·250· 工程科学学报,第40卷,第2期 预见跟踪问题也是一个有趣且富有挑战性的研究 [11]Yang T,Meng Z,Dimarogonas D V,et al.Global consensus for 课题,尤其是智能体间的信息交换拓扑是随机切 discrete-time multi-agent systems with input saturation con- 换的情形.然而,本文提出的控制器设计方法并 straints.Automatica,2014,50(2):499 [12]Qin J,Gao H,Yu C.On discrete-time convergence for general 不能够直接应用于处理该类问题.未来将对本问 linear multi-agent systems under dynamic topology.IEEE Trans 题进行深入研究.文献[36]在随机切换拓扑下解 Autom Control,2014,59(4):1054 决了线性多智能体系统的一致性问题,其处理离 [13]Xiao F,Wang L.Consensus protocols for discrete-time multi-agent 散时间一致性问题的方法对解决该问题具有一定 systems with time-varying delays.Automatica,2008,44(10): 的参考意义. 2577 [14]Cortes J.Distributed algorithms for reaching consensus on general 5总结 functions.Automatica,2008,44(3):726 [15]Hong Y,Chen G.Bushnell L Distributed observers design for 本文研究了离散时间多智能体系统的协调预 leader-following control of multi-agent networks.Automatica, 见跟踪问题,所考虑的信息交换拓扑为固定有向 2008,44(3):846 图,智能体的动力学方程为具有任意维数的一般 [16]Hu J,Feng G.Distributed tracking control of leader-follower 线性系统.应用最优预见控制理论的相关结果, multi-agent systems under noisy measurement.Automatica, 2011,46(8):1382 得到了包含误差积分和预见前馈补偿的最优控制 [17]Zhu W,Cheng D.Leader-following consensus of second-order a- 器,给出了保证控制器存在的充分条件.不同于 gents with multiple time-varying delays.Automatica,2010,46 单个智能体的的情形,多智能体系统的全局最优 (12):1994 预见控制器受互联拓扑和系统动力学行为的共同 [18]Ni W,Cheng D.Leader-following consensus of multi-agent sys- 影响.最后,理论和仿真结果均证明在所提出的 tems under fixed and switching topologies.Syst Control Lett, 控制器下,所有的智能体可实现跟踪一致性,且 2010.59(34):209 [19]Wang X H.Xu D B,Hong Y G.Consensus control of nonlinear 一致性效果会随着预见步长的适度增加而得到明 leader-follower multi-agent systems with actuating disturbances. 显改善 Syst Control Lett,2014,73:58 [20]Cao YC.Ren W.Distributed coordinated tracking with reduced 参考文献 interaction via a variable structure approach.IEEE Trans Autom [1]Lynch N A.Distributed Algorithms.San Francisco:Morgan Kauf- Control,2012,57(1):33 mann,1996 [21]Hac A.Optimal linear preview control of active vehicle suspen- [2]Olfati-Saber R.Murray R M.Consensus problems in networks of sion.Vehicle Syst Dyn,1992,21(1):167 agents with switching topology and time-delays.IEEE Trans Autom [22]Shimmyo S,Sato T,Ohnishi K.Biped walking pattern genera- Control,.2004.49(9):1520 tion by using preview control based on three-mass model./EEE [3]Ren W,Atkins E.Distributed multi-vehicle coordinated control Trans Ind Electron,2013,60(11):5137 via local information exchange.Int J Robust Nonlinear Control, [23]Katayama T,Ohki T,Inoue T,et al.Design of an optimal con- 2007,17(10-11):1002 troller for a discrete-time system subject to previewable demand. 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