红 新增题型全突破 businesses to license music for commercial purposes. ASCAP and BMI send people usinesses to see if they play background music to entertain customers. If, for example, a radio is playing, they will ask the owner to purchase a license to play the radio in the store wner efuses, the agent for ASCAP or BMI will immediately retain an attorney and file a law is clear--playing music for commercial purposes without a license is unlawful unless you own the copyright to the music itself. ASCAP and BMI then prorate their proceeds to the copyright omers of the music being played 4) 5) However. businesses are hesitant to admit that their product line has been reproduced. Many fear that publicity may encourage further copying or that their customers will become wary of their brand names. In any event, counterfeiting substantially weakens the monopoly power associated with many patents, trademarks, and copyrights LA] Trademarks are another device conveying monopoly power to firms. Several million dollars were spent developing the EXXON name [B] Copyrights protect intellectual property in a number of areas including books, records, video tapes, and computer software, as well as product designs [C] Today, counterfeit goods are threatening all these forms of monopoly power. Numerous products are counterfeited. The imitations are typically of inferior quality. Replicas of aircraft parts and bogus"high-strength"fasteners are showing up in civilian and military aircraft. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that over three-quarters of a million jobs are lost to mported productknock-offs", the industry's term for counterfeited goods [DI Interestingly, secrecy is the order of the day on both sides of this problem. For those counterfeiting products, the reason is clear [E] Obtaining these rights is a costly endeavor. [F Licensing and bonding restrictions, ostensibly used to protect consumers from shoddy or fraudulent practices, may really be disguised barriers to entry G Other important legal barriers to entry included patents and copyrights. Patent and copyright monopolies may be justifiable as incentives for research and development leading to technological advances or the enrichment of our culture 参考译文 确保此商标以前未曾被注册过而且不会衍射任何 专利、商标、版权都增添了关于发明、商业对消费者的无礼,对数百个国家进行了核查。花掉 认证和知识产权的垄断权力。获得这些权利是要花上百万美元为的是让公众牢记新的商标。像Guci 九牛二虎之力的 Cartier, Chanel这样的公司为他们的商标名称巨额 像电话、电灯这样的发明不仅给我们的生活投资。比如 Chanel每年仅就商标名称保护一项就投 带来革命性变化,而且还给它们的发明者带来了巨资一百万美元 大的财富。现如今,巨额资金都大笔地花费在研究 版权在诸多领域保护知识产权,其中不光包 遗传基因,能存储更多电脑信息反应更快捷的的微括商品设计还有书籍、唱片、录像带、电脑软件 芯片,和更能刺激消费的商品上。在1985年无论软件开发商已经组成了一个机构来打击未经许可 是公共研究还是私人研究,发展资金都超过了一千的复制,唱片制造商出于商业目的使用 ASCAP(美 亿,将近一百万名科学家和工程师投身于此 国作曲家,作者与出版者协会)和BMI迫使公司给 商标是另一种显示公司专利权的图案。几百予音乐特许。 ASCAP A和BM将人们带入公司让他 万美元的投入就是为了发展 EXXON的名声。为了们看看商家是否播放背景音乐来娱乐顾客。譬如,新增题型全突破 18/73 businesses to license music for commercial purposes. ASCAP and BMI send people into businesses to see if they play background music to entertain customers. If, for example, a radio is playing, they will ask the owner to purchase a license to play the radio in the store. If the owner refuses, the agent for ASCAP or BMI will immediately retain an attorney and file a lawsuit. The law is clear--playing music for commercial purposes without a license is unlawful unless you own the copyright to the music itself. ASCAP and BMI then prorate their proceeds to the copyright homers of the music being played. 4) _______________________________. 5) _______________________________. However, businesses are hesitant to admit that their product line has been reproduced. Many fear that publicity may encourage further copying or that their customers will become wary of their brand names. In any event, counterfeiting substantially weakens the monopoly power associated with many patents, trademarks, and copyrights. [A] Trademarks are another device conveying monopoly power to firms. Several million dollars were spent developing the EXXON name. [B] Copyrights protect intellectual property in a number of areas including books, records, video tapes, and computer software, as well as product designs. [C] Today, counterfeit goods are threatening all these forms of monopoly power. Numerous products are counterfeited. The imitations are typically of inferior quality. Replicas of aircraft parts and bogus "high-strength" fasteners are showing up in civilian and military aircraft. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that over three-quarters of a million jobs are lost to imported product "knock-offs", the industry's term for counterfeited goods. [D] Interestingly, secrecy is the order of the day on both sides of this problem. For those counterfeiting products, the reason is clear. [E] Obtaining these rights is a costly endeavor. [F] Licensing and bonding restrictions, ostensibly used to protect consumers from shoddy or fraudulent practices, may really be disguised barriers to entry. [G] Other important legal barriers to entry included patents and copyrights. Patent and copyright monopolies may be justifiable as incentives for research and development leading to technological advances or the enrichment of our culture. 参考译文 专利、商标、版权都增添了关于发明、商业 认证和知识产权的垄断权力。获得这些权利是要花 九牛二虎之力的。 像电话、电灯这样的发明不仅给我们的生活 带来革命性变化,而且还给它们的发明者带来了巨 大的财富。现如今,巨额资金都大笔地花费在研究 遗传基因,能存储更多电脑信息反应更快捷的的微 芯片,和更能刺激消费的商品上。在 1985 年无论 是公共研究还是私人研究,发展资金都超过了一千 亿,将近一百万名科学家和工程师投身于此。 商标是另一种显示公司专利权的图案。几百 万美元的投入就是为了发展 EXXON 的名声。为了 确保此商标以前未曾被注册过而且不会衍射任何 对消费者的无礼,对数百个国家进行了核查。花掉 上百万美元为的是让公众牢记新的商标。像 Gucci, Cartier, Chanel 这样的公司为他们的商标名称巨额 投资。比如 Chanel 每年仅就商标名称保护一项就投 资一百万美元。 版权在诸多领域保护知识产权,其中不光包 括商品设计还有书籍、唱片、录像带、电脑软件。 软件开发商已经组成了一个机构来打击未经许可 的复制,唱片制造商出于商业目的使用 ASCAP(美 国作曲家, 作者与出版者协会)和 BMI 迫使公司给 予音乐特许。ASCAP 和 BMI 将人们带入公司让他 们看看商家是否播放背景音乐来娱乐顾客。譬如
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