红 新增题型全突破 若是无线广播正在播放,他们会要求无线广播持有出现在民用班机和军用飞机里。据美国商业部估计 者购买一份许可证以便在商店播放无线广播。假如有超过七十五万人丢掉工作是因为进口商品“杀 广播持有者予以拒绝, ASCAP和BM的代理会立价”,这是伪造商品的行业术语 即聘请一位律师并提请诉讼。法律明文规定,出于有趣的是,该问题无论正反方面保密能力必在议事 商业目的没有获得许可证而播放音乐是违法的, 之列。对于伪造的产品,动机是明显的。虽然 非你有那段音乐的版权。 ASCAP和BMI于是按比 如此,商家不大愿意承认它们的生产线已经被 例分获音乐版权所有者所缴纳的费用 复制了。许多公司都担心广告宣传会促使进一 目前,赝品正在威胁着所有这些形式的垄断 步的复制或者会使顾客对其品牌产生顾虑。无 力量。琳琅满目的商品尽是伪造品。仿造的质量通 论如何,伪造极大地削弱了与诸多专利、商标 常都很差。飞行器装置和高动力固定装置的复制品 和版权有关的垄断力量。 Text 8 Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are nwo extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps Earthquakes are the most lethal of all natural disasters. What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other; this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is a semi-molten bed of rock over which plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of ral inches a year. 1) The collision of plates causes geological instability such as that in California called the San Andreas Fault, located between the pacific and North American plates. The plates there are constantly pushing and pulling adjacent plates, there by creating constant tremors and a potential for earthquakes in the area. Calculations indicate that sometime within the next ten years, California will be struck by a major earthquake where plate boundaries are hundreds of miles away. In the 1800s New Madrid, Missouri and Charleston South Carolina, were shaken by earthquakes that no one had foreseen 5) On February 4, Haicheng was destroyed, but because its residents had been evacuated, very few people were killed. In California, where earthquake is an ever-present menace, building codes now require quakeproof structures, and Civil Defense units have intensified their training in how to deal with disaster should it strike or perhaps more accurately, when it strikes. Should predictions of a quake within the next ten years be accurate, many Californians may be able to save both their lives and their property. [A]Certain areas of the world are quake prone. Italy, Yugoslavia, and Algeria have experienced many quakes. In November 1980, Naples was struck by an especially devastating quake China and Japan have also been hit by horrendous quakes. In 1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were reduced to rubble by gigantic tremors that were followed by fires, tornadoes, and finally a thirty-four-foot tsunami, or tidal wave, which was caused by the earths drop into the waters of Tokyo Bay. More than 150,000 people died in that earthquake 1973新增题型全突破 19/73 若是无线广播正在播放,他们会要求无线广播持有 者购买一份许可证以便在商店播放无线广播。假如 广播持有者予以拒绝,ASCAP 和 BMI 的代理会立 即聘请一位律师并提请诉讼。法律明文规定,出于 商业目的没有获得许可证而播放音乐是违法的,除 非你有那段音乐的版权。ASCAP 和 BMI 于是按比 例分获音乐版权所有者所缴纳的费用。 目前,赝品正在威胁着所有这些形式的垄断 力量。琳琅满目的商品尽是伪造品。仿造的质量通 常都很差。飞行器装置和高动力固定装置的复制品 出现在民用班机和军用飞机里。据美国商业部估计 有超过七十五万人丢掉工作是因为进口商品“杀 价”,这是伪造商品的行业术语。 有趣的是,该问题无论正反方面保密能力必在议事 之列。对于伪造的产品,动机是明显的。虽然 如此,商家不大愿意承认它们的生产线已经被 复制了。许多公司都担心广告宣传会促使进一 步的复制或者会使顾客对其品牌产生顾虑。无 论如何,伪造极大地削弱了与诸多专利、商标 和版权有关的垄断力量。 Text 8 Directions:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Earthquakes are the most lethal of all natural disasters. What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other; this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is a semi-molten bed of rock over which plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several inches a year. 1) _______________________________. The collision of plates causes geological instability such as that in California called the San Andreas Fault, located between the pacific and North American plates. The plates there are constantly pushing and pulling adjacent plates, there by creating constant tremors and a potential for earthquakes in the area. 2) _______________________________. Calculations indicate that sometime within the next ten years, California will be struck by a major earthquake. 3) _______________________________. Powerful earthquakes have occurred in places where plate boundaries are hundreds of miles away. In the 1800s New Madrid, Missouri and Charleston. South Carolina, were shaken by earthquakes that no one had foreseen. 4) _______________________________. 5) _______________________________. On February 4, Haicheng was destroyed, but because its residents had been evacuated, very few people were killed. In California, where earthquake is an ever-present menace, building codes now require quakeproof structures, and Civil Defense units have intensified their training in how to deal with disaster should it strike or, perhaps more accurately, when it strikes. Should predictions of a quake within the next ten years be accurate, many Californians may be able to save both their lives and their property. [A] Certain areas of the world are quake prone. Italy, Yugoslavia, and Algeria have experienced many quakes. In November 1980, Naples was struck by an especially devastating quake. China and Japan have also been hit by horrendous quakes. In 1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were reduced to rubble by gigantic tremors that were followed by fires, tornadoes, and finally a thirty-four-foot tsunami, or tidal wave, which was caused by the earth’s drop into the waters of Tokyo Bay. More than 150,000 people died in that earthquake
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