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四川外语学院英语糸经贸口译遝程 第二周《经贸口译》授课教案(部分) 授课教师:陶丽霞 根据本课程教学纲要 1. Preliminary business talks and interviews 1.模拟现场,熟悉一些表达 对话体口译:学生演示为主) 惯例。 2. Number interpretation skills 2.练习多位整数和倍数的口 (specialized intensive practice) 译并达到熟练程度。 主题( Theme) 1. Establishment of business relation建立贸易关系 2. Number interpretation skill(多位整数和多位倍数的口译练习) 本课教学重点:1.熟悉并演绎商家在初次见面时的不同礼仪、表达和文化(口译部分为主)。 2.熟悉复杂数字的口译并能熟练快捷地脱口而出。 预期效果:1.学生能在涉外活动中,得体地表达和表现 2.训练数字表述基本功。 检测手段:(1)学生现场表现 (2)以快速出题快速口译的形式,检测学生的反应力和熟练程度。 教学步骤: I.分组活动,熟悉内容(课文),要求或鼓励适当发挥,充实内容,使之更加具有情景性 和应变性。 ∏.分组演示,要求有应景性、情理性、适当性,符合商务惯例。 Ⅲ.数字快速口译表演,并评选优秀小组 ⅣⅤ.选择性地口译随机选词 V.提问或出思考题,引导学生回答或展开讨论 部分课文内容和作业要求: 1.课文原文:

四川外语学院英语系经贸口译课程 第二周《经贸口译》授课教案(部分) 授课教师: 陶丽霞 根据本课程教学纲要: 第二周 1. Preliminary business talks and interviews (对话体口译:学生演示为主) 2.Number interpretation skills (specialized intensive practice) 1. 模拟现场,熟悉一些表达 惯例。 2.练习多位整数和倍数的口 译并达到熟练程度。 主题 (Theme): 1. Establishment of business relation 建立贸易关系 2. Number interpretation skill (多位整数和多位倍数的口译练习) 本课教学重点:1. 熟悉并演绎商家在初次见面时的不同礼仪、表达和文化(口译部分为主)。 2. 熟悉复杂数字的口译并能熟练快捷地脱口而出。 预期效果:1. 学生能在涉外活动中,得体地表达和表现。 2. 训练数字表述基本功。 检测手段:(1)学生现场表现。 (2)以快速出题快速口译的形式,检测学生的反应力和熟练程度。 教学步骤: I.分组活动,熟悉内容(课文),要求或鼓励适当发挥,充实内容,使之更加具有情景性 和应变性。 II.分组演示,要求有应景性、情理性、适当性,符合商务惯例。 III.数字快速口译表演,并评选优秀小组 IV.选择性地口译随机选词 V.提问或出思考题,引导学生回答或展开讨论。 部分课文内容和作业要求: 1.课文原文: ===========

Wishing to Establish Business relations w. It is said that you're just had a successful visit to Japan B. Yes, quite successful. Nearly every year I have a chance to visit Japan. I have been longing China stablish business relations with Chinese companies w. It is also out hope to establish business relations with our American friends. Whats your line of business? B. Textiles and textile machinery. As a matter of fact, we are distributors with business branches in most major cities in the States. We'd like to introduce Chinese textiles to our markets, if your conditions are favorable w. Let me assure you of our best attention, Mr. Black. We are willing to do trade with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods B.Could you give me an introduction of your products? w. Yes, of course. To give you a general idea of the var ious kinds of our products available for export, I'd like to give you our latest catalogue and price list B. Very good. Thanks. But would you give me some more copies? I'd like to airmail some back w. Certainly. Are they enough? B. Yes, quite enough. Thank you w. After you go over this catalogue and price list, I'll take you down to the sample-room to have a close look at our samples B. Oh, thats very kind of you. I am sure I'd find what we are interested in. But I'm afraid that would take lots of your time w. Never mind. If only I could be of any help, I'll be very glad (See《国际贸易谈判英语》 from p13-P14) 课文内容的具体处理 1,要求或鼓励学生用替代法更换成相似场景,灵活多变地用适当方式适应不同的情景内

Wishing to Establish Business Relations W. It is said that you’re just had a successful visit to Japan. B. Yes, quite successful. Nearly every year I have a chance to visit Japan. I have been longing to visit China and establish business relations with Chinese companies. W. It is also out hope to establish business relations with our American friends. What’s your line of business? B. Textiles and textile machinery. As a matter of fact, we are distributors with business branches in most major cities in the States. We’d like to introduce Chinese textiles to our markets, if your conditions are favorable. W. Let me assure you of our best attention, Mr. Black. We are willing to do trade with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. B. Could you give me an introduction of your products? W. Yes, of course. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products available for export, I’d like to give you our latest catalogue and price list. B. Very good. Thanks. But would you give me some more copies? I’d like to airmail some back home. W. Certainly. Are they enough? B. Yes, quite enough. Thank you. W. After you go over this catalogue and price list, I’ll take you down to the sample-room to have a close look at our samples. B. Oh, that’s very kind of you. I am sure I’d find what we are interested in. But I’m afraid that would take lots of your time. W. Never mind. If only I could be of any help, I’ll be very glad. (See 《国际贸易谈判英语》from P. 13 – P. 14) 课文内容的具体处理: 1/. 要求或鼓励学生用替代法更换成相似场景, 灵活多变地用适当方式适应不同的情景内 容,

将课文作为一个“模版”,在复制或仿制其他情景,适当发挥 课文讲解、提问与思考题: 1.结合更新的信息,在讲解课文的同时,启发学生认识一些常见的经济现象与规律,了 解最新的经贸动态,培养经济意识。 2.解释术语。 最常用的三种贸易术语 三种贸易术语:《国际贸易术语解释通则》中共有13个贸易术语,其中使用最的是装运港 交货的三种术语;FOB,CFR和CIF 这三种贸易术语,都只适用于海运和内河运输,买卖双方在货物交接方式和责任、费用、 风险划分中所承担的义务基本一致,只是在运输和保险的责任上有所区别 A.FOB(灬 named port of shipment)—-装运港船上交货(—一指定装运港)按照《通 则》的解释,卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船 上,并及时通知买方。货物在装运港越过船舷,风险即由卖方转移至买方 买方负责租船订舱,支付运费,在合同规定的期间到达装运港接运货物,并将船名及装船 日期给予卖方充分的通知 卖方要负责取得出口报关所需的各种证件,并负责办理出口手续。买方则负责取得进口报 关所需的各种证件,并负责进口报关。 卖方应向买方提供通常的单证,证明已完成交货装船的义务。其中的运输单据则应在买方 承担费用和风险的条件下,卖方给予一切协助,取得有关运输合同的运输单据。买方应接 受与合同相符的货物和单据,并按照合同规定支付货款 B. CFR (.named port of destination 成本加运费(.指定目的港)CFR与FOB不 同之处在于,由卖方负责租船订舱并支付运费。按《通则》解释,卖方只需按通常条件租 船订舱,经习惯航线运送货物。 CFR在货物装船、风险转移、办理进出口手续和交单、接单付款方面,买卖双方的义务和 FOB是相同的。 C.CIF( named port of destination)一—成本加保险费加运费(指定目的港)CF与CFR 相比,买卖双方所承担的义务相同。但以CIF方式成交,卖方还承担为货物办理运输保险 并支付保险费的义务。在FOB和CFR中,由于买方是为自己所承担的运输风险而办理保

2/. 将课文作为一个“模版”, 在复制或仿制其他情景,适当发挥。 课文讲解、提问与思考题: 1. 结合更新的信息,在讲解课文的同时,启发学生认识一些常见的经济现象与规律,了 解最新的经贸动态,培养经济意识。 2. 解释术语。 最常用的三种贸易术语 三种贸易术语:《国际贸易术语解释通则》中共有 13 个贸易术语,其中使用最的是装运港 交货的三种术语;FOB,CFR 和 CIF。 这三种贸易术语,都只适用于海运和内河运输,买卖双方在货物交接方式和责任、费用、 风险划分中所承担的义务基本一致,只是在运输和保险的责任上有所区别。 A. FOB(...named port of shipment)——装运港船上交货(——指定装运港)按照《通 则》的解释,卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船 上,并及时通知买方。货物在装运港越过船舷,风险即由卖方转移至买方。 买方负责租船订舱,支付运费,在合同规定的期间到达装运港接运货物,并将船名及装船 日期给予卖方充分的通知。 卖方要负责取得出口报关所需的各种证件,并负责办理出口手续。买方则负责取得进口报 关所需的各种证件,并负责进口报关。 卖方应向买方提供通常的单证,证明已完成交货装船的义务。其中的运输单据则应在买方 承担费用和风险的条件下,卖方给予一切协助,取得有关运输合同的运输单据。买方应接 受与合同相符的货物和单据,并按照合同规定支付货款。 B. CFR(...named port of destination)——成本加运费(...指定目的港)CFR 与 FOB 不 同之处在于,由卖方负责租船订舱并支付运费。按《通则》解释,卖方只需按通常条件租 船订舱,经习惯航线运送货物。 CFR 在货物装船、风险转移、办理进出口手续和交单、接单付款方面,买卖双方的义务和 FOB 是相同的。 C. CIF(named port of destination)——成本加保险费加运费(...指定目的港)CIF 与 CFR 相比,买卖双方所承担的义务相同。但以 CIF 方式成交,卖方还承担为货物办理运输保险 并支付保险费的义务。在 FOB 和 CFR 中,由于买方是为自己所承担的运输风险而办理保

险,因而不构成一种义务、按《通则》解释,卖方应在不迟于货物越过船舷时,办理货运 保险。在合同无明示时,卖方可按保险条款中低责任的险别投保,投保金额最低为CIF价 格的110% 3.数字口译。 数字口译 迅速地翻译数字对中国人来说不容易。这是因为汉语和英语表达数字的方式不同。汉语是 个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿……,也就是以“十”的倍数来表达 而英语则是在数字超过千以后,以“千”( thousand)的倍数来表达的。如“一万”是“十千” 即 ten thousand;“十万”是“百千”,即 hundred thousand,直至“百万”( million)。百万以上 的数字则用“百万”的倍数表达;如“千万”是“十百万”,即 ten million:“亿”是“百百万”,即 hundred million,直至“十亿”( billion)。因此,凡遇到“万”和“十万”时,都要变成“十千 百千”。口译必然会遇到数字,没有经过训练的人往往会出错,而数字译错很可能带来严 重后果,因此应始终把数字口译作为一个重点训练项目 4.口译练习 Preliminary Business Talk P: We've luckily survived this crisis. In order to put our business relations on a so footing, we have come to explain the position ourselves L: Good eally looking forward to doing business with you in the years to come P: So are we. However, the tallow market has been quite strong for sometime and the prevailing price in the London market is around US$03 for bulk tallow L: I'm sorry to say that we find your price unacceptable P: Would you give me an indication as to the price you consider workable? L: I hope you would reconsider your price and bring it into line with the world market P: Well, I'll be glad to hear what you have in mind L: I can only say that the prices from other sources are much lower than yours and their quality is indisputable P: I admit that we we in a disadvantageous position in the face of competition from other L: I'm afraid you'll stand no chance if you don't fall into line with others

险,因而不构成一种义务、按《通则》解释,卖方应在不迟于货物越过船舷时,办理货运 保险。在合同无明示时,卖方可按保险条款中低责任的险别投保,投保金额最低为 CIF 价 格的 110%。 3. 数字口译。 数字口译 迅速地翻译数字对中国人来说不容易。这是因为汉语和英语表达数字的方式不同。汉语是 个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿……,也就是以“十”的倍数来表达; 而英语则是在数字超过千以后,以“千”(thousand)的倍数来表达的。如“一万”是“十千”, 即 ten thousand;“十万”是“百千”,即 hundred thousand,直至“百万”(million)。百万以上 的数字则用“百万”的倍数表达;如“千万”是“十百万”,即 ten million;“亿”是“百百万”,即 hundred million,直至“十亿”(billion)。因此,凡遇到“万”和“十万”时,都要变成“十千”、 “百千”。口译必然会遇到数字,没有经过训练的人往往会出错,而数字译错很可能带来严 重后果,因此应始终把数字口译作为一个重点训练项目。 4. 口译练习。 Preliminary Business Talk P: We've luckily survived this crisis. In order to put our business relations on a solid footing, we have come to explain the position ourselves. L: Good. We're really looking forward to doing business with you in the years to come. P: So are we. However, the tallow market has been quite strong for sometime and the prevailing price in the London market is around US$303 for bulk tallow. L: I'm sorry to say that we find your price unacceptable. P: Would you give me an indication as to the price you consider workable? L: I hope you would reconsider your price and bring it into line with the world market price. P: Well, I'll be glad to hear what you have in mind. L: I can only say that the prices from other sources are much lower than yours and their quality is indisputable. P: I admit that we' we in a disadvantageous position in the face of competition from other sources. L: I'm afraid you'll stand no chance if you don't fall into line with others

P: But we simply can't. The U.S. currency devaluation has put us in a disadvantageous position as regards export price. Surely you realize that L: Indeed we do. But you should not neglect the advantage you enjoy in the cost of production. After all, were prepared to come to terms with you if your price is reasonable Think it over. Mr. Peter P: Well, give me time then. I'll have to contact my head office L: That's fine. Please let us know as soon as you hear from them P: Certainly, I will. ( See book《国际贸易谈判英语》 from p18-P20)

P: But we simply can't. The U.S. currency devaluation has put us in a disadvantageous position as regards export price. Surely you realize that. L: Indeed we do. But you should not neglect the advantage you enjoy in the cost of production. After all, we're prepared to come to terms with you if your price is reasonable. Think it over, Mr. Peter. P: Well, give me time then. I'll have to contact my head office. L: That's fine. Please let us know as soon as you hear from them. P: Certainly, I will. (See Book《国际贸易谈判英语》 from P 18 – P20)

第六周《经贸口译》授课教案 授课教师:陶丽霞 根据本课程教学纲要: 1. Marketing and Management营销与管理 1.理解和熟悉术语以及习惯 2. Retail business talks 表达 (对话体口译:学生演示为主 单位的应用与转 换&数 第六周|3, Application. Conversion of units and num be字的记录并达到熟练程 cording Ive practice 主题( Theme) 1. Marketing and Management营销与管理 2. Retail business talks零售业务谈判 3. Application and conversion of units and number recording(单位的应用与转换和数字的 记录训练) 本课教学重点: 1.了解和熟悉营销与管理(包括现代的电子商务营销等)的一些术语和意义,并结合本地 的情况,进行演绎(口译部分为主)。 2.了解并熟悉零售渠道及与批发渠道的区别,学会相关表达。 3.了解数字单位的应用与转换的重要意义以及数字快速记录和技术性处理。 预期效果:1.使学生能够比较在行地讨论营销与管理问题,并启发其提出一些建设性意见。 2.了解零售的英语表达,并了解国内零售业的现况与存在的问题。 检测手段:(1)学生现场演示。 (2)提问回答,要求使用正确的术语和习惯表达,检测学生的知识面。 (3)数字基本功 教学步骤: 详细讲解,使学生吃透内容(课文),要求或鼓励适当发挥,充实内容,使之更加具有 情景性和应变性。 ∏.分组演示,要求有应景性、情理性、适当性。 I.数字记录和口译演示 IV.选择性地口译随机选词 V.提问或出思考题,引导学生回答或展开讨论

第六周《经贸口译》授课教案 授课教师: 陶丽霞 根据本课程教学纲要: 第六周 1. Marketing and Management 营销与管理 2. Retail business talks (对话体口译:学生演示为主) 3.Application & Conversion of units and number recording (specialized intensive practice) 1. 理解和熟悉术语以及习惯 表达。 2.单位的应用与转换 & 数 字的记录 并达 到熟练程 度。 主题 (Theme): 1. Marketing and Management 营销与管理 2. Retail business talks 零售业务谈判 3. Application and conversion of units and number recording (单位的应用与转换和数字的 记录训练) 本课教学重点: 1. 了解和熟悉营销与管理(包括现代的电子商务营销等)的一些术语和意义,并结合本地 的情况,进行演绎(口译部分为主)。 2. 了解并熟悉零售渠道及与批发渠道的区别,学会相关表达。 3.了解数字单位的应用与转换的重要意义以及数字快速记录和技术性处理。 预期效果:1. 使学生能够比较在行地讨论营销与管理问题,并启发其提出一些建设性意见。 2. 了解零售的英语表达,并了解国内零售业的现况与存在的问题。 检测手段:(1)学生现场演示。 (2)提问回答, 要求使用正确的术语和习惯表达,检测学生的知识面。 (3)数字基本功 教学步骤: I. 详细讲解,使学生吃透内容(课文),要求或鼓励适当发挥,充实内容,使之更加具有 情景性和应变性。 II.分组演示,要求有应景性、情理性、适当性。 III.数字记录和口译演示 IV.选择性地口译随机选词 V.提问或出思考题,引导学生回答或展开讨论

部分课文内容和作业要求: 课文原文 商务对话实战(营销策略篇) In this conversat ion, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the marketing strategy for a new product Tanya: So, Carla, do you have a marketing plan for our new ice-cream sand wich? Carla: Yes I do. After going through our S W.O.T. process, I think we re in good shape. One of our main strengths is the qual ity of our ice-cream, and there's is a good market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company already has a good image, I dont see many weaknesses. No other company sells ice-cream sandwiches with a choice of 5 flavors, so theres no threat to speak of, either Tanya: I assume we dont need to worry about creating a need, with summer almost Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we will package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It 'll be introduced in selected places across the country start ing next month. The main promotion will be through advertising using a'pull'strategy, of course. We havent finalized our ads yet, so I'll have to let you know. Can we meet again the beginning of next week? Tanya: Sure can. Let me check. how about Tuesday morning at 10: 30 Carla: Uh. lets see . Okay with me 课文内容的具体处理: l′.要求或鼓励学生用替代法更换成相似场景,灵活多变地用适当方式适应不同的情景内 2.将课文作为一个“模版”,在复制或仿制其他情景,适当发挥

部分课文内容和作业要求: 课文原文: ========= 商务对话实战 (营销策略篇) In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the marketing strategy for a new product. Tanya: So, Carla, do you have a marketing plan for our new ice-cream sandwich? Carla: Yes I do. After going through our S.W.O.T. process, I think we’re in good shape. One of our main strengths is the quality of our ice-cream, and there’s is a good market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company already has a good image, I don’t see many weaknesses. No other company sells ice-cream sandwiches with a choice of 5 flavors, so there’s no threat to speak of, either. Tanya: I assume we don’t need to worry about creating a need, with summer almost here. Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we will package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It’ll be introduced in selected places across the country starting next month. The main promotion will be through advertising, using a ‘pull’ strategy, of course. We haven’t finalized our ads yet, so I’ll have to let you know. Can we meet again the beginning of next week? Tanya: Sure can. Let me check ... how about Tuesday morning at 10:30? Carla: Uh, let’s see ... Okay with me. 课文内容的具体处理: 1/. 要求或鼓励学生用替代法更换成相似场景, 灵活多变地用适当方式适应不同的情景内 容。 2/. 将课文作为一个“模版”, 在复制或仿制其他情景,适当发挥

课文讲解、提问与思考题: 1.结合更新的信息,在讲解课文的同时,启发学生认识一些常见的经济现象与规律,了 解最新的经贸动态,培养经济意识 2.解释和学习术语。 销售英语汇总 salable畅销的 popular有销路的 find a market销售 lling line销路 trial sale, test sale, test market试销 salable goods畅销货 popular goods快货 the best selling line( the best seller)热门货 to find (have)a ready market有销路,畅销 to have a strong footing in a market很有销路 good market畅销 poor(no) market滞销 goods that sell wel畅销货 ell like wildfire畅销,销得很快 selling techniques推销技术 selling and administrative expense推销及管理费用

课文讲解、提问与思考题: 1. 结合更新的信息,在讲解课文的同时,启发学生认识一些常见的经济现象与规律,了 解最新的经贸动态,培养经济意识。 2. 解释和学习术语。 销售英语汇总 salable 畅销的 popular 有销路的 find a market 销售 selling line 销路 trial sale, test sale, test market 试销 salable goods 畅销货 popular goods 快货 the best selling line (the best seller)热门货 to find(have)a ready market 有销路,畅销 to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路 good market 畅销 poor(no)market 滞销 goods that sell well 畅销货 sell like wildfire 畅销,销得很快 selling techniques 推销技术 selling and administrative expense 推销及管理费用

selling concept推销观点 Additional Words and Phrases selling卖的:出售的:销路好的 ll卖;销售:有销路 sales agent代销人;销售代理商 ell at a bargain, sell at a profit廉价出售 sell goods at a high figure高价出售 sellers’ market卖方市场 buyers;, market买方市场 selling price售价,时价 selling season销售季节 marketing mⅸx销售综合方法,销售策略 marketing establishment销售企业,销售公司 consumer media销售方面的宣传工具 esperson推销员,售货员(包括男、女) esman售货员 sales lady, salesgirl, saleswoman(口语)女售货员 salesclerk男(女)售货员(美国口语) marketing managers推销经理 3.单位的应用与转换

selling concept 推销观点 Additional Words and Phrases selling 卖的;出售的;销路好的 sell 卖;销售;有销路 sales agent 代销人;销售代理商 sell at a bargain, sell at a profit 廉价出售 sell goods at a high figure 高价出售 sellers’ market 卖方市场 buyers; market 买方市场 selling price 售价,时价 selling season 销售季节 marketing mix 销售综合方法,销售策略 marketing establishment 销售企业,销售公司 consumer media 销售方面的宣传工具 salesperson 推销员,售货员(包括男、女) salesman 售货员 sales lady, salesgirl, saleswoman(口语)女售货员 salesclerk 男(女)售货员(美国口语) marketing managers 推销经理 3. 单位的应用与转换

度量衡表:公制到英美制换算(中英 inear Measure长度 I millimetre毫米=0.03937inch英寸 I centimetre厘米=10mm.毫米=0.3937inch英寸 1 decimetre分米=10cm.厘米=3.937 inches英寸 1 metre米=10dm.分米=1.0936 yards码=3.2808fet英尺 1 decametre十米=10m.米=10936 yards码 I hectometre百米=100m.米=1094 yards码 1 kilometre千米=1000m.米=0.6214mile英里 I mile marin海里=1852m.米=1.1500mile英里 Square Measure面积 1 square centimetre平方厘米=015 sq inch平方英寸 1 square metre平方米=1.196 sq yards平方码 1are公亩=100 square metres平方米 =1196 sq yards平方码 I hectare公顷=100ares公亩=247 I acres英亩 1 square kilometre平方公里=0.386 sq. mile平方英里 Cubie measure体积 1 cubic centimetre立方厘米=0.061 cu inch立方英寸 I cubic metre立方米=1.308 cuyards立方码 容积 I millilitre毫升=0.002pint( British)英制品脱 I centilitre厘升=10ml.毫升=0.018pint品脱 I decilitre分升=10cl.厘升=0.176pint品脱 litre升=10dl.分升=1.76 pints品脱 I decilitre十升=101.升=2.20 gallons加伦 I hectolitre百升=1001.升=275 bushels蒲式耳 I kilolitre千升=10001.升=3.44 quarters八蒲式耳 1 milligram毫克=0015 graIn谷 m厘克=10mg.毫克=0.154 graIn谷 I decigram分克=10cg.厘克=1.543 grains谷 I gram克=10dg分克=1543 grains谷 I decagram十克=10g克=564 drams打兰

度量衡表:公制到英美制换算(中英) Linear Measure 长度 1 millimetre 毫米=0.03937 inch 英寸 1 centimetre 厘米=10 mm. 毫米=0.3937 inch 英寸 1 decimetre 分米=10 cm. 厘米=3.937 inches 英寸 1 metre 米=10 dm. 分米=1.0936 yards 码=3.2808 feet 英尺 1 decametre 十米=10 m. 米=10.936 yards 码 1 hectometre 百米=100 m. 米=109.4 yards 码 1 kilometre 千米=1000 m. 米=0.6214 mile 英里 1 mile marin 海里=1852 m. 米=1.1500 mile 英里 Square Measure 面积 1 square centimetre 平方厘米=0.155 sq.inch 平方英寸 1 square metre 平方米=1.196 sq.yards 平方码 1 are 公亩=100 square metres 平方米 =119.6 sq.yards 平方码 1 hectare 公顷=100 ares 公亩=2.471 acres 英亩 1 square kilometre 平方公里=0.386 sq.mile 平方英里 Cubic Measure 体积 1 cubic centimetre 立方厘米=0.061 cu.inch 立方英寸 1 cubic metre 立方米=1.308 cu.yards 立方码 Capacity Measure 容积 1 millilitre 毫升=0.002 pint (British) 英制品脱 1 centilitre 厘升=10 ml. 毫升=0.018 pint 品脱 1 decilitre 分升=10 cl. 厘升=0.176 pint 品脱 1 litre 升=10 dl. 分升=1.76 pints 品脱 1 decalitre 十升=10 l. 升=2.20 gallons 加伦 1 hectolitre 百升=100 l. 升=2.75 bushels 蒲式耳 1 kilolitre 千升=1000 l. 升=3.44 quarters 八蒲式耳 Weight 重量 1 milligram 毫克=0.015 grain 谷 1 centigram 厘克=10 mg. 毫克=0.154 grain 谷 1 decigram 分克=10 cg. 厘克=1.543 grains 谷 1 gram 克=10 dg. 分克=15.43 grains 谷 1 decagram 十克=10 g. 克=5.64 drams 打兰



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