学生具备扎实的语言基本功和良好的语言表达能力,并能根据语境需要使用得体 恰当的译语进行有效交际。本课程从基本理论和技巧入手,辅之以大量的、不同 专题为内容的口译实践练习,以期使学生在不同情景的口译练习中培养和提高口 译机能,并从中拓宽知识面,培养敏锐的文化意识,能胜任一般外事活动的口译 工作。该课程将围绕单项口译技能设计训练,融合与技能训练和时事热点话题相 关的资料,并将原教材资料与自选时事资料有机结合,以期既能使学生练好口译 技能,又能增强学生的时代感,使其不与社会脱节,政治认知度、政治免疫力和 批判能力不断提高 Chinese-English Interpreting is one of the major compulsory courses for English majors,aiming at improving the students'comprehensive language skills.The major goal of this course is to cultivate the students'ability of effective bilingual switching from Chinese to English and to lay a solid foundation for the linguistic expression and communication through various interpreting practice in different situations. Proceeding from the basic interpretation theory and practical strategies,this course is bound to contribute the students'broader horizon,sharp cultural awareness,and qualification for taking responsibility for the interpreting tasks of medium-level foreign affairs.The course will integrate the interpreing skills and current social hot topics,and combine organically the teaching materials in the textbookand and the customized current data,in order to help students practice interpreting skills and improve their sense of times as well as to make them not alienated from society and improve their political awareness,political immunity and riticl ability 三、课程性质与教学目的 汉英口译》是英语专业高年级学生的专业必修课,开设这一课程的目的旨 在在为学生打好英汉两种语言的基础,使其具有广博的知识面,并建立起完整 的英汉语言文化知识体系。使学生在口译综合能力上全面发展:具备道德意识 和良好的心理素质,英汉语言的表达能力、交际能力;并能熟练运用语用技能 精于语言翻译技巧,擅长于标准的口译操作。使学生在政治与政策水平,外交 能力方面同步发展,成为既有业务能力,又有文化底蕴,既有工作能力、政策 学生具备扎实的语言基本功和良好的语言表达能力,并能根据语境需要使用得体 恰当的译语进行有效交际。本课程从基本理论和技巧入手,辅之以大量的、不同 专题为内容的口译实践练习,以期使学生在不同情景的口译练习中培养和提高口 译机能,并从中拓宽知识面,培养敏锐的文化意识,能胜任一般外事活动的口译 工作。该课程将围绕单项口译技能设计训练,融合与技能训练和时事热点话题相 关的资料,并将原教材资料与自选时事资料有机结合,以期既能使学生练好口译 技能,又能增强学生的时代感,使其不与社会脱节,政治认知度、政治免疫力和 批判能力不断提高。 Chinese-English Interpreting is one of the major compulsory courses for English majors, aiming at improving the students' comprehensive language skills. The major goal of this course is to cultivate the students’ ability of effective bilingual switching from Chinese to English and to lay a solid foundation for the linguistic expression and communication through various interpreting practice in different situations. Proceeding from the basic interpretation theory and practical strategies, this course is bound to contribute the students’ broader horizon, sharp cultural awareness, and qualification for taking responsibility for the interpreting tasks of medium-level foreign affairs. The course will integrate the interpreing skills and current social hot topics, and combine organically the teaching materials in the textbookand and the customized current data, in order to help students practice interpreting skills and improve their sense of times as well as to make them not alienated from society and improve their political awareness, political immunity and critical ability. 三、课程性质与教学目的 汉英口译》是英语专业高年级学生的专业必修课,开设这一课程的目的旨 在在为学生打好英汉两种语言的基础,使其具有广博的知识面,并建立起完整 的英汉语言文化知识体系。使学生在口译综合能力上全面发展:具备道德意识 和良好的心理素质,英汉语言的表达能力、交际能力;并能熟练运用语用技能 精于语言翻译技巧,擅长于标准的口译操作。使学生在政治与政策水平,外交 能力方面同步发展,成为既有业务能力,又有文化底蕴,既有工作能力、政策
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