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(1992). A simple method for estimating and testing minimum evolution trees. Mol. Biol. Evol. 9, 945-967 Rzhetsky, A., and Nei, M. (1994). METREE: A program package for inferring and testing minimun-evolution tress. Comput. Appl. Biosci. 10, 409-412 Saitou, N. (1996). Reconstruction of gene trees form sequence data. Methods Enzymol. 226, 427-449 Sanderson, M. J. (1989). Confidence limits on phylogenies: the bootstrap ㄀бゴ㋏㒳থ㚆ߚᵤ 义ⷕˈ30/32 file://E:\wcb\⫳⠽ֵᙃᄺ˄Ё䆥ᴀ˅?㄀бゴ㋏㒳থ㚆ߚᵤ.htm 2005-1-18 Click to buy NOW! PDF-XCHANGE www.docu-track.com Click to buy NOW! PDF-XCHANGE www.docu-track.com
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