors. ⚫ Interpreters decode the information and re -express the meaning of the speaker on the spot. ⚫ Interpreters often work on their own. ⚫ Interpreters often use simple words and sentence structures to express the meaning of the speaker

Types of interpreting Interpreting can be classified into the following three types according its nature Conference Interpretin会议口译 Personal Interpreting随行口译 Liaison Interpreting联络口译 ● It can be divided into alternating interpretation(交替口译) English Chinese consecutive interpretation(连续/接续/逐步口译) simultaneous interpretation(同声传译) whispering interpretation(耳语翻译) sight/ on sight interpretation(视阅翻译/视译) 2.2 The basic procedures of interpreting Understanding De-verbalization -Re-expression Or as shown in the following meanIng language 1" language 2 Basic qualities required of interpreters A strong sense of responsibility A solid found ation of two languages Profound knowledge Good mem Quick thinking Outstand ing ability of understanding Fluent expression of ideas 3. Improving Active Listening o Main reasons for failure to remember what has been heard a. Insufficient attention is paid to the speaker b. Unfamiliarity with the topic under disci c. Incompetence in the foreign language/languages How to improve active listening a. Enlarge background knowledge b. Ask Wh questions before listening c. Listen to the main ideas of the speech

7 Types of interpreting ⚫ Interpreting can be classified into the following three types according its nature: Conference Interpreting 会议口译 Personal Interpreting 随行口译 Liaison Interpreting 联络口译 ⚫ It can be divided into: alternating interpretation (交替口译)English Chinese consecutive interpretation (连续/接续/逐步口译) simultaneous interpretation(同声传译) whispering interpretation (耳语翻译) sight/on sight interpretation (视阅翻译/视译) 2.2 The basic procedures of interpreting: Understanding De-verbalization Re-expression Or as shown in the following: meaning language 1 language 2 Basic qualities required of interpreters: ⚫ A strong sense of responsibility ⚫ A solid foundation of two languages ⚫ Profound knowledge ⚫ Good memory ⚫ Quick thinking ⚫ Outstanding ability of understanding ⚫ Fluent expression of ideas 3. Improving Active Listening ⚫ Main reasons for failure to remember what has been heard: a. Insufficient attention is paid to the speaker. b. Unfamiliarity with the topic under discussion. c. Incompetence in the foreign language/languages ⚫ How to improve active listening: a. Enlarge background knowledge. b. Ask WH questions before listening. c. Listen to the main ideas of the speech

4. Memory Exercise Listen to the following short speech. Pay special attention to the main ideas, the development of the ideas and the logic connections between them Good morning. Since I took office I've done everything in my power to protect our children from harm We've worked to make their street and their schools safer. to give them something po sitive to do after school and before their parents get home We've worked to teach our child ren that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong. This week, we took a major step to protect our children, indeed, all Americans from the dangers of drunk driving by proposing bipartisan legislation to lower the le gal limit too. 8 in every state [Questions: What is the theme of the speech? What has the speaker done to protect children since he took office? Today I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation's children from an even more deadly threat: smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS S. alcohol. car accidents. murders. suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turn 18 Today, the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as, one by one our children are lured by multimillion dollar marketing schemes designed to do exactly that. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1. 000 of them will die sooner because of it [Questions: What is the main topic? What harm does smoking do to children? What causes children to smoke? Can you remember the statistics? This is a national tragedy that every american should be honor-bound to help prevent. For more than five years we've worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, launching a nationwide campaign with the FDa to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people [Question: What measures has the government taken to prevent children from smoking? But even this is not enough to fully protect our children. To put an end to the epidemic, Congress must act. Last fall, I called on Congress to put aside politics and pass comprehensive bipartisan leg is lation to reduce teen smoking by impos ing

8 4. Memory Exercise Listen to the following short speech. Pay special attention to the main ideas, the development of the ideas and the logic connections between them. Good morning. Since I took office I’ve done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. We’ve worked to make their street and their schools safer, to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our child ren that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong. This week, we took a major step to protect our children, indeed, all Americans from the dangers of drunk driving by proposing bipartisan legislation to lower the legal limit to 0.8 in every state. [Questions: What is the theme of the speech? What has the speaker done to protect children since he took office?] Today I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children from an even more deadly threat: smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turn 18. Today, the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as, one by one, our children are lured by multimillion dollar marketing schemes designed to do exactly that. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it. [Questions: What is the main topic? What harm does smoking do to children? What causes children to smoke? Can you remember the statistics?] This is a national tragedy that every American should be honor-bound to help prevent. For more than five years we’ve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, launching a nationwide campaign with the FDA to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people. [Question: What measures has the government taken to prevent children from smoking?] But even this is not enough to fully protect our children. To put an end to the epidemic, Congress must act. Last fall, I called on Congress to put aside politics and pass comprehensive bipartisan legislation to reduce teen smoking by imposing

strong penalties if the tobacco industry keeps selling cigarettes to our children affirming the FDAs full authority to regulate tobacco, to prevent childrens acces to tobacco products, and to restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people, so that our children cant fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco [Questions: Who is the speaker? What are the main contents of the legislation? Now, we learned last month that if we do this, we 'll cut teen smoking by almost half years to stop 3 million children from smoking-and to save a million lives as a result Today there are as few as 70 working days left before this Congress ad journs. On every one of those days, 1,000 adults will die from smoking. On every one of those days, 3,000 children will light their first cigarettes. On every one of those days, this Congress has the opportunity to stop it Questions: What positive result will be brought about if they act now? Which organ will take the lead in the act? Will this Congress be remembered for putting politics aside and protecting our children from tobacco--or for letting the public health opportunity of a lifetime pass us by? There will be no greater measure of your comm itment to the health of our children or the future of our nation. Thank you [Question: What are the two choices Congress is faced with on this issue?] 练习难点: ad journs休会 bipartisan两党制的 legislation法规

9 strong penalties if the tobacco industry keeps selling cigarettes to our children, affirming the FDA’s full authority to regulate tobacco, to prevent children’s access to tobacco products, and to restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people, so that our children can’t fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco. [Questions: Who is the speaker? What are the main contents of the legislation?] Now, we learned last month that if we do this, we’ll cut teen smoking by almost half over next five years. That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smoking—and to save a million lives as a result. Today there are as few as 70 working days left before this Congress adjourns. On every one of those days, 1,000 adults will die from smoking. On every one of those days, 3,000 children will light their first cigarettes. On every one of those days, this Congress has the opportunity to stop it. [Questions: What positive result will be brought about if they act now? Which organ will take the lead in the act?] Will this Congress be remembered for putting politics aside and protecting our children from tobacco—or for letting the public health opportunity of a lifetime pass us by? There will be no greater measure of your commitment to the health of our children or the future of our nation. Thank you. [Question: What are the two choices Congress is faced with on this issue?] 练习难点:adjourns 休会 bipartisan 两党制的 legislation 法规

Unit two Main contents to be covered 1. Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 2. Strategy of memorizing information: Visualization 3. Memory practice:关于中国水资源问题的报道 English Passag Assignment for memory work: Lesson One: Part II, Text 1 2 Shadowing Exercise: Listen to the pate/watch the videos and reiterate the speeches what you have heard 4. Students library work Read ing assignment: a brief Survey of the English Speaking Countries Teaching Procedures I. Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1. 1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting The ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information. Qualifications required for an interpreter:(Also see Unit One) The interpreter needs a good short-term memory to retain what he or she has just heard and a good long-term memory to put the information into context. ability to concentrate is a factor as is the ability to analy ze and process what is heard"(Phelan, 2001: 4-5) a skillful interpreter is expected to " have a powerful me mory (Mahmoodzadeh, 1992: 233) --Effort Models by Daniel Gile(1992, 1995)em phasize the difficulties and efforts involved in interpreting tasks and strategies needed to overcome them. according to gile, Consecutive Interpreting consists of two phases listening and reformulation phrase and a reconstruction phase(1992: 191 1995b:179) ● Phase one:I=L+M+N I=Interpreting L=listening and analyzing the source language speech M=Short-term me mory required between the time information is heard and the time it is written down in the notes

10 Unit Two ⚫ Main contents to be covered 1. Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 2. Strategy of memorizing information: Visualization 3. Memory practice:关于中国水资源问题的报道 English Passages Assignment for memory work:Lesson One: Part II, Text 1 & 2 ⚫ Shadowing Exercise: Listen to the pate/watch the videos and reiterate the speeches what you have heard. 4. Students library work: Reading assignment: A brief Survey of the English Sp eaking Countries ⚫ Teaching Procedures 1. Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting --The ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information. --Qualifications required for an interpreter: (Also see Unit One) "The interpreter needs a good short-term memory to retain what he or she has just heard and a good long-term memory to put the information into context. Ability to concentrate is a factor as is the ability to analyze and process what is heard" (Phelan, 2001:4-5). --A skillful interpreter is expected to "have a powerful memory." (Mahmood zadeh, 1992:233). --Effort Models by Daniel Gile (1992,1995) emphasize the difficulties and efforts involved in interpreting tasks and strategies needed to overcome them. According to Gile, Consecutive Interpreting consists of two phases: a listening and reformulation phrase and a reconstruction phase (1992:191, 1995b:179): ⚫ Phase One: I=L+M+N I=Interpreting L=listening and analyzing the source language speech M=short-term memory required between the time information is heard and the time it is written down in the notes

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