食品微生物学理论知识和实验基本原理及操作注意事项,从核酸、蛋白质 等分子水平拓宽学生的知识面,使学生初步只各一定的无菌操作意识、实 验操作技能、科学思维和团队协作能力,以及分析问题和解决问题的能力 Food microbiology LABS is an independent course,which based on the general microbiology,food genetics and immuno It is one of important professional courses for students,who major in foo its related majors.It is a comprehensive practical course. In the food microbiology LABS course,some experiments are involved,suc as making media for of bacteri gram staining of identification of foodborne pathogenic bacteria from retail food samples solation of phages to Vibrio from the water.growth curve the isolated foodborne bacteria,purification of genome from the isolated bacteria and phages,detection of the isolates by PCR and Real-time PCR detection of the PCR products by running the agarose gel electrophoresi recovery of the amplification product from the isolates by the kits,construction 课程简介英of the recombinant plasmid with pMDI9-I vector,.transformation of the 文) recombinant plasmid into DH5a competent cells,identification of the (Des recombinant plasmid with the restriction enzyme,detection of viral tite evaluation of the contamination of E.coli by most probable number(MPN) valuation of the bacterial resistance to different kinds of drugs,detection traditional enterotoxins in pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus by an enzyme-linked assay of foodbome bacterial isoate with sterile glycerol.and fermentation of foodborne bacteria in food. The objective of food microbiology LABS is as follows,training the xperimental skills of food microbiology,understanding the principal and basic wdof food microbiology from the phenotype and of the bacteria,broa n the and protein certain level of sterile operation awareness,experimental operation skill scientific thinking.teamwork and problem-solving abilities.After finishing the food microbiology LABS course,all students will build all abilities of described ahove 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) 1)通过了解并认识食品微生物与人类日常生活的关系,能够根据特定条件 和对象,选择适宜的研究路线,设计实验方案,高效利用食品微生物提高 “课程目标人类福祉(A5): ourse Object P)通过掌握食品微生物实验的基本概念并了解一般的操作流程(B2) 分析和评价食品专业工程实践潜在的影响(C3),以及这些因素对项目实 施的影响,并理解应承担的责任(D1)。 食品微生物学理论知识和实验基本原理及操作注意事项,从核酸、蛋白质 等分子水平拓宽学生的知识面,使学生初步具备一定的无菌操作意识、实 验操作技能、科学思维和团队协作能力,以及分析问题和解决问题的能力。 *课程简介(英 文) (Description) Food microbiology LABS is an independent course, which based on the general microbiology, food microbiology, molecular genetics and immunology. It is one of important professional courses for students, who major in food science and its related majors. It is a comprehensive practical course. In the food microbiology LABS course, some experiments are involved, such as making media for culture of bacteria, gram staining of bacteria, isolation and identification of foodborne pathogenic bacteria from retail food samples, isolation of phages to Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the water, growth curve of the isolated foodborne bacteria, purification of genome from the isolated bacteria and phages, detection of the isolates by PCR and Real-time PCR, detection of the PCR products by running the agarose gel electrophoresis, recovery of the amplification product from the isolates by the kits, construction of the recombinant plasmid with pMD19-T vector, transformation of the recombinant plasmid into DH5α competent cells, identification of the recombinant plasmid with the restriction enzyme, detection of viral titer, evaluation of the contamination of E. coli by most probable number (MPN), evaluation of the bacterial resistance to different kinds of drugs, detection of traditional enterotoxins in pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit, storage of foodborne bacterial isolates with sterile glycerol, and fermentation of foodborne bacteria in food. The objective of food microbiology LABS is as follows, training the experimental skills of food microbiology, understanding the principal and basic knowledge of food microbiology from the phenotype and genotype of the bacteria, broaden the horizon on the nucleic acid and protein level, building a certain level of sterile operation awareness, experimental operation skills, scientific thinking, teamwork and problem-solving abilities. After finishing the food microbiology LABS course, all students will build all abilities of described above. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) *课程目标 (Course Object) 1)通过了解并认识食品微生物与人类日常生活的关系,能够根据特定条件 和对象,选择适宜的研究路线,设计实验方案,高效利用食品微生物提高 人类福祉(A5); 2)通过掌握食品微生物实验的基本概念并了解一般的操作流程(B2),能 分析和评价食品专业工程实践潜在的影响(C3),以及这些因素对项目实 施的影响,并理解应承担的责任(D1)
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