CAPITVLVM DVODECIMVM CAP.XII 3.Sum与possum的虚拟式 现在时 未完成时 完成时 过去完成时 si-m esse-m fu-eri-m fu-isse-m sis esses fueris fuisses sit esset fuerit fuisset simus essemus fuerimus fuissemus sitis essetis fueritis fuissetis sint essent fuerint fuissent possi-m posse-m potu-eri-m potu-isse-m possis posses potueris potuisses possit posset potuerit potuisset possimus possemus potuerimus potuissemus possitis possetis potueritis potuissetis possint possent potuerint potuissent 二祈愿虚拟句 虚拟语气经常使用于从句,然而也有一些单独成句的用法,祈愿虚拟句就是最典型的 单独用法。句中的主要动词为虚拟式。祈愿句表达一种口气较弱的命令或劝诚,特别是用于 第一或第三人称(第二人称则多用命令式imperative):ne用于否定性的命令。 翻译时一般采用may,should,.let。但最常见的是用let加(宾格的)主语名词或代词(me, us,him,her,it,them) 例句 may,should多用于翻译第二人称祈愿句: semper speres you should always hope.spero-are 1,hope) 常见的翻译是用let加宾格代词(me,us,him,her,it,them) Cogitem nunc de hac re,et tum non errabo.(cogito-are think,errare I make a mistake) Let me now think about this matter:and than I will not make a mistake Discipulus discat aut discedat.(disco-ere 3 learn;discedo-ere depart) Let the student either learn or leave. Doceamus magna cum delectatione lingua Latinam.(doceo-ere 2 teach) Let us teach the Latin language with great delight. Ne id faciamus.facio-ire 4 make,do)CAPITVLVM DVODECIMVM CAP.XII 4 3.Sum 与 possum 的虚拟式 现在时 未完成时 完成时 过去完成时 si-m esse-m fu-eri-m fu-isse-m sis esses fueris fuisses sit esset fuerit fuisset simus essemus fuerimus fuissemus sitis essetis fueritis fuissetis sint essent fuerint fuissent possi-m posse-m potu-eri-m potu-isse-m possis posses potueris potuisses possit posset potuerit potuisset possimus possemus potuerimus potuissemus possitis possetis potueritis potuissetis possint possent potuerint potuissent 二 祈愿虚拟句 虚拟语气经常使用于从句,然而也有一些单独成句的用法,祈愿虚拟句就是最典型的 单独用法。句中的主要动词为虚拟式。祈愿句表达一种口气较弱的命令或劝诫,特别是用于 第一或第三人称(第二人称则多用命令式 imperative);nē 用于否定性的命令。 翻译时一般采用 may, should, let。但最常见的是用 let 加(宾格的)主语名词或代词(me, us, him, her, it, them) 例句 may, should 多用于翻译第二人称祈愿句: semper speres you should always hope. ( spero-are 1,hope) 常见的翻译是用 let 加宾格代词(me, us, him, her, it, them) Cogitem nunc de hac re, et tum non errabo. (cogito-are think, errare 1 make a mistake) Let me now think about this matter, and than I will not make a mistake. Discipulus discat aut discedat. (disco-ere 3 learn; discedo-ere depart) Let the student either learn or leave. Doceamus magna cum delectatione lingua Latinam. (doceo-ere 2 teach) Let us teach the Latin language with great delight. Ne id faciamus. ( facio-ire 4 make, do)
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