雄 制卧爱分贸多本考 金融英语阅读 句子讲解 1.One of the Fund original objectives,since abandoned,was the maintenance of fixed exchange rates among member-countries'currencies,with par value related to the US dollar,which was valued at $35 per ounce of gold. 译文:国际货币基金组织最初的一个目标是,在各成员国货币之间维持固定的汇率,各国货 币的面值与美圆相联系,又规定35美圆与1盎司黄金等值,但是这个目标后来废弃了。 2.The IMF agreement was entered prior to the founding conference of the United Nations,and when the UN was formed,the Fund was brought into relationship with the UN by an agreement. 译文:在联合国成立大会召开之前,MF协议就己经签署了:当联合国成立后,国际货币 基金组织又与联合国签订了协议,建立关系。 3.More accurately stated,the obligation of maintaining such a system remained in the Fund's Articles of Agreement,but the IMF was powerless to uphold it in the face of a situation in which all major currencies were floating rather than fixed in value. 译文:更准确地说,维持该体制是“国际货币基金协定”中明文规定的一项义务,但是面对 所有主要货币币值都放弃了固定汇率而开始自由浮动的MF再也没有足够的力量维持该体 制了 Topic Two:Money Economics 第二章 Politics Vs.Economics 1、教学目的 By the end of the chapter,students should be able to know about the implications of the so-called "political economy" the relations between the economic systems and the political and cultural backgrounds of nations >the primary characteristic of the postmodern world economy at the end of the 20th century 2、教学计划 第9页共24页金融英语阅读 第 9 页 共 24 页 句子讲解 1. One of the Fund original objectives, since abandoned, was the maintenance of fixed exchange rates among member-countries’ currencies, with par value related to the US dollar, which was valued at $35 per ounce of gold. 译文:国际货币基金组织最初的一个目标是,在各成员国货币之间维持固定的汇率,各国货 币的面值与美圆相联系,又规定 35 美圆与 1 盎司黄金等值,但是这个目标后来废弃了。 2. The IMF agreement was entered prior to the founding conference of the United Nations, and when the UN was formed, the Fund was brought into relationship with the UN by an agreement. 译文:在联合国成立大会召开之前,IMF 协议就已经签署了;当联合国成立后,国际货币 基金组织又与联合国签订了协议,建立关系。 3. More accurately stated, the obligation of maintaining such a system remained in the Fund’s Articles of Agreement, but the IMF was powerless to uphold it in the face of a situation in which all major currencies were floating rather than fixed in value. 译文:更准确地说,维持该体制是“国际货币基金协定”中明文规定的一项义务,但是面对 所有主要货币币值都放弃了固定汇率而开始自由浮动的 IMF 再也没有足够的力量维持该体 制了 Topic Two: Money & Economics 第二章 Politics Vs. Economics 1、 教学目的 By the end of the chapter, students should be able to know about ¾ the implications of the so-called “political economy” ¾ the relations between the economic systems and the political and cultural backgrounds of nations ¾ the primary characteristic of the postmodern world economy at the end of the 20th century 2、 教学计划
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