CAPITVLVM DVODECIMVM CAP.XII Let us not do this 三Si-从句:条件从句(propositio conditionalis) 1语法构成 (1)前提句(protasis),即从句,通常由si,f或nisi,fnol,nless来引导,陈述一种假设性的 活动或状况: (2)结论句(apodosis),即主句,通常表达如果前提为真,所实现的预期结果。 条件从句有六种基本句型。三种为直陈式,另外三种为虚拟式。直陈式条件句用于前 提句更有可能实现的情况,虚拟式则用于前提句不大可能实现,或者前提句和结论句都与事 实相反的情况。 2直陈式条件句 (1)Si id facit,prudens est.If he is doing thisfand it is quite possible that he is].he is wise. 句和主句动词都使用现在时直陈式,动词按照现在时直陈式来翻译。 (2)Si id fecit,prudens fuit.If he did this[and quite possibly he did,he was wise.从句和主句 都使用过去时(未完成时或完成时)直陈式:动词均按照过去时直陈式来翻译。 (3)Si id faciet,prudens erit.If he does thisfand quite possibly he will☑,he will be wise.从句和 主句都使用将来时直陈式:前提句动词按照现在时直陈式来翻译,结论中动词按照将来时翻 译。 facio,facere,feci,factum 3-io facit pres.fecit imperf.faciet fut. sum,esse,fui futurm est pres.,erat imperf.fuit perf.,erit fut. 3虚拟式条件句 直陈式条件句着眼于可能性的事实,虚拟条件句则着眼于理想中的情况,而非事实,它所 描述的要么是不大可能实现的情况(可能性较小的将来”future less vivid),要么是与现在正 在发生或者过去己经发生的事情相反的情况。 (1)Si id facret,prudens esset.If he were dong this,but in fact he is notl,he would be wise. 和主句都使用未完成时虚拟式:用were.(.ing),would(be)翻译。 (2)Si id fecisset,prudens fuisset.If he had done this[but he did not].he whould have been wisefbut he was not.从句和主句都使用过去完成时虚拟式:用助动词had,would have翻 译。 (3)Si id faciat,prudens sit.If he should do this[and he may.or he may notl.he would be wsie. 从句和主句都使用现在时虚拟式:用should.,would翻译。CAPITVLVM DVODECIMVM CAP.XII 5 Let us not do this. 三 Si-从句:条件从句(propositio conditionalis) 1 语法构成 (1) 前提句(protasis),即从句,通常由 si, if 或 nisi, if not, unless 来引导,陈述一种假设性的 活动或状况; (2)结论句(apodosis),即主句,通常表达如果前提为真,所实现的预期结果。 条件从句有六种基本句型。三种为直陈式,另外三种为虚拟式。直陈式条件句用于前 提句更有可能实现的情况,虚拟式则用于前提句不大可能实现,或者前提句和结论句都与事 实相反的情况。 2 直陈式条件句 (1)Si id facit, prudens est. If he is doing this[and it is quite possible that he is], he is wise. 从 句和主句动词都使用现在时直陈式,动词按照现在时直陈式来翻译。 (2) Si id fecit, prudens fuit. If he did this[and quite possibly he did], he was wise. 从句和主句 都使用过去时(未完成时或完成时)直陈式;动词均按照过去时直陈式来翻译。 (3)Si id faciet, prudens erit. If he does this[and quite possibly he will], he will be wise. 从句和 主句都使用将来时直陈式;前提句动词按照现在时直陈式来翻译,结论中动词按照将来时翻 译。 facio, facere, feci, factum 3-io facit pres. fecit imperf. faciet fut. sum, esse, fui futurm est pres. , erat imperf. fuit perf., erit fut. 3 虚拟式条件句 直陈式条件句着眼于可能性的事实,虚拟条件句则着眼于理想中的情况,而非事实,它所 描述的要么是不大可能实现的情况(―可能性较小的将来‖future less vivid), 要么是与现在正 在发生或者过去已经发生的事情相反的情况。 (1)Si id facret, prudens esset. If he were dong this,[but in fact he is not], he would be wise. 从句 和主句都使用未完成时虚拟式;用 were …(..ing), would(be) 翻译。 (2)Si id fecisset, prudens fuisset. If he had done this[but he did not], he whould have been wise[but he was not]. 从句和主句都使用过去完成时虚拟式;用助动词 had..., would have 翻 译。 (3)Si id faciat, prudens sit. If he should do this[and he may, or he may not], he would be wsie. 从句和主句都使用现在时虚拟式;用 should...., would 翻译
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