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《科技英语写作 Scientific English Writing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)(双语版)Section Ⅷ

Means for Emphasis I A sentence pattern that It be stressed part who genera “正是”,“就是” Translation technique

Scientific English Writing Sectionⅷ皿

Scientific English Writing Section Ⅷ

Means for Emphasis I. A Sentence pattern that It+ be t stressed part t who general-“正是”,“就是 Translation technique special “到底”,“究竞 witt“ interrogative words” When an electron and a proton attract each other, it will be the tiny electron that will do most of the actual moving

Means for Emphasis It + be + stressed part + that who Ⅰ . A sentence pattern Translation technique general —— “正是”,“就是” special —— “到底”,“究竟” with “interrogative words” ➢ When an electron and a proton attract each other, it will be the tiny electron that will do most of the actual moving

正是法拉第首先发现了电磁感应现象。 It was Faraday who first discovered electromagnetic nduction However, it is just this distinction with which the second law of thermodynamics is concerned. 然历,热力学第二定律所涉及的就是这一特性。 病人在病房里大部分时间与其打交道的是护士 It is the nurse with whom the patients spend most ofthe time in a ward room

正是法拉第首先发现了电磁感应现象。 ➢ It was Faraday who first discovered electromagnetic induction. However, it is just this distinction with which the second law of thermodynamics is concerned. ➢ 然而,热力学第二定律所涉及的就是这一特性。 病人在病房里大部分时间与其打交道的是护士。 ➢ It is the nurse with whom the patients spend most of the time in a ward room

电到底是怎么产生的? How is it that electricity is produced? 尚不清楚到底在什么条件下才能使用这种方法。 It is not clear yet under what conditions it is that this method can be used XX Pt1.5 Pc when m=l. This is important because it is the maximum power that relevant amplifiers must be capable of handling without distortion

电到底是怎么产生的? How is it that electricity is produced? 尚不清楚到底在什么条件下才能使用这种方法。 It is not clear yet under what conditions it is that this method can be used. ※※ Pt=1.5 Pc when m=1. This is important because it is the maximum power that relevant amplifiers must be capable of handling without distortion

II. Some words for emphasis 1. xdo(does, did)+ base form 这方法的确管用。 This method does work. 我真或地希望你再次来看我们 >I do hope you will come to visit us again 数学分析表明,这些方法是确实可行的,但是尚不清楚到底在 什么条件下才能使用他们 Mathematical analysis shows that these methods do work, but it is not clear yet under what conditions it is that they may be used

1. ※do (does, did) + base form Ⅱ . Some words for emphasis 这方法的确管用。 ➢ This method does work. 我真诚地希望你再次来看我们。 ➢ I do hope you will come to visit us again. 数学分析表明,这些方法是确实可行的,但是尚不清楚到底在 什么条件下才能使用他们。 ➢ Mathematical analysis shows that these methods do work, but it is not clear yet under what conditions it is that they may be used

ery“就 最”,“那个 the[this;that;no;物主代词]+very+n 交流电就是使无线电和电视成为可能的那种电流。 The alternating current is the very current that makes radio and television possible. 就在我们闭合电路的那一解间电流就开始流动 The current starts to flow at the very moment we close the circuit

2. Very “就” , “最” , “那个” 交流电就是使无线电和电视成为可能的那种电流。 ➢ The alternating current is the very current that makes radio and television possible. 就在我们闭合电路的那一瞬间电流就开始流动。 ➢ The current starts to flow at the very moment we close the circuit. the [this; that; no; 物主代词 ] + very + n

3. other adverbs: only, right, merely, simply 为了正好能离开地球,物体必须以每秒七英里的速度飞入太空 To get right away from the earth, an object will have to fly into space at a speed of seven miles per second

3. other adverbs: only, right, merely, simply 为了正好能离开地球,物体必须以每秒七英里的速度飞入太空。 ➢ To get right away from the earth, an object will have to fly into space at a speed of seven miles per second

I. Emphasis through inversion 这一点将在以后订论 This point we will discuss later on. 原子实在太小了,以至于我们用肉限是看不见它们的。 So small are atoms that we cannot see them with our naked eves

Ⅲ . Emphasis through inversion 这一点将在以后讨论。 ➢ This point we will discuss later on. 原子实在太小了,以至于我们用肉眼是看不见它们的。 ➢ So small are atoms that we cannot see them with our naked eyes

Inversion I Full inversion 1. Predicative adv + link verbs +s prep. phrase 当时最引(注目的成就之一是人们认识到了光是电磁波构成的。 Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization that light consists ofelectromagnetic Not as familiar is the fact that any substance whatever will be influenced by the magnetic field, althoug h to an extent which is extremely small compared with a substance like iron

Inversion Ⅰ . Full inversion 1. Predicative adj. adv. prep. phrase + link verbs + S Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization that light consists of electromagnetic waves. ➢ 当时最引人注目的成就之一是人们认识到了光是电磁波构成的。 ➢ Not as familiar is the fact that any substance whatever will be influenced by the magnetic field, although to an extent which is extremely small compared with a substance like iron

prep, phrase 2. adverbial +vi+S ( there 由这个条件得到了尤拉方程。 From this condition follows Euler 's equation When these muscles contract, there results the skin condition that are call gooseflesh 质量中心就是当物体加速的各反作用力的合力所通过的那一点。 The center of mass is the point through which passes the resultant of the reaction forces when a body is accelerated

2. adverbial prep. phrase adv. (there ) + vi + S From this condition follows Euler’s Equation. 由这个条件得到了尤拉方程。 When these muscles contract, there results the skin condition that are call gooseflesh. 质量中心就是当物体加速时各反作用力的合力所通过的那一点。 The center of mass is the point through which passes the resultant of the reaction forces when a body is accelerated



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