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《新视野大学英语 New Horizon College English》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Unit 8 Section A Birth of Bright Ideas

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New Horizon College English Unit 8 Section A Birth of bright ideas

New Horizon College English Unit Section A Birth of Bright Ideas 8

Text analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It New words Main idea of the Main idea of each & text and devices part and devices Text for developing it for developing it Transcript Devices Main idea New Words 例法 Part Part l Text Part Ill

.Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Transcript New Words Text Devices Main idea Main idea of the text and devices for developing it Main idea of each part and devices for developing it New words & Text 举例法 时空法 对比法 Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ

Text analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Back Phrases and put into Fuchsian at work functions Expressions · arrive at Descartes sleep on sth. search for cogito ergo a gift from fill sb with sth sun the gods Proper Names depend on write down Richard be occupied Wagner with rhinegold seek for · Spezia as though take shape Henri Poincare

• miracle • mighty • recognize • orchestral • contrast • mathematician • combination • surge • combine • stable • existence • observe • genius • religion • philosophy • invention • logic • truly • highly • dramatic • compose • occupy • fling • couch • put into • at work • arrive at • search for • fill sb.with sth. Proper Names • Richard Wagner • Rhinegold • Spezia • Henri Poincare • satisfactory • flash • particularly • glow • creation • mystery • reasonable • psychologist • process • individual • personality • intensify • explosion • concept • exemplify • certainty • enthusiasm • represent￾ative • source • responsible • to organize • element .Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Phrases and Expressions • sleep on sth. • a gift from the gods • depend on • write down • be occupied with • seek for • as though • take shape • Fuchsian functions • Descartes •cogito ergo sum Back

instinctive activity. But in creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements

No satisfactory way exists to explain how to form a good idea. You think about a problem until you’re tired, forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you aren’t thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods. Of course, all ideas don't occur like that but so many do, particularly the most important ones. They burst into the mind, glowing with the heat of creation. How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere. Let’s assume they come from the “unconscious.” This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the individual. Creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known. All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters. One can draw examples from genius in any field, from religion, philosophy, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technical invention, although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment. All truly creative activities depend in some degree on these signals from the unconscious, and the more highly insightful the person, the sharper and more dramatic the signals become. Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to “Rhinegold”. Wagner had been occupied with the idea of the “Ring” for several years, and for many months had been struggling to begin composing. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long. Falling into a sleeplike condition, he suddenly felt as though he were sinking in a mighty flood of water, and the rush and roar soon took musical shape within his brain. He recognized that the orchestral opening to the “Rhinegold”, which he must have carried about within him yet had never been able to put it into form, had at last taken its shape within him. In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found. As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability, actually watching the unconscious at work. For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations but he arrived at no result. One night he drank some black coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep. Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. He had only to prove the results, which took only a few hours. Here, we see the conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious, while the Wagner story shows the sudden explosion of a new concept into consciousness. A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came to Descartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path. Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty, first in the world of books, and then in the world of men. Then in a dream on November 10, 1619, he made the significant discovery that he could only find certainty in his own thoughts, cogito ergo sum (“I think; therefore, I exist”). This dream filled him with intense religious enthusiasm. Wagner’s, Poincare’s, and Descartes’ experiences are representative of countless others in every field of culture. The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity. But in creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements. Back

Text analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Back Main idea of the text Good ideas come from the unconscious mind or brain activity usually not controlled by us. It is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities. Devices for developing it? 例 时法 对法

对比法 .Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Good ideas come from the unconscious mind or brain activity usually not controlled by us. It is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities. 时空法 Main idea of the text ? Devices for developing it? 举例法 Back

1. Exemplification举例法: Back 我们都有过灵机一动突然有了这样一个新想法的 经历,而这在那些富有创造性的天才人物身上最 显而易见。他们中的许多人对这种经历有着强烈 的感受,并在回忆录和信函中将其记录了下来 无论是宗教、哲学、文学,还是艺术、音乐,甚 至数学、科学,以及技术发明,在任何领域的天 才人物身上,我们都能找到这样的例子,虽然人 们常常认为数学、科学,以及技术发明所依赖的 仅仅是逻辑和实验。一切真正创造性的活动似乎 在某种程度上都依赖于潜意识中的这些信号; 个人洞察力越强,这些信号就越鲜明、越富有戏 剧性。 mor

1. Exemplification举例法: All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters. One can draw examples from genius in any field, from religion, philosophy, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technical invention, although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment. All truly creative activities depend in some degree on these signals from the unconscious, and the more highly insightful the person, the sharper and more dramatic the signals become. 时空法 对比法 >>>>more 我们都有过灵机一动突然有了这样一个新想法的 经历,而这在那些富有创造性的天才人物身上最 显而易见。他们中的许多人对这种经历有着强烈 的感受,并在回忆录和信函中将其记录了下来。 无论是宗教、哲学、文学,还是艺术、音乐,甚 至数学、科学,以及技术发明,在任何领域的天 才人物身上,我们都能找到这样的例子,虽然人 们常常认为数学、科学,以及技术发明所依赖的 仅仅是逻辑和实验。 一切真正创造性的活动似乎 在某种程度上都依赖于潜意识中的这些信号;一 个人洞察力越强,这些信号就越鲜明、越富有戏 剧性。 Back

1. Exemplification举例法: Back I)Take the example of richard Wagner composing the opening to "Rhinegold".(Para. 4) 2)As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by henri Poincare,. of a new mathematical method called the fuchsian functions.(Para. 5) 3)A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came to Descartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path. (Para. 6)

1)Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to “Rhinegold”. (Para. 4) 2)As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, …, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5) 3) A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came to Descartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path.(Para. 6) 时空法 对比法 1. Exemplification举例法: Back

2. Sequence of Time and space(时空饭序法 Back Typical Sentences: 1)You think about a problem until you're tired forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you aren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods (Para.1) > 9

1) You think about a problem until you’re tired, forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you aren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods. (Para.1) Typical Sentences: 2. Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) >>>>more 举例法 对比法 Back

2. Sequence of Time and space(时空版序法 Back Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 2)Wagner had been occupied with. for several years, and for many months had been struggling to. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long... (Para. 4)>> morei

2) Wagner had been occupied with …for several years, and for many months had been struggling to…. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long…(Para. 4) Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 2. Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) >>>>more 举例法 对比法 Back

2. Sequence of Time and space(时空贩序法 Back Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 3)For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of…… One night he drank… Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5) emore

3) For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of …. One night he drank …Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination.When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5) 举例法 对比法 2. Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) >>>>more Back

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