”制卧台贸易上考 金融英语阅读 This chapter will cover 3 hours,mainly for explanations of the text and the key words and sentences 3、教学方法 >Translation:key sentences and terms Paraphrasing:major words and sentences Summarizing:important paragraphs Discussion:key issues Questions and answers 4、背景知识 The "political economy",which was traditionally named for the discipline of the economists,can be dated back to Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations,published in 1776.Smith's view,while more exhaustive than most visions of economists,anticipated the Industrial Revolution but hardly the global consequences of the multinational corporation.However,his principles of economic liberalism still have a leading role in Anglo-Saxon cultures today. 5、重点讲解 概念讲解 laissez-faire austerity measures staus quo allocation of existing resources nation-states 句子讲解 1)That the Americans,"the people of plenty",have had difficulty maintaining clear boundaries between politics and economics within their own society,not to mention in their attempt to impose their liberal ideology upon other societies,is not surprising. 译文:“富裕的”美国人在自己的社会里,己经很难在政治和经济之间保持分明的界限,更 不用说努力使他们的自由论点强加于别国,这并不令人吃惊。 2)Ideology involves falling in love with ideas that further a certain group's or state's concrete interests. 译文:意识形态包括对某种能增进集体或国家共同利益的思想的喜爱。 3)The sacrosanct value of individual freedom in the United States,for example,heavily depends 第10页共24页金融英语阅读 第 10 页 共 24 页 This chapter will cover 3 hours, mainly for explanations of the text and the key words and sentences. 3、 教学方法 ¾ Translation: key sentences and terms ¾ Paraphrasing: major words and sentences ¾ Summarizing: important paragraphs ¾ Discussion: key issues ¾ Questions and answers 4、 背景知识 The “political economy”, which was traditionally named for the discipline of the economists, can be dated back to Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. Smith’s view, while more exhaustive than most visions of economists, anticipated the Industrial Revolution but hardly the global consequences of the multinational corporation. However, his principles of economic liberalism still have a leading role in Anglo-Saxon cultures today. 5、 重点讲解 概念讲解 laissez-faire austerity measures staus quo allocation of existing resources nation-states 句子讲解 1) That the Americans, “the people of plenty”, have had difficulty maintaining clear boundaries between politics and economics within their own society, not to mention in their attempt to impose their liberal ideology upon other societies, is not surprising. 译文:“富裕的”美国人在自己的社会里,已经很难在政治和经济之间保持分明的界限,更 不用说努力使他们的自由论点强加于别国,这并不令人吃惊。 2) Ideology involves falling in love with ideas that further a certain group’s or state’s concrete interests. 译文:意识形态包括对某种能增进集体或国家共同利益的思想的喜爱。 3) The sacrosanct value of individual freedom in the United States, for example, heavily depends
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