第九章系统发育分析 页码,29/32 Fel senstein, J, and ki shi no, h. (1993)is there somethi ng wrong wi th the bootstrap on phyl ogen es A reply to Hi llis and Bul I Systematic bi ol ogy 42, 193-200 Feng D F, and Doolittle, R F(1996. progressi ve al i gnment of ami no aci d sequer and con-structi on of phyl ogenetic trees from them. Methods Enzymol. 266, 368-382 Gstesy, J, Desal le, R, and wheel er, w(1993). Al i gnment-ambi guous nucl eoti de sites and the Gutel I. R.R., Lsrsen, N, and woese, C.R.(1994). Lessons from an evol vi ng rRNA: 16s and 23s rRNa structures from a comparati ve perpecti ve Mi crobi ol Rev 58,10-26 Harver P MD(1991). The comparative Method in Evol uti onary Bi ol ogy (Oxford: Oxford ersi ty press Hein, J(1990). Uni fi ed approach to al i gnment and phyl ogen es. Methods Enzymol.183,626-645 Hein, J (1994). TreeAl i n Methods MOL Bi on 25, 349-364 Hel bi g, A.J., and sei bol d, 1. (1996). Deep-I evel di agnostic val ue of the rDNA-IT regi on Hershkovi tz, M A, and Bul I, JJ(1996) Are storks and new worl d vul tures araphyl eti c? Mol phyl oenet. Evol 13, 1276-1295 Hershkovi tz, M A, and Lewi s, L.A. (1996). Deep-level di a assessing confi dence in phyl ogenenbeck, J. P. (1992) Hillis, D M, Al lsrd, M W, and mi yamoto, M. M (1993). Anal ysis of DNa sequence sara: phyl o Hi Iis, D M, Huel senbeck, J.P., and cunni ngham, C. W (1994) Appl i cati on and accuracy of mol ecul ar phyl ogen es. methods Enzymol. 224, 456-487 Hi I lOS, D, M, Huel senbeck, J, P(1995). perfromance of phl ogenetoc methods in si mul ati on syst Bi ol, 44, 17-48 Huel senbeck, J.P., Hi ll is, D, M, and Grate, L(1996b)SAM: sequence sl inment and model l i ng sof tware: Uni versi ty of cal i forni a baski n center for compuer Engi neeri ng and model I i ng software Uni versi ty of Cal i forni a, Baski n Center for Computer Enguneeri ng and I nformati on Sci ences http\\www.cse.ucscc.edu\research\compbio\samdochtml) Ki shi no, H, and Hasegawa, M, (1989). Eval uati on of the maxi mum l iel i hood esti mate of the evol uti onary tree topol ogi es. Comput. Appl. Bi osci. 10, 189-191 Lake, J, A(1994). Reconstructi ng evol uti onary trees from DNa and protei n seqences: paral i near di stance, C E, Al tschul, S F, Bognal S: a Gi bbs sampl i ng strategy for mul ti ple al i gnments. sci ence 262, 208-214 Lawson, F.S., charl eboi S, R L, and Dil l on, J.A.(1996). phyl ogenetic anal ysis of file://E:wcb生物信息学(中译本)\第九章系统发育分析.htm 2005-1-18Felsenstein,J.,and kishino,H.(1993)Is there something wrong with the bootstrap on phylogenies. A reply to Hillis and Bull.Systematic biology42,193-200. Feng,D.F.,and Doolittle,R.F.(1996).progressive alignment of amino acid sequences and con-struction of phylogenetic trees from them.Methods Enzymoi.266,368-382. Gstesy,J.,Desalle,R.,and wheeler,w.(1993).Alignment-ambiguous nucleotide sites and the Gutell,R.R.,Lsrsen,N.,and woese,C.R.(1994).Lessons from an evolving rRNA:16S and 23S rRNA structures from a comparative perpective.Microbiol.Rev 58,10-26. Harver,P.H.,and pagel,M.D.(1991).The comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology (Oxfrord:Oxford University press). Hein,J.(1990).Unified approach to alignment and phylogenies.Methods Enzymol.183,626-645. Hein,J.(1994).TreeAlin.Methods MOL.Bion 25,349-364. Helbig,A.J.,and seibold,I.(1996).Deep-level diagnostic value of the rDNA-ITS region.Hershkovitz,M.A.,and Bull,J.J.(1996).Are storks and new world vultures paraphyletic?Mol.phyloenet.Evol 13,1276-1295. Hershkovitz,M.A.,and Lewis,L.A.(1996).Deep-level diagnostic as a method for assessing confidence in phylogenenbeck,J.P.(1992) Hillis,D.M.,Allsrd,M.W.,and miyamoto,M.M.(1993).Analysis of DNA sequence sara:phylo Hillis,D.M.,Huelsenbeck,J.P.,and cunningham,C.W.(1994)Application and accuracy of molecular phylogenies.methods Enzymol.224,456-487. Hillos,D,M.,Huelsenbeck,J,P(1995).perfromance of phlogenetoc methods in simulation.syst Biol,44,17-48. Huelsenbeck,J.P.,Hillis,D,M.,and Grate,L.(1996b)SAM:sequence slinment and modelling software:University of california Baskin center for compuer Engineering and modelling software University of California,Baskin Center for Computer Enguneering and Information Sciences . http:\\www.cse.ucsc.edu\research\compbio\sam doc.html) Kishino,H.,and Hasegawa,M,(1989).Evaluation of the maximum lielihood estimate of the evolutionary tree topologies.Comput.Appl.Biosci.10,189-191. Lake,J,A(1994).Reconstructing evolutionary trees from DNA and protein seqences:paralinear distanece,C.E.,Altschul,S.F.,Bognals:A Gibbs sampling strategy for multiple alignments.science 262,208-214. Lawson,F.S.,charlebois,R.L.,and Dillon,J.A.(1996).phylogenetic analysis of ㄀бゴ㋏㒳থ㚆ߚᵤ 义ⷕˈ29/32 file://E:\wcb\⫳⠽ֵᙃᄺ˄Ё䆥ᴀ˅?㄀бゴ㋏㒳থ㚆ߚᵤ.htm 2005-1-18 Click to buy NOW! PDF-XCHANGE www.docu-track.com Click to buy NOW! PDF-XCHANGE www.docu-track.com
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