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《英语写作》(英文版) Unit 1 In production

Unit 1 In production Objective of the class (1) A better understanding"writing" what, why,and how (2)Building up confidence of long writing by the first article 3)Survey of computer skills Task (1) Take notes about what teacher says in class

Unit 1 In production Objective of the class 2) Building up confidence of long writing by the first article 3)Survey of computer skills Task 1) Take notes about what teacher says in class 2)Write an article "On writing" "in about 200 words 3)Fill in the computer skill survey form Procedure Ind 1)w article“onwr 2 )free-writing and class discussion 3Class discussion of the topic, while students take notes 4 )draft the article(go on after class) 4) survey of computer skills On writing I What is“ writing”? A: WRITING is a relatively difficult skill to learn and to teach 1. Different from read ing and listening (productive skill 2. Different from speaking body language, not so accurate) B: Writing well includes many components 1. word expressions/sentences format /rhetorical patterns narrative/descriptive/argumentation/exposition/letters/reports 3. ide thesis: orig inal, interesting /dull plain(creative mind, keen perception of the world) arguments: thorough, persuasive/weak (rich knowledge) reasoning: log ical, competent/confused, incomplete(log ical thinking, synthetic and analytic ability) That is why"Great writers are not taught. It is the gift and experience and II: Why do we have the course? A a requirement: to reach a certain level and a possible achievement babeneficial skill 1. good for learning( vocabulary/read ing/other courses) writing to learn

Unit 1 In production Objective of the class 1) A better understanding of “writing” what,why,and how 2) Building up confidence of long writing by the first article 3) Survey of computer skills Task 1) Take notes about what teacher says in class 2) Write an article “On writing” in about 200 words 3)Fill in the computer skill survey form Procedure and activities 1)write an article “on writing” 2)free-writing and class discussion 3)Class discussion of the topic ,while students take notes 4)draft the article(go on after class) 4) survey of computer skills On writing I What is “writing”? A: WRITING is a relatively difficult skill to learn and to teach 1. Different from reading and listening (productive skill) 2. Different from speaking (body language, not so accurate) B: Writing well includes many components 1. word expressions/sentences 2. format /rhetorical patterns narrative/descriptive/argumentation/exposition/letters/reports 3. ideas thesis: original, interesting /dull plain(creative mind, keen perception of the world) arguments: thorough, persuasive/weak (rich knowledge) reasoning: logical, competent/confused, incomplete(logical thinking, synthetic and analytic ability) That is why “Great writers are not taught. It is the gift and experience and knowledge” II: Why do we have the course? A a requirement: to reach a certain level and a possible achievement B A beneficial skill: 1. good for learning(vocabulary/reading/other courses) writing to learn

2. good for future work(foreign enterprises, teachers, joint ventures( reports/summary/paper )only advantage for English majors 3. good for personal development(thinking abil ity, perception ability, accuracy) III: How to learn it well( words, pattern, ideas) 1. write a lot(journals, summaries, letters, BBS exchanges) 2. Read a lot(newspapers, magazines/adapted novels/beautiful articles.) 3. Experience more and think a lot Part ll Questionnaire Computer skill survey File treatmen emall Web-construction poor moderate good poor moderate good poor moderate good poor Moderate good Part III: A nt 1. Complete the article 2. Journal book preparation

2. good for future work(foreign enterprises, teachers, joint ventures)(reports/summary/paper)only advantage for English majors 3. good for personal development(thinking ability, perception ability, accuracy) III: How to learn it well(words, pattern, ideas) 1. write a lot(journals, summaries, letters, BBS exchanges) 2. Read a lot(newspapers, magazines/adapted novels/beautiful articles…) 3. Experience more and think a lot Part II: Questionnaire Computer skill survey type File treatment email Web-construction poor moderate good poor moderate good poor moderate good poor Moderate good Part III: Assignment 1. Complete the article 2. Journal book preparation



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