Example:What is the minimum concentration of 1.0L of ammonia to dissolve completely 0.10 mol of solid AgCl? ?AgCl(s)+2NH3(aq)-Ag(NH3)2(aq)+Cl (aq) Equi.(mol·L) 0.10 0.10 Ke=K(AgCI)K(Ag(NH:)2) =1.8×10-10×1.67×10 =3.00×103 0.10X0.10=K9=3.00×10 x=1.8 x2 c(NH3H20)=(1.8+0.20)mol·L=2.0mol·LEqui./( mol L ) -1  x 0.10 3 3.00 10- = × 10 7 1.8×10 1.67 10 - = × × 1 1 o (NH3 H2O) (1.8 0.20)mol L 2.0mol L - - c  = +  =  x = 1.8 0.10 Example: What is the minimum concentration of 1.0L of ammonia to dissolve completely 0.10 mol of solid AgCl? AgCl(s) 2NH (aq) Ag(NH ) (aq) Cl (aq) 3 3 2 + - ?: + + 3 2 3.00 10 0.10 0.10 - = = × × K x sp f 3 2 (AgCl) (Ag(NH ) ) + K = K K
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