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通用口译Ⅱ教案 2006年2月-2006年7月 (授课教师:李芳琴 总课时:19周,每周4学时(翻译班) 主要使用教材:《新世纪口译一理论、技巧、实践》(李芳琴等),四川人民出版 社,202年1月。 口译实践材料。 推荐教材及资料:《高级资格证书口译教程》,梅德明,上海教育出版社 《实用英语口译教程》,冯建忠,译林出版社,2002年 CCTV国际频道访谈、专题讨论节目 主要教学参考资料(理论、技巧部分): Carroll, David w.Psychology of language. Third Ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.Gile, Daniel. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995 Jones, Roderick, Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 1998 Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1993 Seymour, Richard K. and CC. Liu. 1994. Translation and Interpreting: Bridging east and West Hawaii: College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and the east-West Center 达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚娜·勒代雷著,《口译理论-实践与教学》,汪家 荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社1990年口月第1版。 马丽娅娜·勒代雷著,《释意学派口笔译理论》,刘和平译,北京:中国翻译出 版公司,2001年。 刘和平,《口译技巧一思维科学与口译推理教学法》,北京:中国对外翻译公司, 2001年。 刘和平,《口译理论与教学》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005年

通用口译 II 教案 2006 年 2 月-2006 年 7 月 (授课教师:李芳琴) 总课时:19 周,每周 4 学时(翻译班) 主要使用教材:《新世纪口译—理论、技巧、实践》(李芳琴等),四川人民出版 社,2002 年 1 月。 口译实践材料。 推荐教材及资料:《高级资格证书口译教程》,梅德明,上海教育出版社。 《实用英语口译教程》,冯建忠,译林出版社,2002 年。 CCTV 国际频道访谈、专题讨论节目 主要教学参考资料(理论、技巧部分): Carroll, David W.. Psychology of Language. Third Ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.Gile, Daniel. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995. Jones, Roderick. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1998. Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993. Seymour, Richard K. and C.C. Liu. 1994. Translation and Interpreting: Bridging east and West. Hawaii: College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and the East-West Center. 达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚娜·勒代雷著,《口译理论-实践与教学》,汪家 荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社 1990 年口月第 1 版。 马丽娅娜·勒代雷著,《释意学派口笔译理论》,刘和平译,北京:中国翻译出 版公司,2001 年。 刘和平,《口译技巧—思维科学与口译推理教学法》,北京:中国对外翻译公司, 2001 年。 刘和平,《口译理论与教学》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005 年

2003级翻译班(第二学期)口译课教学计划 2006年2月-2006年7月 教学目的:分语类继续对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练;培养学生关心时事的 信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料査询的基本方法,具有 初步研究能力和实际工作能力。结合口译实践,使学生初步掌握专 题连续传译的技能,提高各项交际技能综合运用的能力。 授课方式:以教材《新世纪口译—理论、技巧与实践》为框架,分语类进行课 内训练,并根据教学内容补充最新同语类练习材料或口译实践材料。 采用课内和课外结合、师生互动方式实施教学。教材课文内容主要由 学生在课外口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课 内即席口译材料。 主要教学内容:以教材为教学框架,根据教材内容补充同语类练习材料或口译 实践材料。教材课文内容由学生课外在口译小组内完成或独立 完成,课内讨论:补充内容作为课内即席口译材料。主要涉及 介绍类讲话礼仪讲话论证类讲话大会发言综合练习 学生预习及小组准备:学生就规定题材进行课前准备并作课堂陈述(包括上网 查阅资料)。 课堂教学:课内主要以教师演示、根据教学主题组织模拟口译练习以及评讲的 方式实施教学。 信息反馈:学生交报告、上本院校园网讨论学习心得或与任课教师直接交流

2003 级翻译班(第二学期)口译课教学计划 2006 年 2 月-2006 年 7 月 教学目的:分语类继续对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练;培养学生关心时事的 信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有 初步研究能力和实际工作能力。结合口译实践,使学生初步掌握专 题连续传译的技能,提高各项交际技能综合运用的能力。 授课方式:以教材《新世纪口译—理论、技巧与实践》为框架,分语类进行课 内训练,并根据教学内容补充最新同语类练习材料或口译实践材料。 采用课内和课外结合、师生互动方式实施教学。教材课文内容主要由 学生在课外口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课 内即席口译材料。 主要教学内容:以教材为教学框架,根据教材内容补充同语类练习材料或口译 实践材料。教材课文内容由学生课外在口译小组内完成或独立 完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课内即席口译材料。主要涉及: 介绍类讲话 礼仪讲话 论证类讲话 大会发言 综合练习 学生预习及小组准备:学生就规定题材进行课前准备并作课堂陈述(包括上网 查阅资料)。 课堂教学:课内主要以教师演示、根据教学主题组织模拟口译练习以及评讲的 方式实施教学。 信息反馈:学生交报告、上本院校园网讨论学习心得或与任课教师直接交流

Unit One 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2口译考试讲评: Preparing for Campus Interview Women at the Top? 3课外练习:《高级口译教程》 4课外准备:美国教育改革(Team1) b. 1 Class presentation: Educational reform program in the US(Team 1) 2口译练习:Dr. Susan Sclafani's speech( Last pan 3课外准备: about asian values(Ieam2) 4课外:分析、整理关于亚洲价值观讨论的资料 5课外阅读:理解与主题思想的识别 textbook, Lesson eight Unit Two Class presentation: Asian Values(Team 2) 2.背景知识在口译中的重要性 3口译练习: Debate on asian values 4课外练习:《高级口译教程 b.1口译练习: Debate on asian values( continued) 2课外准备:认识中国传统文化(Ieam3) 口、笔译异同(Team4) 3课外练习:《高级口译教材》 Unit Three a. 1 Class presentation: Chinese trad itional culture(Team 3) 2关于文化词汇的翻译(梅:U2) 3口译练习:文化传统发展中的挑战 4课外练习:《高级口译教程》 b. 1 Class presentation: Similarities and differences between translation and interpretation(Team 4) 2口译练习:高级翻译是如何造就的 3课外准备:访谈口译的基本特点 了解英特尔公司(Ieam5) Unit four a.1 Class presentation:英特尔公司简介(Team5) 2访谈口译的基本特点

Unit One a. 1 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2 口译考试讲评:Preparing for Campus Interview Women at the Top? 3 课外练习:《高级口译教程》 4 课外准备:美国教育改革 (Team 1) b. 1 Class presentation: Educational reform program in the US (Team 1) 2 口译练习:Dr. Susan Sclafani’s speech (Last part) 3 课外准备:About Asian Values (Team 2) 4 课外:分析、整理关于亚洲价值观讨论的资料 5 课外阅读:理解与主题思想的识别[Textbook, Lesson Eight] Unit Two a. 1 Class presentation: Asian Values (Team 2) 2. 背景知识在口译中的重要性 3 口译练习: Debate on Asian Values 4 课外练习:《高级口译教程》 b. 1 口译练习:Debate on Asian Values (continued) 2 课外准备:认识中国传统文化 (Team 3) 口、笔译异同 (Team4) 3 课外练习:《高级口译教材》 Unit Three a. 1 Class presentation: Chinese traditional culture (Team 3) 2 关于文化词汇的翻译(梅:U2) 3 口译练习:文化传统发展中的挑战 4 课外练习:《高级口译教程》 b. 1 Class presentation: Similarities and differences between translation and interpretation (Team 4) 2 口译练习:高级翻译是如何造就的 3 课外准备:访谈口译的基本特点 了解英特尔公司 (Team 5) Unit Four a. 1 Class presentation: 英特尔公司简介 (Team 5) 2 访谈口译的基本特点

3口译练习:与英特尔总裁对话(录像26分钟) 4课外准备:西班牙文化简介(Team6) b.1 Class presentation:西班牙简介(Team6) 2口译练习:访西班牙文化、教育、体育部长 3课外准备:礼仪讲话的基本特点 利宝集团及其在中国的业务(leam1) Unit Fiv a.1 Class presentation:利宝集团简介(eam1) 2礼仪讲话的基本特点 3口译练习: Chongqing University Insurance Center Event Opening Remarks (John Kimber Oct 15 2003 team 1 Chongqing University Insurance Center Event Opening Remarks (Faragher)team 11 4课外准备: The role of SMEs in the global economy Focus: Measures to help SMEs to develop b. 1 Class presentation: Measures to help SMEs to develop 2口译练习: The role of SMEs in the global economy 3小组活动:分析口译中出现的问题 Unit s, 1如何处理口译现场出现的危机 口译练习: The role of SMEs in the global economy续] 3课外准备: Development and implementation of training plans for disad vantaged groups(rural, remote and isolated) 重点:澳大利亚职教与培训 Unit Seven 1 Class presentation: Team 2 2口译练习: Development and implementation of training plans for disadvantaged groups(rural, remote and isolated 3讨论翻译中出现的问题 4准备: A Hard Way to Make Money(英译汉练习,小组集体讨论难点 及其处理方法Team3重点发言) Unit eight 1 Class presentation:.翻译中的难点及其处理方法(Team3) 2口译练习: A Hard Way to Make Money

3 口译练习:与英特尔总裁对话(录像 26 分钟) 4 课外准备:西班牙文化简介 (Team 6) b. 1 Class presentation: 西班牙简介 (Team 6) 2 口译练习:访西班牙文化、教育、体育部长 3 课外准备:礼仪讲话的基本特点 利宝集团及其在中国的业务 (Team 1) Unit Five a. 1 Class presentation: 利宝集团简介(Team 1) 2 礼仪讲话的基本特点 3 口译练习:Chongqing University Insurance Center Event Opening Remarks (John Kimber Oct.15 2003 [team 1] Chongqing University Insurance Center Event Opening Remarks (Faragher) [team 1] 4 课外准备:The role of SMEs in the global economy Focus: Measures to help SMEs to develop b. 1 Class presentation: Measures to help SMEs to develop 2 口译练习:The role of SMEs in the global economy 3 小组活动:分析口译中出现的问题 Unit Six 1 如何处理口译现场出现的危机 2 口译练习:The role of SMEs in the global economy[续] 3 课外准备:Development and implementation of training plans for disadvantaged groups (rural, remote and isolated) 重点:澳大利亚职教与培训 Unit Seven 1 Class presentation: Team 2 2 口译 练习 :Development and implementation of training plans for disadvantaged groups (rural, remote and isolated) 3 讨论翻译中出现的问题 4 准备:A Hard Way to Make Money (英译汉练习,小组集体讨论难点 及其处理方法 Team3 重点发言) Unit Eight 1 Class presentation: 翻译中的难点及其处理方法 (Team 3) 2 口译练习:A Hard Way to Make Money

3翻译/口译方法讨论 4课外准备:中国首届性医学研讨会材料(谁是俄底普斯?)[小组集体 讨论难点及其处理方法,Team485重点发言 Unit Nine 1 Class presentation:翻译中的难点及其处理方法(leam4&5) 2口译练习:谁是俄底普斯? 3翻译/口译方法讨论 4课外准备:了解Sun公司(Team6) Unit Ten 1 Class presentation:Sun公司简介(Team6) 2口译练习:与Sun公司总裁对话录像) 3课外阅读:论证类讲话的基本特点 4课外准备:关于清洁生产及环保(Team1) Unit Eleven(论证类讲话) a.1论证类讲话的基本特点 2 Class presentation:关于清洁生产及环保(Team1) 3口译练习:环境保护 Significance of Clearer Production Promotion in China b.1口译练习: Significance of Clearer Production Promotion (continued) 2淮备:中国投资软环境(Team2) 3课外阅读:如何处理跨文化交际中出现的问题 Unit Twelve I Class presentation:中国投资软环境(leam2) 2口译练习: Improvement of soft environment 3阅读:演讲口译的基本特点 准备:第二届中国一澳大利亚(重庆)职业教育与培训论坛(Tam3&4) a.黄奇帆市长致辞b. Chris celovic讲话 Unit Thirteen 1口译练习 1)黄奇帆市长致辞 2)第二届中国一澳大利亚(重庆)职业教育与培训论坛(续)

3 翻译/口译方法讨论 4 课外准备:中国首届性医学研讨会材料(谁是俄底普斯?)[小组集体 讨论难点及其处理方法,Team 4&5 重点发言] Unit Nine 1 Class presentation: 翻译中的难点及其处理方法(Team 4 &5) 2 口译练习:谁是俄底普斯? 3 翻译/口译方法讨论 4 课外准备:了解 Sun 公司 (Team 6) Unit Ten 1 Class presentation: Sun 公司简介 (Team 6) 2 口译练习:与 Sun 公司总裁对话 (录像) 3 课外阅读:论证类讲话的基本特点 4 课外准备:关于清洁生产及环保(Team 1) Unit Eleven (论证类讲话) a. 1 论证类讲话的基本特点 2 Class presentation: 关于清洁生产及环保(Team 1) 3 口译练习:环境保护 Significance of Clearer Production Promotion in China b. 1 口 译 练 习 : Significance of Clearer Production Promotion in China (continued) 2 准备:中国投资软环境 (Team 2) 3 课外阅读:如何处理跨文化交际中出现的问题 Unit Twelve 1 Class presentation: 中国投资软环境 (Team 2) 2 口译练习: Improvement of soft environment 3 阅读:演讲口译的基本特点 4 准备:第二届中国—澳大利亚(重庆)职业教育与培训论坛(Team 3&4) a. 黄奇帆市长致辞 b. Chris Celovic 讲话 Unit Thirteen 1 口译练习: 1) 黄奇帆市长致辞 2) 第二届中国—澳大利亚(重庆)职业教育与培训论坛(续)

Innovations in Vocational Education and Training in Victoria: A State Perspective(有中文译文) 2问题分析 3准备:美前众议员在川外的讲话 Unit Fourteen 1口译练习:访英首相(录像) 2美前众议员在川外讲话 3课外阅读:口译职业准则 4准备:关于就业问题现状及各国主要举措(Team6) Unit Fifteen 1讨论:发展中国家就业问题现状(Team6) 2口译练习: On employment关于就业问题 3准备:澳大利亚工程师代表团访问三峡中文资料 Unit Sixteen 1口译练习:澳大利亚工程师代表团访问三峡中文资料 2难点分析

Innovations in Vocational Education and Training in Victoria:A State Perspective (有中文译文) 2 问题分析 3 准备:美前众议员在川外的讲话 Unit Fourteen 1 口译练习:访英首相(录像) 2 美前众议员在川外讲话 3 课外阅读:口译职业准则 4 准备:关于就业问题现状及各国主要举措(Team6) Unit Fifteen 1 讨论:发展中国家就业问题现状 (Team 6) 2 口译练习:On employment 关于就业问题 3 准备:澳大利亚工程师代表团访问三峡中文资料 Unit Sixteen 1 口译练习:澳大利亚工程师代表团访问三峡中文资料 2 难点分析

Unit One a. Main contents to be covered 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2口译考试讲评: Preparing for Campus Interview Women at the Top? 3课外练习:《高级口译教程》 课外准备:美国教育改革(Ieam1) Teaching procedures 1. A brief introduction to teaching plan and requirements About the teaching plan: This course is focused on consecutive interpretation. See teaching plan about the description and the main contents to be covered General Requirements for the course: Every student is required to participate in both class and group activities assigned for this course, and if possible, students are encouraged to participate in social practice. Team work is especially encouraged 2. Comments on the final examination Comments on interpreting test 评分总原则 话语准确性:此部分原则上按70%计算;按意群或信息单位划分,计算 分值。2)话语流畅性;3)语篇意义提取能力;4)语音语调;5)措辞是 否适合习惯:;6)笔记规范性 试卷分析 试题难度适中,但每个段落信息量较大。绝大部分学生口译笔记符合要 求,对所听信息量把握较好。学生总体口译质量较高。尤其是获80分以 上的同学。 大部分学生能完整或较完整译出该语篇的内容,但信息量较大的语段有 遗漏信息和添加信息的情况。约20%的学生的汉语译文存在不同程度的 英文化风格,显得不太自然。学生处理口语讲话翻译还存在问题。部分 学生还不能很好的结合上下文理解不熟悉的词汇,如: physical assets. 第四个语段信息偏差较普遍。学生缺乏相关背景知识或不能在语境中提 取相关背景知识。大部分学生反映试卷难度和平时教学和训练的中等难 度相等。 结论

Unit One a. Main contents to be covered 1 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2 口译考试讲评:Preparing for Campus Interview Women at the Top? 3 课外练习:《高级口译教程》 4 课外准备:美国教育改革 (Team 1) Teaching procedures: 1. A brief introduction to teaching plan and requirements About the teaching plan: This course is focused on consecutive interpretation. See teaching plan about the description and the main contents to be covered. General Requirements for the course: Every student is required to participate in both class and group activities assigned for this course, and if possible, students are encouraged to participate in social practice. Team work is especially encouraged. 2. Comments on the final examination Comments on interpreting test  评分总原则  话语准确性:此部分原则上按 70%计算;按意群/或信息单位划分,计算 分值。2) 话语流畅性; 3) 语篇意义提取能力;4)语音语调;5)措辞是 否适合习惯;6)笔记规范性  试卷分析  试题难度适中,但每个段落信息量较大。绝大部分学生口译笔记符合要 求,对所听信息量把握较好。学生总体口译质量较高。尤其是获 80 分以 上的同学。  大部分学生能完整或较完整译出该语篇的内容,但信息量较大的语段有 遗漏信息和添加信息的情况。约 20%的学生的汉语译文存在不同程度的 英文化风格,显得不太自然。学生处理口语讲话翻译还存在问题。部分 学生还不能很好的结合上下文理解不熟悉的词汇,如:physical assets.。 第四个语段信息偏差较普遍。学生缺乏相关背景知识或不能在语境中提 取相关背景知识。大部分学生反映试卷难度和平时教学和训练的中等难 度相等。  结论

要加强学生课外听力训练。扩大学生背景知识。进一步训练学生对主要 和次要信息的处理能力,尤其是断句、利用背景知识的能力。 主要问题: 1)第二个语段中的时态误听造成了理解错误 2)在第四个语段的听译中,有学生望文生义,没有考虑语境,也没有进 行必行必要的逻辑推理,如把 Journey, destination理解为“人生旅途、 奋斗目标”。 3)第二篇材料出现的主要问题:背景知识不够;部分学生没有很好地跟 上讲话人的逻辑 附听译材料: Preparing for Campus Interviews Job hunting -- My own experience It is certainly true that job hunting can be fun or can be stressful. It depends on us how we take it. The process of job hunting, especially for the first job after graduation from college, is really stressful at the beginning. This is due to various causes,such as family demands or concems of the family members, friends influence whereby they are perhaps not as smart as you but found a good job, and friends having good and high salary jobs. All this can contribute to a stressful environment around us. / Speaking about my own experience, I would like to share my first interview experience. I was full of confidence that I would get the job. But, reality hit me some days later when I called the company and they told me that I was not selected. It was early in the morning before I went to my next interview. I felt like the whole world was falling on me and I almost cried. That moment, I felt very bad because I was aware that I am not what I think I am. I am confident but I don't have something that the industry needs. A lot of negative thoughts came into my mind. // At that moment, I almost gave up on my next interv iew session. Sitting in front of my computer I told this to several friends who were concerned about me. I told them that I was really depressed, disappointed and I felt like crying. But my friends were really patient. They gave me a lot of advice and encouraged me to go to the interview In the end, I made up my mind to go to the interview /l

 要加强学生课外听力训练。扩大学生背景知识。进一步训练学生对主要 和次要信息的处理能力,尤其是断句、利用背景知识的能力。 主要问题: 1) 第二个语段中的时态误听造成了理解错误 2) 在第四个语段的听译中,有学生望文生义,没有考虑语境,也没有进 行必行必要的逻辑推理,如把 journey, destination 理解为“人生旅途、 奋斗目标”。 3) 第二篇材料出现的主要问题:背景知识不够;部分学生没有很好地跟 上讲话人的逻辑。 附听译材料: a. Preparing for Campus Interviews Job Hunting -- My own experience It is certainly true that job hunting can be fun or can be stressful. It depends on us how we take it. The process of job hunting, especially for the first job after graduation from college, is really stressful at the beginning. This is due to various causes, such as family demands or concerns of the family members, friends’ influence whereby they are perhaps not as smart as you but found a good job, and friends having good and high salary jobs. All this can contribute to a stressful environment around us.// Speaking about my own experience, I would like to share my first interview experience. I was full of confidence that I would get the job. But, reality hit me some days later when I called the company and they told me that I was not selected. It was early in the morning before I went to my next interview. I felt like the whole world was falling on me and I almost cried. That moment, I felt very bad because I was aware that I am not what I think I am. I am confident but I don't have something that the industry needs. A lot of negative thoughts came into my mind. // At that moment, I almost gave up on my next interview session. Sitting in front of my computer I told this to several friends who were concerned about me. I told them that I was really depressed, disappointed and I felt like crying. But my friends were really patient. They gave me a lot of advice and encouraged me to go to the interview. In the end, I made up my mind to go to the interview.//

During my whole journey, I never thought about anything or made preparation in my mind; I just drove all the way to my destination and followed the flow. Well, I certainly didn't want to be trapped in a traffic jam hence I arrived about 30 minutes earlier. And I read back all the tips and guidance my friends gave me. For the rest I went through the filling out of forms, took the interviews and then went home. / Job hunting can be really interesting and fun. Many of us may have gone through at least 5 interv iews at 5 different organizations. Imagine how many different types of people we have met. Moreover, job hunting can be a learning process as we have moved to an information driven economy, knowledge and experience is more valuable than physical assets. / I will stand firm on my statement that " job hunting is a learning process". It taught me many things that I never knew. Through this job hunting period I have learned to examine and look at the good side of myself. I have learnt to think positively and maturely 参考译文 准备校园面试:我的求职经历 找工作的确既有趣又有压力,完全取决于你如何看待它。大学毕业找第一份工 作的过程的确非常有压力。这种压力是诸多原因造成的:比如家庭对你的要求, 家庭成员对你的过度关怀,朋友对你的影响等等。你有些朋友也许没你聪明, 但他们却找到了好工作,而且收入颇丰,所有这一切都对你造成了压力。∥ 谈到我自己的经历,我想和大家谈谈我第一次求职的情况。当时我满怀信心 定会得到这份工作,但现实却给了我沉重的打击。几天后我打电话到公司去询 问结果,他们告诉我落选了。那是一天上午,我正要去参加另一轮面试。我当 时觉得天都要塌了,我直想哭。我当时的感觉糟透了,我意识到我以前对自己 的认识是错的。是的,我有信心,但我并不具备行业所要求的知识,我产生了 许多负面的想法。∥ 当时我几乎放弃第二轮面试。我坐在电脑旁,把我的想法告诉了几位关心我的 朋友。我告诉他们我非常沮丧,非常失望,很想哭。我的朋友很耐心,他们给 了我许多点子并鼓励我参加面试。最后,我下定决心去面试。∥ 去面试的路上,我什么也没想,也没作任何准备,一路随车流直奔目的地。当 然我不想遇上交通堵塞,所以提前半小时到了达面试地点。我重温了一遍朋友 给我的点子和建议。接下来我填了些表格,参加了面试就回家了。∥

During my whole journey, I never thought about anything or made preparation in my mind; I just drove all the way to my destination and followed the flow. Well, I certainly didn't want to be trapped in a traffic jam hence I arrived about 30 minutes earlier. And I read back all the tips and guidance my friends gave me. For the rest I went through the filling out of forms, took the interviews and then went home.// Job hunting can be really interesting and fun. Many of us may have gone through at least 5 interviews at 5 different organizations. Imagine how many different types of people we have met. Moreover, job hunting can be a learning process as we have moved to an information driven economy, knowledge and experience is more valuable than physical assets. // I will stand firm on my statement that "job hunting is a learning process". It taught me many things that I never knew. Through this job hunting period, I have learned to examine and look at the good side of myself. I have learnt to think positively and maturely. 参考译文 准备校园面试:我的求职经历 找工作的确既有趣又有压力,完全取决于你如何看待它。大学毕业找第一份工 作的过程的确非常有压力。这种压力是诸多原因造成的:比如家庭对你的要求, 家庭成员对你的过度关怀,朋友对你的影响等等。你有些朋友也许没你聪明, 但他们却找到了好工作,而且收入颇丰,所有这一切都对你造成了压力。// 谈到我自己的经历,我想和大家谈谈我第一次求职的情况。当时我满怀信心一 定会得到这份工作,但现实却给了我沉重的打击。几天后我打电话到公司去询 问结果,他们告诉我落选了。那是一天上午,我正要去参加另一轮面试。我当 时觉得天都要塌了,我直想哭。我当时的感觉糟透了,我意识到我以前对自己 的认识是错的。是的,我有信心,但我并不具备行业所要求的知识,我产生了 许多负面的想法。 // 当时我几乎放弃第二轮面试。我坐在电脑旁,把我的想法告诉了几位关心我的 朋友。我告诉他们我非常沮丧,非常失望,很想哭。我的朋友很耐心,他们给 了我许多点子并鼓励我参加面试。最后,我下定决心去面试。// 去面试的路上,我什么也没想,也没作任何准备,一路随车流直奔目的地。当 然我不想遇上交通堵塞,所以提前半小时到了达面试地点。我重温了一遍朋友 给我的点子和建议。接下来我填了些表格,参加了面试就回家了。//

求职真的可以是非常有意义的事。我们许多人至少会参加五次面试,而且是五 家不同的机构。想想吧,我们会遇见多少不同的人啊。求职也是一个学习的过 程。我们已进入信息经济时代,知识和经历比物质财富更加重要。∥ 我坚定不移地说“求职是学习过程”。它教会了我许多以前不知道的知识。求职 经历使我学会审视自己好的一面,使我学会了积极且成熟的思考问题。 b Woman at the top? What do such companies as HP, Maxwell House Coffee, Delo itte Touche, and Hearst Magazines have in common? All these organizations are headed by women. Moreover, according to a recent study by Catalyst, a national nonprofit organization assisting women in business, more than 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies have at least one woman on their boards of directors, up from 69 percent two years earlier. //Despite all this, there is ev idence that women are not commonly found at the executive level. No Fortune 500 company has a female CEO; very few women executives are found in some industries, such as manufacturing, engineering, and financial services, and the survey shows that six in ten women believe women suffer discrimination in obtaining executive business positions. / Industry experts have pinpointed several factors that block womens promotion F ole, some men in managerial positions still have the stereotypes and preconceived notions of women. In add ition, because women are often excluded from some outside-the-office activities, they do not have the opportunity to build relat ionships. / There are many other factors that may become blocks to women's promotion. For instance, some women find it difficult to balance career and family, because women are still the primary caregivers in our society. Some do not have general management experience. What is more, some are not willing to travel or to relocate.∥ Interviews with women in executive positions suggest that there are three essential factors for their advancement The first one is that women must consistently do well in their position. The second is that they must develop a working style that men are willing to accept. The third one is that women must seek out difficult and high-visibility Alignments.∥ 参考译文 女人当老总? 惠普公司、麦氏咖啡、 Deloitte& Touche企业及赫斯特报业集团有何共同

求职真的可以是非常有意义的事。我们许多人至少会参加五次面试,而且是五 家不同的机构。想想吧,我们会遇见多少不同的人啊。求职也是一个学习的过 程。我们已进入信息经济时代,知识和经历比物质财富更加重要。// 我坚定不移地说“求职是学习过程”。它教会了我许多以前不知道的知识。求职 经历使我学会审视自己好的一面,使我学会了积极且成熟的思考问题。 b. Woman at the top? What do such companies as HP, Maxwell House Coffee, Deloitte & Touche, and Hearst Magazines have in common? All these organizations are headed by women. Moreover, according to a recent study by Catalyst, a national nonprofit organization assisting women in business, more than 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies have at least one woman on their boards of directors, up from 69 percent two years earlier.// Despite all this, there is evidence that women are not commonly found at the executive level. No Fortune 500 company has a female CEO; very few women executives are found in some industries, such as manufacturing, engineering, and financial services; and the survey shows that six in ten women believe women suffer discrimination in obtaining executive business positions.// Industry experts have pinpointed several factors that block women's promotion. For example, some men in managerial positions still have the stereotypes and preconceived notions of women. In addition, because women are often excluded from some outside-the-office activities, they do not have the opportunity to build relationships.// There are many other factors that may become blocks to women’s promotion. For instance, some women find it difficult to balance career and family, because women are still the primary caregivers in our society. Some do not have general management experience. What is more, some are not willing to travel or to relocate.// Interviews with women in executive positions suggest that there are three essential factors for their advancement. The first one is that women must consistently do well in their position. The second is that they must develop a working style that men are willing to accept. The third one is that women must seek out difficult and high-visibility assignments.// 参考译文: 女人当老总? 惠普公司、麦氏咖啡、Deloitte & Touche 企业及赫斯特报业集团有何共同



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