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四川外语学院:《英语口译》课程教学资源(教案讲义)同传入门教案(Unit 13)


Unit Thirteen Teacher: Feng Xu, Ding Xiaohuan Attendants: Class 5/8 Grade 4(02) Time:05-11-29/30 Place: Language Laboratory 9-2 Theme: Interpretation for Chinese Ceremonial speeches Focus: Sight interpretation and Simultaneous interpretation with texts Purpose: enable students to have knowledge of Chinese ceremonial speeches and have an initial experience of simultaneous interpretation Teaching procedures 1. An Introduction of Chinese Ceremonial speeches Background Information of the Speech 3. Sight Interpretation Exercise: an Address Delivered on the Sino-EU International Symposium on SOE Corporate governance 4. Simultaneous Interpretation exercise 5. Discussion and comments 6.△ ssignment I. An Introduction of Chinese Ceremonial Speech a. Conference simultaneous interpreting involves various kinds of speech Ceremonial speeches, with their features, are widely used in all kinds of conferences as an indispensable formality. Chinese ceremonial speeches, in particular, have their characteristics due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and speech style. In interpreting, these characteristics and the differences between the english and Chinese languages on pronunciation, thought pattern, language structure and so on cause difficulties in language switchin b. Characteristics of Chinese Ceremonial Speeches Purpose: motivate, encourage, or uplift the aud ience, rather than detailed analysis

Unit Thirteen Teacher: Feng Xu, Ding Xiaohuan Attendants: Class 5/8 Grade 4 (02) Time: 05-11-29/30 Place: Language Laboratory 9-2 Theme: Interpretation for Chinese Ceremonial speeches Focus: Sight interpretation and Simultaneous interpretation with texts Purpose: enable students to have knowledge of Chinese ceremonial speeches and have an initial experience of simultaneous interpretation Teaching procedures: 1. An Introduction of Chinese Ceremonial Speeches 2. Background Information of the Speech 3. Sight Interpretation Exercise: an Address Delivered on the Sino-EU International Symposium on SOE Corporate Governance 4. Simultaneous Interpretation Exercise 5. Discussion and Comments 6. Assignment 1. An Introduction of Chinese Ceremonial Speeches a. Conference simultaneous interpreting involves various kinds of speech. Ceremonial speeches, with their features, are widely used in all kinds of conferences as an indispensable formality. Chinese ceremonial speeches, in particular, have their characteristics due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and speech style. In interpreting, these characteristics and the differences between the English and Chinese languages on pronunciation, thought pattern, language structure and so on cause difficulties in language switching. b. Characteristics of Chinese Ceremonial Speeches Purpose: motivate, encourage, or uplift the audience, rather than detailed analysis

Content: no specific information about the theme It is always regarded as the prelude or conclusion of a meeting. In China, this kind of speech is always conducted by honorary participates, such as senior government officials from the host city, president of the organizing committee, and so In a general sense, an ordinary ceremonial speech consists of following parts Firstly, to get familiar with and strengthen the relationship with the audience speech is likely to have some introductory paragraphs: the name list of VIPs, the introduction of the host city, the preparation of the conference, and so on. Secondly, there will be a description of the conference as well as the topics the reasons to hold the meeting, a topic briefing, the perspective significance of research, and speaker's understanding of the topics, etc. Also, the speech is the place where people can bear their expectations to the conference or there could be some comments on the meeting If the speech is presented in the closing ceremony, then a summary is ind ispensable the achievements and effects made in the meeting. suggestions and wishes for future partnership and d evelopment Style: formal /informal In the first case, the speech is often prepared in ad vance, and then before the audience the speaker reads out the text or speaks based on the speech outline he has made. Informal speeches always can be seen in some informal occasions, for example private parties, small-sized banquet and so on. The speaker usually makes an mpromptu speech in which a number of colloquial languages and short sentences can be heard The formal speech has precise syntactic structures. And thanks to preparedness the speaker can have a good logic in the whole speech. But during informal speech is being presented, the ord inary case is that the speaker is uttering a sentence while the next sentence is in the making. Therefore, the structure would be looser than that of the first one Usually trad itional speech style can be reflected largely in the ceremonial speeches. Word ing and phrasing is seriously treated. Words might be selected and olished; idioms or sentences from renowned people might be quoted. Namely, the speeches would be prone to literal and religious in their styles

Content: no specific information about the theme It is always regarded as the prelude or conclusion of a meeting. In China, this kind of speech is always conducted by honorary participates, such as senior government officials from the host city, president of the organizing committee, and so on. In a general sense, an ordinary ceremonial speech consists of following parts. Firstly, to get familiar with and strengthen the relationship with the audience, the speech is likely to have some introductory paragraphs: the name list of VIPs, the introduction of the host city, the preparation of the conference, and so on. Secondly, there will be a description of the conference as well as the topics: the reasons to hold the meeting, a topic briefing, the perspective significance of research, and speaker’s understanding of the topics, etc. Also, the speech is the place where people can bear their expectations to the conference, or there could be some comments on the meeting. If the speech is presented in the closing ceremony, then a summary is indispensable: the achievements and effects made in the meeting, suggestions and wishes for future partnership and development. Style: formal / informal. In the first case, the speech is often prepared in advance, and then before the audience the speaker reads out the text or speaks based on the speech outline he has made. Informal speeches always can be seen in some informal occasions, for example, private parties, small-sized banquet and so on. The speaker usually makes an impromptu speech in which a number of colloquial languages and short sentences can be heard. The formal speech has precise syntactic structures. And thanks to preparedness, the speaker can have a good logic in the whole speech. But during informal speech is being presented, the ordinary case is that the speaker is uttering a sentence while the next sentence is in the making. Therefore, the structure would be looser than that of the first one. Usually traditional speech style can be reflected largely in the ceremonial speeches. Wording and phrasing is seriously treated. Words might be selected and polished; idioms or sentences from renowned people might be quoted. Namely, the speeches would be prone to literal and religious in their styles

2. Background Information of the speech Glossary of the symposium 3. Sight Interpretation Exercise: an Address Delivered on the sino-EU International Symposium on SOE Corporate Governance Script of the text 在中国·欧盟国有企业公司治理国际研讨会开幕式上的致辞 崔坚(2005年10月8日) 女士们、先生们 上午好! 在这秋风送爽,丹桂飘香的美好时节,在亚太地区城市市长峰会的前夕,欧 陆的精英们万里来聚,探讨国有企业公司治理方略。在此,我谨代表重庆市人民 政府,向研讨会表示热烈的祝贺!向各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎! 加强和完善国有企业公司治理,在国际,是具有普遍意义的历史性话题;在 中国,是国有企业深化改革,加快发展,增强综合竞争力的核心,是政府工作的 重点,是理论界关注的焦点。 目前,我国国有企业改革已进入攻坚阶段,许多深层次矛盾和问题都与公司 治理密切相关。重庆作为中国的老工业基地之一,国有企业公司改革、治理和发 展的任务尤其繁重。近年来,我们在国有企业改革、国有企业公司治理方面,根 据中央的精神,结合重庆的实际,实施了一系列政策措施,其中颇有重庆特色, 取得的效果是显著的。但是,重庆国有资产布局和资产结构不合理,国有企业公 司管理水平低、运营效益差、综合竞争力弱等问题依然存在。优化国有资产的布 局和结构,建立完善现代企业制度,我们任重而道远。 本次国际研讨会,欧盟的、中国的专家们一道,将就国有企业公司治理问题, 对话、交流、探讨。从对话、交流和探讨中,思想得到深化,理论得到升华,措 施得到完善。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,作为东道主,重庆的国有企业公司“近 水楼台先得月”,将从本次会议得到很大的启迪

2. Background Information of the Speech Glossary of the symposium 3. Sight Interpretation Exercise: an Address Delivered on the Sino-EU International Symposium on SOE Corporate Governance Script of the text: 在中国·欧盟国有企业公司治理国际研讨会开幕式上的致辞 崔 坚(2005 年 10 月 8 日) 女士们、先生们: 上午好! 在这秋风送爽,丹桂飘香的美好时节,在亚太地区城市市长峰会的前夕,欧 陆的精英们万里来聚,探讨国有企业公司治理方略。在此,我谨代表重庆市人民 政府,向研讨会表示热烈的祝贺!向各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎! 加强和完善国有企业公司治理,在国际,是具有普遍意义的历史性话题;在 中国,是国有企业深化改革,加快发展,增强综合竞争力的核心,是政府工作的 重点,是理论界关注的焦点。 目前,我国国有企业改革已进入攻坚阶段,许多深层次矛盾和问题都与公司 治理密切相关。重庆作为中国的老工业基地之一,国有企业公司改革、治理和发 展的任务尤其繁重。近年来,我们在国有企业改革、国有企业公司治理方面,根 据中央的精神,结合重庆的实际,实施了一系列政策措施,其中颇有重庆特色, 取得的效果是显著的。但是,重庆国有资产布局和资产结构不合理,国有企业公 司管理水平低、运营效益差、综合竞争力弱等问题依然存在。优化国有资产的布 局和结构,建立完善现代企业制度,我们任重而道远。 本次国际研讨会,欧盟的、中国的专家们一道,将就国有企业公司治理问题, 对话、交流、探讨。从对话、交流和探讨中,思想得到深化,理论得到升华,措 施得到完善。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,作为东道主,重庆的国有企业公司“近 水楼台先得月”,将从本次会议得到很大的启迪

祝会议取得圆满成功! 祝各位在重庆期间健康、愉快! 谢谢。 4. Simultaneous Interpretation Exercise Divide the whole class into 7 groups with 2 members each, and move into booths to have si exercise 5. Discussion and comments A. Students’ feed back Difference between simultaneous interpretation and sight interpretation Difficulties in Si exercise B Comments y po a. Explanation Generalization of typical Chinese idioms and phrases l)秋风送爽,丹桂飘香: in this cool and pleasant autumn 2)他山之石,可以攻玉:(源于《诗·小雅·鹤鸣》。表面的意思是说,别的 山上的石头可以作为砺石,用来琢磨玉器。后喻指他人的做法或意见能 够帮助自己改正错误缺点或提供借鉴。) By others fault men can correct their owns. learn from others experience or draw on others lessons Comparison: The afar from the mountain can help making good jade 3)近水楼台先得月:坐落在水边的楼台先得到月光。比喻地处近便而获得 优先的机会 Take ad vantage of something Comparison: First come, first served. /a water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position b Other coping tactics

祝会议取得圆满成功! 祝各位在重庆期间健康、愉快! 谢谢。 4. Simultaneous Interpretation Exercise Divide the whole class into 7 groups with 2 members each, and move into booths to have SI exercise. 5. Discussion and Comments: A. Students’feedback Difference between simultaneous interpretation and sight interpretation Difficulties in SI exercise B. Comments Key points: a. Explanation & Generalization of typical Chinese idioms and phrases 1) 秋风送爽,丹桂飘香: in this cool and pleasant autumn 2) 他山之石,可以攻玉:(源于《诗· 小雅·鹤鸣》。表面的意思是说,别的 山上的石头可以作为砺石,用来琢磨玉器。后喻指他人 的做法或意见能 够帮助自己改正错误缺点或提供借鉴。) By other’s fault, wise men can correct their owns. / learn from others’ experience or draw on others’ lessons. Comparison: The stone afar from the mountain can help making good jade. 3) 近水楼台先得月:坐落在水边的楼台先得到月光。比喻地处近便而获得 优先的机会。 Take advantage of something Comparison: First come, first served. / A water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position. b. Other coping tactics

1)重庆作为中国的老工业基地之一,国有企业公司改革、治理和发展的任 务尤其繁重。( conversion) b.加强和完善国有企业公司治理,在国际,是具有普遍意义的历史性话题; 在中国,是国有企业深化改革,加快发展,增强综合竞争力的核心,是政府工作 的重点,是理论界关注的焦点。( resegmentation) 6.△ ssignment a text from the same symposium for sight interpretation exercise after class 中国欧盟“国有企业公司治理”国际研讨会 西南政法大学龙宗智校长代表项目中方伙伴讲话 尊敬的国家国资委刘晓滨副秘书长, 尊敬的重庆市政府崔坚副秘书长 参会的欧洲专家和中方专家,各位来宾, 西南政法大学欧盟法律研究所主任吴越教授邀请重庆市国资委以及重庆大 学经济与工商管理学院,德国法兰克福大学法学院以及法律出版社为正式伙伴, 向欧盟委员会驻华代表团所属的中国欧盟基金项目成功地申请了“国有企业的公 司治理项目”。这也是欧盟资助的西南地区的唯一的同类项目。首先,请允许我 代表该项目的中方合作伙伴向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎 本项目的目标,是通过对重庆市的国有企业的调研,对企业领导、高级管理 人员,董事、监事等人员的专业技术培训、举办中国欧盟公司治理国际硏讨会以 及提出改进方案、法律与政策建议,出版物和学术论文等措施来促进国有企业的 公司治理。 本项目已经于2005年7月15日正式启动。项目己经成功地进行了四期培训 活动,培训的对象主要是重庆市国有企业的领导,董事、监事,经理以及其他高 级管理人员。培训的内容主要是企业的管理与决策,审计与会计,政策与法律以 及介绍欧洲国家对国有企业治理的经验。这四次培训活动取得了圆满的成功。 本次国际研讨会的目标,在于通过中欧双方在对国有企业的公司治理的经验 交流,探索适合中国国情的国有企业改革及治理道路,增进中国与欧盟的互利合 作。在此,我谨代表西南政法大学向光临本次会议的国家国资委领导以及外地专 家表示感谢,向不远万里来参加会议的欧盟专家表示由衷的感谢,对重庆市国资

1) 重庆作为中国的老工业基地之一,国有企业公司改革、治理和发展的任 务尤其繁重。 (conversion) b. 加强和完善国有企业公司治理,在国际,是具有普遍意义的历史性话题; 在中国,是国有企业深化改革,加快发展,增强综合竞争力的核心,是政府工作 的重点,是理论界关注的焦点。 (resegmentation) 6. Assignment A text from the same symposium for sight interpretation exercise after class. 中国欧盟“国有企业公司治理”国际研讨会 --西南政法大学龙宗智校长代表项目中方伙伴讲话 尊敬的国家国资委刘晓滨副秘书长, 尊敬的重庆市政府崔坚副秘书长 参会的欧洲专家和中方专家,各位来宾, 西南政法大学欧盟法律研究所主任吴越教授邀请重庆市国资委以及重庆大 学经济与工商管理学院,德国法兰克福大学法学院以及法律出版社为正式伙伴, 向欧盟委员会驻华代表团所属的中国欧盟基金项目成功地申请了“国有企业的公 司治理项目”。这也是欧盟资助的西南地区的唯一的同类项目。首先,请允许我 代表该项目的中方合作伙伴向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。 本项目的目标,是通过对重庆市的国有企业的调研,对企业领导、高级管理 人员,董事、监事等人员的专业技术培训、举办中国欧盟公司治理国际研讨会以 及提出改进方案、法律与政策建议,出版物和学术论文等措施来促进国有企业的 公司治理。 本项目已经于 2005 年 7 月 15 日正式启动。项目已经成功地进行了四期培训 活动,培训的对象主要是重庆市国有企业的领导,董事、监事,经理以及其他高 级管理人员。培训的内容主要是企业的管理与决策,审计与会计,政策与法律以 及介绍欧洲国家对国有企业治理的经验。这四次培训活动取得了圆满的成功。 本次国际研讨会的目标,在于通过中欧双方在对国有企业的公司治理的经验 交流,探索适合中国国情的国有企业改革及治理道路,增进中国与欧盟的互利合 作。在此,我谨代表西南政法大学向光临本次会议的国家国资委领导以及外地专 家表示感谢,向不远万里来参加会议的欧盟专家表示由衷的感谢,对重庆市国资

委和重庆大学经济与工商管理学院的全力合作表示感谢,也十分赞赏吴越教授领 导的欧盟法律研究所全体成员为期三个月的精心准备。我尤其要感谢黄奇帆市长 在百忙之中为本项目作讲座,黄市长的讲座,为本项目和重庆市国有企业的战略 重组指明了方向 西南政法大学作为全国知名的重点大学,在法学教育与科研方面具有得天独 厚的优势。我校对本项目和本次国际研讨会高度重视,我们希望通过本项目的实 施,加强与重庆市的职能部门、企业界以及法律实务界的横向联系,加强与欧洲 国家的交流与合作,共同为重庆市的经济建设和法治建设服务,为中国和欧盟的 经济合作与法律合作服务。我们也希望这样的合作能够持续下去,为理论界和实 务界搭建沟通的平台 最后,我预祝本次活动取得圆满成功 谢谢大家 Appendix: Relevant words and phrases 公司治理 corporate governance 国有企业 State owned Enterprises(SOEs) 国有资产 State assets 重组 reorganization 中国欧盟小项目便捷基金 EU-China Small Project Facility Programme 西南政法大学欧盟法律研究所 Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Institute of eu law 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 Chongqing University MBA School 重庆市国有资产监督管理委员会(市国资委) Chongqing State-assets Supervision and administration Commission 国家国资委( The National State-assets Supervision and Administration Commission of China) 欧盟 European Union 欧盟公司法指令 Corporate Directives of the EU 欧盟颁布的条例 EU Regulation 董事长 president/CEO 董事 d erectors 执行董事 executive directors 独立董事 independent d rectors

委和重庆大学经济与工商管理学院的全力合作表示感谢,也十分赞赏吴越教授领 导的欧盟法律研究所全体成员为期三个月的精心准备。我尤其要感谢黄奇帆市长 在百忙之中为本项目作讲座,黄市长的讲座,为本项目和重庆市国有企业的战略 重组指明了方向。 西南政法大学作为全国知名的重点大学,在法学教育与科研方面具有得天独 厚的优势。我校对本项目和本次国际研讨会高度重视,我们希望通过本项目的实 施,加强与重庆市的职能部门、企业界以及法律实务界的横向联系,加强与欧洲 国家的交流与合作,共同为重庆市的经济建设和法治建设服务,为中国和欧盟的 经济合作与法律合作服务。我们也希望这样的合作能够持续下去,为理论界和实 务界搭建沟通的平台。 最后,我预祝本次活动取得圆满成功。 谢谢大家。 Appendix: Relevant words and phrases 公司治理 corporate governance 国有企业 State owned Enterprises (SOEs) 国有资产 State Assets 重组 reorganization 中国欧盟小项目便捷基金 EU-China Small Project Facility Programme 西南政法大学欧盟法律研究所 Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Institute of EU Law 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 Chongqing University MBA School 重庆市国有资产监督管理委员会(市国资委)Chongqing State-assets Supervision and Administration Commission 国家国资委 (The National State-assets Supervision and Administration Commission of China) 欧盟 European Union 欧盟公司法指令 Corporate Directives of the EU 欧盟颁布的条例 EU Regulation 董事长 president /CEO 董事 directors 执行董事 executive directors 独立董事 independent directors

总经理 general manager/CEO 董事会 board of directors/ management board/ board 股东大会 general meeting of shareholders 监事会 supervisory board (董事会下属的)委员会 committee 单层制 one-tier system(指公司只设董事会不设监事会) 双层制 two-tier system(指公司同时设有董事会和监事会) 公司章程 article of association/ memorandum of association/ statute 公司设立 Incorporation 企业集团 corporate groups 公可 company/! corporation 合伙 partnership 般合伙 general partnership 有限合伙 limited partnership 股份公司(大众公司) stock company /joint stock company/ public company 上市公司 listed company 证券交易所 stock exchange 有限责任公司(私人有限公司) limited liability company/ private company 合资企业 Joint venture

总经理 general manager / CEO 董事会 board of directors / management board/ board 股东大会 general meeting of shareholders 监事会 supervisory board (董事会下属的)委员会 committee 单层制 one-tier system (指公司只设董事会不设监事会) 双层制 two-tier system (指公司同时设有董事会和监事会) 公司章程 article of association/ memorandum of association/ statute 公司设立 incorporation 企业集团 corporate groups 公司 company /corporation 合伙 partnership 一般合伙 general partnership 有限合伙 limited partnership 股份公司(大众公司)stock company /joint stock company/ public company 上市公司 listed company 证券交易所 stock exchange 有限责任公司(私人有限公司)limited liability company / private company 合资企业 joint venture



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